Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

4.2. Rozpodil natsionalnogo income. Tranquility and care

1. The first and second rozpodil natsionalnogo income.

2. Resettlement and recreation of the population.

Відносини розподілу та їх місце у відтворювальным процесі

Розподіл є one з чининікі економічного зростання. With a special economy, zrostania скла warehousing economical rozvitku - process, a kind of hunt for period zrostannia i zapepadu. Econonomie zrostania - tse positivno dredging vinobnitsva at the edge.

Rozpodil yak ekonomichny process you can rozglyadati yak z boku factoryv vibrobitvtva, so і z boku result vibrobitvtva. In the first time, the primary tasks of the vibrobnitsva, for certain material resources and resources, are to change from the pributkovy to the pributkoviyshih and productive galuzey ekonomiki with the method of milking bolshoy okupnosti kozhny z factoriv vibrobitvtva. In the shortest possible time, the results of the vibrobitvita are rooted through the fund for soliciting and income by the results of the contribution of the deposit, the income from the amount of money (income, payments for deposits, rent) and the income from transfer payments (pensions, extra money). Otzhe, znachennya vidosnon rozpodilu vіdtvjuvjulnomu protsessi dosyat velike.

Vidvtoyuvalnyi process zdіysnjєyutsya postіyno, in the basic yogo lie the circular mіzh mіzh chotirma sectors of economy, in the result of which the content of the domestic product is made clear (figure 20).

The main macroeconomic indicator, for the sake of the third, is the vigor of the national vibrobitvtva, the gross domestic product, the quality of the goods, the fast food products and the service, the yakis of the wines at the edge of the hour. When rozraunkah GDP does not vrahovuyutsya promizhny products, yakі vikoristovuyutsya podalshomu vibrobitnvіi, scho dye zmogu uniqueness їх repeated vrahuvannya, yak mozhe zavischuvati sci vibrobitvtva. GDP - tse zagalny pokaznik sotsіalno-ekonomichnogo rozvitku, dinamiki ekonomichnogo zrostannya, priyonyatiy u bilshosti kraine svitu. GDP vimiryuє one-hour і дохід в економіці, і обсяг витрат на виготовлену продукцію. The gross domestic product can be estimated in two ways:

Scheme of the circular economy of the economy by sectors of the economy

Fig. 20. Scheme krugogoigu mizh chotorma economy sectors

Through the sum of all the vitrality of the estate on the goods and services, the wreckers for the previous period, through the sum of the groschen income, otrimanyh from the result of the realiza- tion of the viral products, the economy of the territory for that self-periode. Усі витрати на придбання продуків повинні дорівнювати доходм виробників цієї продукції.

Vitrati, scho enter to the warehouse of GDP, add up to the chotiri groups: spozhivchі, інвестиційні, державні витрати та чистий експорт. Reach sushpilstva zakladayutsya z vidrahuvan on amortization, indirect taxes, zabobitnoy pay, rent payments, bankovskogo vidsotka, income from the power of the corporate pributkі. GDP - tsevartisniy pokaznik, which can be rozrahovaniy on the basis of the stable nezmіnnih tsіn abo for umoviinflyatsії in kraїnі. Zalizhno vіd that, in some prices, the GDP is grossed, the share of nominal and real GDP is increased. Yakshcho GDP vsrakhovuyutsya in current prices, then tse bude

Nominal GDP, and in terms of basic terms, real GDP. For viznachennya real GDP otrahahovuyutsya GDP deflator, yakiy є pokaznikom rіvnya tsіn usіh vyroblenih v ekonomicheskі karnіv i іsg:

GDP deflator

The special value in the macroeconomy nabuvae is a demonstration of the national income, but the character of the income is the income of the prejudice and the sum of all the factors of the vibrobitvita. National income is pawned in the basis of the gross national product and schematically interdependent between GDP and GDP (see Figure 21):

Розрахунок національного доходу

Fig. 21. The free market of national income

Sutnist rozpodilu natsional'nogo income

National income is a penny's form of a part of a pure product, a new product of material goods and assets of the virbitnitz. The national income is to be paid to the pawn-up fund (dodatkovy product) and the fund for living (an unproductive product). Graphically, the process can be taxed as follows (Figure 22):

The process of formulating and soliciting

Fig. 22. The process of formulating a co-existence and a narration

The graphs of the co-existence of the SS і nagromadzhnya ^ vіdobrazhayut vzaєmozv'azok mіzh pributkom і spozhivannyam, and takozh pributkom і nagromadzhennyam. Funktsyana spozhivannya pokazuene, scho spozhivannya zrostaє іz zrostanjam pributkіv, prichomu part pributkiv ide na nagromadzhennia, through scho spozhivannya zrostaє povil'nishe for pributok, tobto grafik vidhilyaetsya vіd bіsektrisi, scho vіdpііdієє рівномірному зростанню. Якби графік споживня співпадав з бісектрисою ОА, tse means b, scho all pributki szhozhivayutsya. Well vidrizku grapiku spozhivannya v point pokachku coordinates to the point E value spozhivannya transplant the amount of pributkiv, process spozhivannya vidbuvayutsya for rahunok maybutnih pributkiv, tobto in the borg. For the reasons of county, the pogromage of the counterparts of the dandies of the community and the borings for the first period, is analogous.