Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1

Б) Рі зььь б а

At ХV- ХVІ ст різьба, it is paramount on камені та on дереві , займає поважне місце In ній також помічається вплив західньоевропейського мистецтва.

In the wake of the Renaissance, miraculous tombstones were saved, postwaris in natural lands in lyarsary odosy: stinks to lie abo stand. K. Ostrozkogo castle 1579 was located in the Kiev-Pechersky Lavra in 1941 році. Z інших слід відзначити M. Gerburta - in Lviv, in the Catholic cathedra, the mayister having embraced his Ім'я - Newrnberzky різьбар P. Lyabenwolf; In Une-vii - the tomb of V. Lagodovsky in the sight of 1573; In Berezhany - the homeland of Sinyavsky Z rockiv 1574-1636; Праці майстрів І. Pfistera ta G. Gorista. Відомі - flattened on tombstones Ostrozkikh біля Бардієва 1590 року, headstones of K. Romultovo in Drogobichi 1572 р., Crumbling by Lviv's Mayr with С Chess.

More than that, the memory of the derevozybi framed the icon, the iconostasis, and so on. In tsikh dvorovizbakh, the Renaissance is very important: the Italian, hoch pratsyuvalo chimalo maystryv n Nurnberg, Znachna kilkist pamyatok HVP art. - іконостасів, декоративних прикрас будівель тощо - свідчить, що ця галузь мистецтва vs small singing tradition, school. It is possible to evolve, but in the XVI century. Vje came dulya'yannostonosi, vkriti rizboyu. Prinaimny, Pavlo Alepsky, in the 1654 th country of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, having designated, scho ikonostas in Uspensky churchyarny, ale of old. Trebba gadati, scho plots rizbi buli loves in the renaissance rusi і kvіti, yakі zustrichalisya in rіzbі column Anchivsky booth and brotherhood kaplitsy in Lviv.

C) Painting

In the XIV-XVI century. Ecclesiastical maleness in the Ukrainian and Byelorussian lands stood so high, but they could not compete with the Zakhidnoyevropeyskiy mystsy. Kazimir the Great ta Yagailo enlisted the "Russian" masters of rozpisuvati in Poland najgolovnіshi cathedra, yak Neznenska cathedra i vislitsku kolgiyu.

In 1393-1394 rock "ruski" meystrii "Vladikoyu" from Peremishlya to cholis, painted on the Liszt peninsula Krakow and Korolevsky bedroom in kraki castle. Mariisku kaplitsyu in the same place is said in a "vizant manner": on the steels of the beatings of salvation, the Savior is twice apostles in the midst of the teachers of the Church, and the chapel of St. Troitsi, ufundovana fourth druzhinoyu Yaayila Sonya, bula pomolovana zgori to the bottom in all quarters in the posts vchitilіv Scіddnyo Churches. About those, yak vysoko roztsinyvali pratsyu tsikh mestristov, svyidchit those utriannya, yak vony distavali: wines and lasoschi pіd hour praci, and po zakinchennyi roboty were granted kon ta hutra.

Malyuan was not soberly protected in the midst of them "Greeks" in the Ya'aila in the Sandomirsky cathedral with russkymi writings and compositions in the style of the Old Russian tradition. In the letter of Ya'ail to the Emperor of the Cheremian priest Galya in 1426, one can see the priest of the Mav of Great Merit and Nicoli not having forgotten the King's daughters, and the King having pressed the yom of the parasite at Zasyann in Peremishl.

The frescoes of the Savdomirsky cathedra were filled with russky writings and compositions in the old Russian tradition. In addition, the frescoes of the chapel of St. The spirit of the Vavelskii Catedry of Krakow, of the nationality of Kazimir Ya'ailovich and of the 1470 rock. They can be called "ruska piece" because they were so pissed about in Poland. So there are the buly's inscriptions; The castle of the Lithuanian princes in Novy Trokakh, in the church in Vitebsk, in Lublin. They can be called "ruska piece" because they were so pissed about in Poland. Ya'aylo that yogo homeland, yakі not otnachalasya sympathies before the "ruskoi kul'turi", so shanuvali "ruskih" malyarіv tom, scho in the ХІV-ХV century. Vzhe іnuvala firma tradition of our masters, the authorities malyariv for ozozdoblennya church karolіvskih chambers.

Frescoes from the 14th century. Zbereglisya vvirmensky cathedra in Lviv: fragments of Pantokrat, St. Yakiv ta Prokhor, portrait of the titurer; Vony vizantіyskogo style, ale maitju vzhe risi ґotitsky. Дуже цікаві frescoes in the castle chapel of St. Тройці в Люблині, виконані маляром Андрієм у 1415 році. In them, the cycle of new descriptors of the New Zapovit is given. Author їх buv a great innovator and creator of a vernacular style, not subordinate to the pre-Byzantine, nor to the Georgian language. In yogo tvorah freedom of composition, ruhu, realism, harmony of brews is remarkable.

Nadzvichayno garna koloristichna stella z bagatma farbami v kaplitsi sv. Khresta (von of the Holy Spirit), y. Vaveli, in Krakow, rock 1470. On the cych frescoes Giotto vividly piled in. The scenes are covered with scenes from the life of Christ, the stela - with images of prophets and yangols with the sights of their eyes, and in the center, on the contrary to the entrance - the image of the Mother of God with hands (Oranta) for the old tradition; The tradition of the mystery of the evening with the fast of Christ. Here you can see kievsku tradition, in the Cathedral of Dmitrivsky cathedral XII table. Vplyv Італійського ренесансу помічається in the frescoes of the hot tents of the village Uzhgorod, ХІV-ХV century. Rozpis Lavrivsky Monastery XV century. - in the harsh style of the Byzantine renaissance, which is the same for Athos and the Balkans.

Widely rozvinusya in the XV-XVI century. Easel painting . Svyatі on іkonah of that hour majut vіlnі ruhi, strіnkі postatі, lagіdny viraz vrachchya. In the ХV-ХVІ century. Postatі звільняються від візанійськоїї умовности, нерухомости, urochistoste і obychchya nabuvayut індивідуual вирус, життя. To bring the renaissance to the top of the ranks. Mozhna spostterigati vplivi nyurnberzkі, сієнські, нідерляндські.

Дуже високо стоЬть малярство у Львові .: The handrail with icon painting and painting: portrait К: Корнякта, В. Лянґішівни та багатьох львівських міщан.

They vised visions, but before the guilds they were deprived of Catholicism, as well as pratyovit, talanovit malyar-ukrainian, buli pozhavleni opіki and pidtrymki shop. Tim більша merit тих майстрів-українців, які, працюючи самотужки, пробивали собі шлях і творили надзвичайної краси речі.

In the induced M. Grushevsky to finish the list of Lviv painters to merit in favor of the kulka of moments. Nasampered bachimo here person yakogis Lavrina, chi Lavrish Filipovich z krakivskogo vozmimistya, yakiy fіgurouє з 1575 по 1610 рік. Він мав учнів або співробітників: це - Хрін Іванович, Семіон, Іван та Андрей, Vasco Maksimovich, Onisko, Semen, Fedko, Ivan, Roman, Fedko Malakha, Ivanko and Oleksander-blue Lavrisha, Hvedko ta Ivan-Lavrin's servants. It is possible, the list of cich, zv'yanyh z Lavrisham malyarіv bіshy: neyasnі postatі Filip Fedorovich, Pavla Orfіnіina ta Fomki. Viyavlyaetsya not abiaka figura malyara, yaky skupchuє bilya itself 15-16 uchivіv, maє dvukh servitsiv.

Another tsikava put Fedor Senkovich, scho prisposuvav Bratsku church and prazjuvav on lutsky vladiku polskih paniv. Obviously, the call to them is close to the brother-in-law of the yogi, Anastasii Popivni (the treasures of the daughters of the priest, the name of the past, the past of the svyatlah to the person of Fyodor Senkovich), Mikola Petrakhnovich, who deciphered Bratsk to the church with a fire. The third moment, to a certain trek zveruti uvagu, tse nayavnnist zhinok-malyarok: Varvara malyarka, mozhno zhinka malyara Vaska, ta Fimka, zhinka a painter Romana; To be built, the goal of malaria-professonalok.