Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

State of harmony

On cholі Litovsko-Rus' power standing the Grand Duke . Він здобував престіл на змішаних підставах uslіduvannya one z siniv the Grand Duke. Vin spoluchav u legislatschu, vikonavchu y Sudovu vladu, buv zverhnim zbrroynyh forces, having defaced diplomatic zynoshi zinishimi people, progoloshuvav vinyu that peace, recognizing і звільняв зних урядовців. The Grand Duke's estate became great. In XIV the yogo of Vlad was interchanged by the Videnskii udil, in which the ruler over the princes was singled out. In the remaining rock XIV і to the middle of the XV century. All the masters were in the hands of the Grand Duke, and with Panami-Radoi, they radiated their woes. Наприкінці XV century. Pani-Rada, for priavileyami 1492 and 1506 pp., Podilyayut the Grand Duke sverhni rights, having yogo the right to conduct self-diplomatic darekschniki, vidavati laws, vychchati on the order. Після ЛюблинськоЇ унії 1569 р. All rights to be transferred to the Polish-Polish " Soym Valniy" , literally, before the fall of the Lithuanian-Polish state.

Prestolonasiduvannya tez learned a znichnoї zmіni. Spaghetti recession, recognizing the prince-batko, not obmezheniya rights of seniority; Він міг surrender to the young and the young. In 1440 rock, in the opposite direction, opposite the wave of the bat - King Kazimir. The Grand Duke of the Grand Duke cleanly wiped out the Grand Duke and Vin, having deposited his oath-obitsyanku ryaditi zgidno zvary with old zvichyami. Have recognized zmіni prerogativ prince vyskoy. W. XV table., Yak zhadano cherche, zakonoduchu vladu Prince Podilia with Panami-Rado, and in the XVI - i zagalnoshlyayetskim diet. З XV century. The trial of the princely inheritance of the priests of the elder princes before the Grand Duke, and of all the lands of the yod of the yogi. З кінця XV ст. Pani-Rada received the right to the court at once with the Grand Duke. З XV century. In the right of the provincial and central administrations, the voice of the vampires of Panam-Radi. The banner of the world in the structures of the power lay dully with the princes. Strikes of the Ukrainian princes, and pisnіshe ґediminovichi, were lapped with the superiors of their lands, from the 15th century, from the 1434 fate, stinked by the Grand Duke and lost his rights. Udilny prince mav bilya himself a rainbow, sho warehoused from the service boyars, znachnyh uryadovtsiv, ibiropov. At its earthly level, the Buv found a court, an administrator, a commander of the Vyss'ky, zbiral cash. The Grand Duke does not have the right to get off to admissions to priamati apeljatsii for the award of the Grand Duke. Another chintle of the central authority of the Buli Pani-Rada. Spotchatka in the Rada took the fate of ґediminovichi, boyars, uryadovtsi that mass, ali virishalny voice mali tilki ґediminovich. For Вітовта, з 1401 року, to a voice to come послуживі princes and magnates - маєткова aristocracy, on яку спирається Вітовт. Ales Rada did not establish the boulevard, but the Grand Duke did not go round to hear the rumors. Під кінець правління Казіміра Velikoknyazha Rada - Pani-Rada - поділяє владу з Grand Duke: yogo vіsutnostі veda zakordonnu polіticu, провадить суди, пролошує мобілізацію.

Rock 1492 zleґalizovanno pravnee stanovishche niormovano warehouse Radi ta її competence. The spit was up to the four Catholics' bishops, the deeds of the elder princes, the names of the larger lands, the districts - the chancellor, the marshal, the pisdskarbiy Zemsky, the hetman who found the mascot dehto. In the XVI century, if there were no more princely princes, the number of provincial and central prisons is 80. The entry to Radi Bouvet is forfeited for the Catholics, but vinyatki, Napriklad, Prince Ostrozky and Igni. Great number of members roved to the Rada by a non-grunt, Ti heavily boulevard, and that the Grand Duke met in secret with Rado from 8-10 o'clock, in the midst of some Buli latinsky писко episki, voevody, kashtelyni, velikoknyazhy uryadovtsi. Після Люблинської унії Вальний Сойм перемагає Панів-Раду. From the middle of the XV century. Prince pochina, for the butt of Poland, vtyaguvaty to derzhavnyh spravnie dribnu gentry; So, in 1440 r. In the first place, the szlachti plundered fate in the prince's prince, but he betrayed the tradition: offend - the gentry that Pani-Rada. Soimi gave birth to the gentry, yakі zvіlnyali її vіd obovvjazkіv platiti submissions. In the XVI century., If the witches became more private, the buno feeds feed the gentry and the з Ї на на. Other Lithuanian Statute 1529 р. Vzznav Vallniy Soym yak stanovnu set, In 1564 rotsi the exact order of the nobleman's representation at the Seims was noted: the gentry had little time to pick up on the pointer souvenirs for two postes, which were given to the writing of the structure. By this rank, the soymi became the institutions of the parlamentary character, or the bula is more representative of them than the szlachta. Competence сойму repeated the competence of the Grand Duke та Панів-Ради.

For Lublinskiu unyiu soym of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, to be angry with the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Todi vyyavilasya demand porozuminnya Lithuanian deputies before the zagalnym diet of the Republic of Poland, and so vinik "head сойМик Слонімський", cliques before the zagalnym sejm; In addition to delegates, they took part in the Senate from him. Krim Slonimskogo соймика були повітові, що їх scrolling the king before the zagalnym soymom. Wongs gave an order to delegates, whoever they were not guilty of. Such soymikіv bulo 22, stinked the stink of 2 delegates. Central admnistratsiya spladchatku z Uryadovtsiv Vidensky prince. Zgodom before them приедналися урядовці, що переиняли спиви всього Великого Князівства Литовського. Tom became two of the same one-sided detachments, but they were the first buv of another. The first special buvo of marshals Zemsky, a kind of visibility of the Grand Duke head on the Paniv-Radi's fences. Marshalok Dvirsky Buv Yogi defender. By keeping the chancellor in office, but by the defender of the yogo buv pidkantsler. Fіnansami zііzdivali zemskiy pіdskarbіy yogo intercessor - діірський піддррій. We commanded Viask - hetman Zemsky (pisnishe great) that hetman Dvirsky (chi polny).

Місцева адміністрація з'явилася після ліквідації дільнних князів, яких заміни і the great volosts of the old man. In the great cities - in Vilnius, Trokah ta Kiivi - buli not old age, but in the past, scarlet stinkers are of little character, nizh old Russian. The names of the smaller towns were known as the countries. Underneath stood їіюни. The headman's tent ("Povit") of the bula is not the same: people in bullet in Lithuania, in Ukraine. Nadisnik, the abbot of the village elder, is not a striker, a sort of vice-president of power, a kind of administrator of the dominant domains of the state - grand dukes. Old age zabirali handouts, stozhili, shobo not empty selyansky ґrunti, vikonuvav court, pylnuvali for defense svoїї teritorii, for the rightness of the castle, zobezpechennyam yogo zbroєyu that supplies. Sered pomіchnikіv old age, sho mali starorusski nazvi - tiyuniv, detskih - z'yavilisya novy: vozhni, scho vikonuvali sudyi rishennya, brought pozvanyh to the court; In the leather industry, the cornet, the city, the mall peek over the castle, the bridges. Funktsii elders buli rіznomannіtі, крім адміністративних також поліційні. At the Koroni warehouse, the Polish and Ukrainian lands were subdivided into the following countries: Ruska, Volzk, Podilsk, Volinsk, Kiev, Bratz-Lavko and in 1630 rotsi - Chernigivske. On the other side of the earth stood a great power. Pomichniki їх були каштяни .