Історія України - Полонська Василенко Наталія: Том 1


Соціальний стан України

A) Magnati

Until the XVII century. Українські магнати були especially can and at Волинській землі. And there, there, from Priadnan up to Poland, zbilshuetsya prikpliv Polish element. At Volyn in the XVI century. Mіscevі magnity були, for small vinyatkami, українці, вони мали тісний зв'язок з земю, з поселенням і, зччайно, could b ostoyuvaty svoї rights before strangers, ali self-caused vtrachali vidpornist і зв'язок з Церквою. Vishchі versti belonged to the Polish pantry і up to the Polish culture. Ustrіy, suspilnі vіdnosini, culture, private life - all pіppalo in the course of the other half of the XVII th першої половини ХVШ ст. Glibokuyu spelled. Characteristically, Io naivit soi glukhi kuti, yak Pinshchina, before such a miracle was spoiled, but in 1657 Bohdan Khmelnytsky, in the University of Gottskoi gentry, had saved the "Romanskoe viri" estate.

She was more polished. Kyivshta ta Bratslavshchina. At the same time, they crossed to the Poles in the old way through the sluice, through the service of the Getman, the elders, the warriors (Zholkivskyi, Orishevsky, Konetspolsky, Pototsky, Strusi and Yan.). The competition was ruled by volynschi magnates: Vishnevenky, Ostrozky, Zbarazky. Marriage abominable numbers of martial aristocrats descended before they were distributed often to tycoons of Volinsk, yakі zim shlachom zdobuvali velichezni lyatifundії.

At the turn of the ХVІ-ХVІІ century. Tsja prihopha aristokratіya - z Volyni - українська та з Galichini-Podillja - polska, disappeared Bratslavshchina; Лише в північному куті зашишися дещо від старик землевласників: роди Немирйчів, Лозки, Проскури, Горностай, Солтан, Олизар, Ласки та ін. Tsi Rodi pobasalas abo zanikyai, і Bratslavschiny flooded the Polish magnates: Zholkivskyi, Pototsky, Konetspolsky, Strusi, Kalinovschi tochno .

Before Bratslav in the XVII century. Napozhali pіvdenna Київщина, Porosya that earth for Russia. There is a complex of latifundia, which is important for Polish magnates (Tishkovichi - Berdichivshchina, Koretsky - Bililivshchina, Ruzhinsky - the river of Rostavitsa, Zbarazky - the river Ros' ta zemlі mіzh Rossyu ta Bogom, Kalinovski - Umanshchina, Konecpolsky - mountain Tiasmin tin). Rosemary lyatifundnyi buli takіi, scho they could not rivnyatsya zemvevolodinnya serednygo gentry, and the bones passed to the hands of the magnates with the sting of skupovuvannya, pokuplennya tochno.

Particularly showing the Vishnevetsky butt in the middle of the 16th century. Buli elders Kiivsky (prince Mihaylo ta sin yogo - Oleksander). Wongs viprohali mezh іnshim lands "pustinu" "rіchki Suli, rіku Uday i rіku Solonitsy з річками that lakes, after securing Zinitsya: Mount Suli Od Snitin, the boundary of Moscow already down to the mouth of the Dnieper"; Soim, having decided that the mass of people should not intervene between Vishnevensky and Aleksey, there is no such thing. Borotba v Vishnevenkim bula nemozhliva, і povolі vin zapoplyu sisіdnі volodіnnya. In Lubnya, Yarema Vishnivetsky will be his capital city with a pinnacle of palaces, decorations with pictures of the Italian masters, statues, bronze. So form in the first half of the XVII century. "The єdina its own rozmіrіami not tіlki in Ukraіnі and іn Poland, but the mabut at tsіlіy Evropі lubenska mііtnіst Vishnevetskih -" Vishnevecchina ".

Вишневеччина була найбільшою з лятифундій магнатів. Velikheznі lyatifundії mav takozh Stanislav Pototsky . По козацькому погромі під Лубнями.він дістав конфісковані землі: поріччя Сніпороду, Горошин, землі над р. Altoiu ta Trubezhem - Borispilsku volost. In addition, skupovuvav zemli over the middle of the river Vorskli. Kolosalne Pereyaslavke is the old power of the princes Janusz Ostrozky.

In the first half of the XVII century. Translated the revival of rights to land in Volgograd, in the contract 1634 р. Bula is permanently closed for the Polish. All the land, on the yak no bullet of evidence, distributed to the Polish gentry to the magnates So z'yavilisya lyatifundії O. Pesochinskogo in Starodubivshchina, Kazanovsky - in Chernigivshchina (buying out A. Kisil); Chancellor of the Ossolinsky branch Baturin ta Konotip. Aly zaprat z magnatskimi zatrimalsya on Sivershchia volodinna dribnoi shlyachti.

Thus, in the first half of the 17th century Bratslavschina, Kiev, Livoberezhna Ukraina have been reorganized into a complex of great lyatifundy, which were unknown to Polescha, nor to Zahidnya Europe. In them, uncontrolledly, diodichi-magnati abo "stewards" -growth, often became a dyadic. The goals of the "royalty", "the Viceroy", "the kings", the prince's new generals, the governors of Ukraine, the suppositions of certain kings and soymans are not lacking in authority, nor in power. On the czich of the unmediated spaces, there was no boudle of representation: in all Podniprov'ya єdimi ofitsііnim predstavnikom vladi buv voevoda Kiivsky, a zdebolshogo not alive in Kiev and i yogo funktsivi vikonuvali rіznі sluzhbytsі. The middle of the absolutely rightlessness of the bullet is the right - power.

About the character vzajomin mizh the king that "kings" to svyidchit such fact: prince Jarema Vishnevetsky, not bazhayuchi vikonati vimog Soimu, having settled with his people, some booze him in Warsaw 4,000, scho, if vyn to the ruin of Konetskopsky's yogo pribichnikiv, navit King, yogo people flock to enter the "Senatska" palati and dopomagati yomu. The Tsog was not born: the king and Soym were full of vimog.

Usі ці магнати, незалежно від походження, were the Polish element and carried the Polish culture. Shirocheznі teritorії lyatifundіy vkrivalis residents, gorodpensky yards, courtyards of administrators, agents, gentry, riznyh servicemen. The magnates gave away their dilnits to their servants to those servants "up to the waves" - on the right. Виростали міста, містечка, villages. The Lyatifundyi were occupied by the villagers, some of them were being harassed by the "suburbs", de Mali smells stink. Пільгові роки. Especially the Konetspolsky and Vishnevetsky were enthusiastic about the settlement of the lands. Konecpolski served as a yak "courtiers" engineer Levasser-de-Boplyan, a writer who had himself slain more than 50 slobid, which in a short hour had a thousand donkeys. Tsі slobodi zafiksovano on the mappes of Boplyan. Zaselenich'zemel can not be bored pobivnyati z tіeyu pusteleeyu, as if they were 50-60 rockyv before Tim Kozaki Lobodi ta Nalivaika, i nivіt zim, yak vyglyadali stony for 25 rockiv before Khmelnichchinoyu.