Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Power and economy

Z I will look at the fasting postaet zapitanne: "Yak regulyuyucha the role of the power shodo ekonomiki, zokrema rinkovoi?"

Here, at the outset, it is important to carefully develop the economic role of the power for the brains of the military competition (the capital market) and the economic role in the regulation of the economy. Varto vrahovuvaty th tu set, but in vasledodok transition to administristrivno-rozporyadchoy, state-planning to socially-rinkovoi ekonomiki, economical science, especially economical theory, postopovoy cease to be forgiven by the instrument of kommentavnya and obruktuvannya ekonomichnoi polity of the power of the government of the party. Перехід на засади здорового ринкового господарювання істотно збільшує значущість prіоритетів, actuality of some galusies of economical know, waterwheel zmenshujuchi abo vzagalі devalvuuchi znachennja іnshїї spiory znan. Tom is natural, but one of the most important problems, but I have to spend a lot of time in the center of the respect of economics, the problem of the system of economy and finance, the economy, the economy and the healthy civi lizovanogo biznesu. The goal is to clarify the tim, and the time of the economy of the economy is not in the social vacuum, for the sake of the effective mechanism of integration with the state, the legislature and the vikonavochya authorities. Navpaks, such mehanizm є sutnisnoyu understanding of democratic suspilstva, on the slick of the impetuous I became sovereign Ukraine. Practice vtіlennya takoї vzаmodії viyavlyaetsya besstvennі іnfrastrukturi ekonomichnoї sistemi, zabezpechennyi sypriyativich sotsіalnyh minds and sredovischa for productive funktsionuvannya saspylno-ekonomichnogo organizmu zagalom; At the formulation and implementation of promislova, agrarian, currency-finance, innovation and investment, and in the economy of economy; In the rozmіschennі sverhvnyh i munіcipalnih zamovlen; In uzakonennі zdorovoy lobistkoy (protektsionistkoy) dіyalnіі z boku підприємницьких, бізнесових structures; At corporatism with regular social and economic processes.

Tim hourly, yak vidomo, the principle of princely state darling preobachayut priorytat privetnosti vlasnosti before іншими forms власності, vіdobrazhayut pevnі th zagalnopriynyatі norms and rules of the conduct of participants (sub'ektiv) rinkovy gospodarjuvannya. In the economy, it is not guilty of getting involved in the economy, it is not up to the total plan of the all-nation people's welfare organization, the other rules of procedure, the vibro- nitza and the spoiling, yak tse boolo in the near past (about the SRSD and yogo republic). Derzhavu її діяльність at such times in the homeland of the teachings of V. Ryopka is characterized, yak football court, scho itself is not gray, ali slidkyo for dotrymananyam rules gr. But not so long ago, the power of the bula was a coach and a head graver, a man himself who was vyznachav basic rules gris on ekonomichnomu poli.

Yak zasvidchuyu dosvіd vysokorozvinenyh powers zinkinkim mehanizmom gospodarjuvannya, vyshdna system vіdnosin mizh ekonomikoyu and the power has passed to dovgy, folding and superplivial shli stanovleniya dal'shogo rozvitku. Prikmetno, scho on the echelon of the crocheted form of the bourgeois saspilnyy harmony of the newly proclaimed people, biznesmen pragnuli zvilnitsya vіd zhhorstkoi opіki derzhi, vydavdujuchi vilnogo vylnogo rivalryі z vylnogo rinku. Упродовж ХХ ст., Навпаки, мала місце тренція до помітного розширення регулюючої і контроючої ролі держави у соціальній та економічній spheres of the susceptible life. It is possible konstatuvati, but the state of regulation has become gagalnoiznanim і neobhіdnim еelement ekonomichnoї діяльності.

At the same time, the state of the regulyuvannya is not inflated, figuratively speaking, "the rights of gromadyans" of the virgin river, the tendency of a person to fall on low principles, the middle of which can be so called:

• nekomezhena kilkist diyovih osib competitive mid-range, vylny access to the market and such a self-imposed vihіd znogo, tobto be-yaka osobba moe right to borrow pidpriemnitsvom, biznesom, for bazhannya pripinyti tsju diyalnist. For the valley, the priinyatn 'be-yaki form of power, and not the power, the system of competitive competition protivostoit discriminatsii pozhivacha;

• mobility, admission to the economy-legal space of material, labor, financial and credit resources. With the sale of goods, there is a surplus there, de deposited yogo capitals, the vibrobitnava has been expanded and sales of goods have been paid (dutted);

• nayavnіst u pіdprієmtsya, bіznesmena, manager neobhіdnії rinkovoі іnformatsії shchodo popitu іproposіії ta їh zmіni, and takozh shodo tsіn, rate of ac ti ti іnshih tsіnih papperіv on the financial market;

• tsіlkovita odnomennіst odnogorodnykh produktsov, scho viyavlyaєtsya, zokrema, nevikoristannі trade marks i інших індивідуальних characteristics апості, аже наявність of the trade mark can sell goods to the goods at привілейоване і навіть монопоне ставище, що суперечить вільній ринковій системі;

• the competition is not guilty of vlivati ​​on the territory, the participants of the rink state property, the seller's purchases and self-help, without the need to seize the opportunity.

Zvichayno, it is less than theoretically possible for the model of the capital to fail to be monopolistic, in the presence of inflation, without frustration, superfluousness. Prote in real life all vizgladaє znachno rasknіshe, і here neabyutskogo znachennya nabuvaє ekonomichna role of the power in the regular zinc wines. Zvichayno, mozhnovisti rinku not bezmezhnny, vin not in zmozi garantuvaty rozv'yanya all socially-economical problems, but vinikayut beside sushchannom suspilstv. And in a quiet galuzah, de vinyniy rink can not date the result of the bazhany, postoy neobhіdnіst ekonomichnogo vtruchanya power. Napriklad, ekologicheskaya system can efficiently function at the borders of the social social order and for the minds of the suspolitical and political stability of the pre-adherence to the principles of the principles and rules of living in the useless spheres of the susceptible organism, zokrem in economics, and be protected by the sovereign power.

Держане регулювання соціально-економічних процесів випливає із самої сутності держави. Power s time viniknennya yak іnstitutu poklikat vіdobrazhati realіzovuvati zagalnu i will i bike rozmaїttya іnteresіv sotsіalnih verstv, prosharkіv, group, ob'єdnan scho stanovlyat Gromadyanska suspіlstvo i samі on sobі not zdatnі zabezpechiti yogo Yednist i zhittєzdatnіst Relief for some tіlki zaklikіv, deklaratsіy, Апеляції до совісті, моралі, етики, загальнолюдських norms поведінки. Viznachalna role in tsiomu razi nalezhd keep, adzhe vona, on vidminu, napriklad, vid polichichnyh partij, poklikana vidobrazhati i zahischati iintegrovanni i interesi vsіh sistіv syspіlstva. Vodochas varty sovidomlyuvati, scho power is not an arithmetic sumo okremih social, ekonomichnyh, adminostrativnyh elementov. The power is itself a form of polichnic self-organization of people, the form of a human being, and the form of a system, all parts of which are one and the same.

Svitovy dosvіd derzhavotvorennya perekone, scho suhschna natsionalnoya power, Tim more legal power, pri pri zasristenya, є viraz zagalnih, integrating Suspilnye enterovіv, especially the works of the working population. Yakby Power vidobrazhala tilki ekonomichnі іnteresi vyzkoї grupi great corporations, monopoly, then von changed to the global form oligarkhichnogo, authoritarian rule. And for the unproportionate great vplyiv z hoku oligarhії, її економічних інтересів на політику держави така the power can not be more than it is without visibility оf lіgіshnostі z boku pererazheyі bіlshostі popul'nennya. І навпаки, як сідічить досвід держав з ліберально-демократичним ладом, саме держава відіграла вирішальну role in the devices of the stihynіchnyh forces rinku, koriguvannі їх негативних наслідків. Takozh holding the polity radically vlivati ​​on the result of virbichno-fіnansovoї діяльності підприємств, галузей народногосподарського комплексу, поліпшува або навіть погіршувати їх. Zrozumilo, sho ti abo іnshі дії урядів, державних виконавчих structures сприймаються бізнеско-підприємницким коли do not zavzhdi positively, but can call to nepirozumnіnya i navіit vzаmennoї nedovіri, the heavenly spivprotsyuvati on vаємеno bozіzicchlііy osnovі. That's all the same for the twentieth century. Perekonu, scho zrostaє vzemodіya dervi і zdorovogo pіdpriєmnitvva - tsikh dvuh dіalekticnih supernikіv. Z oboh storin pogliblyuetsya usvіdomlennya that, scho u sovi і biznesu є not deprived vіdmіnnostі, but thе chimało spіlnikh іnteresіv. I will look at the strategical problem of economical theory, the science of obnovtovane, the viznachennya optimal spivvodnoshennia derzhavi і rinku v narodnosposdarskomu vіdvjajuvalnomu protsessi uroakhuvannіam іstorichnih umov rozvitku kraїni.

Можна стверджувати, що теорії економічного розвитку і зростання, які виникали упродовлю XX ст., Відрізняються між собою у результаті зміни пріоритетів між "державними" і "ринковими" засадами національної економіки. Навіть за зовнішньої суперечливості неокласичної, кейнсіанської і монетаристської теорій, кожна з них Actually є prodovzhennyam igrodnogo z uahuuvannіam dynamіchnih іstorichnih minds i obstavin. To designate the theory of the one and the same thing: the science of realizing the potential of the rink mechanics of the state, spirayuchis on the priordity of the culinary values, such as privacy, private interest, competition, price. Conceptual positions on one and the very same positions - interchange of resources and benefits, vibe, rationality, alternative, borderline, rivnivaga. Characteristically, the same theories do not vidkidayut zdobutkiv one one. I wanted in detail the aspects of the theoretical and conceptual motives of Keynesianism, neoclassics and monetarism from the point of view of the social and economic development, the primary elements of the subject of the economic and political theory were lacquered: the mechanics of the rink (competition, tsinotvorennya), the formation of monopolism, the economic and social potential of the state .

Наукове дослідження розмаїття модифікацій цих елементів і зв'язків між them in the structure of the Mechanism of State Dowry, the state management of macroeconomic and creative processes - the subject of analysis of the economical and economical theory. Global її zavdannya in the theoretical and applied aspects - the incentive of the optimally effective mechanism of social and economic development of the economy. Пронанлізуємо здатність суто ринкового механізму годарювання for the active part of the state of knowing the most optimal form of fundamental nutrition for economical zhostaniya: scho virobljati? Yak vibrolyati? For whom vibrolyati? Same and problems of all the economical systems in the world and in the times of the hour. In addition, all the problems of the world are lost to them. Nareshti, ti problems posyayut before usією економікою і before the leather we put the vibro.

Nasampered viokremimo nutrition: scho virobljati? Here the rinkovan mehanizm of the noblemen is simple to be known, it was built b, for the sake of: virobljati those, but can davati pributok, dohіd. A bring pributok zdatna, from his chergo, more than that product, virchka vіd sale of the allegedly overloaded vitrati on її виробництво і збут. Yakshto when realizing the goods yogo vyrobnik oderzhuet normal (middle) pribudok, the product postachachimetsya on the market without levers. Koli when selling goods tovarovirobnik oderzhuvatime nadpributok, tobto Prybutok scho perevischuє serednіy, the tse sponukaє yogo zbіlshuvati scale virobnitstva, zaluchayuchi dodatkovі materіalnі, fіnansovі, lyudskі resources. Tse vidbuvatimetsya doti, docks in the result of the Mizhgaluzovyi perelivannya kapitalu, competitive supernitsveta tsіna virobljuvanu produkciiu not zmenshitsya to srednnyogo rivnya, scho іsnue in konjunkturno-rinkovym prostorii. Yakshto pributok vіd sale to the fact that a new product will be changed for the middle of the goods to bring the goods to the cash, then the merchandiser to speed the vibrobitvtva's vigilance, and vidtak to the goods to the market. Zmenshitsya і zaluchchenya resursіv vibrochnico-vyvtvovyuvalny process. Mozhlivіst real obsession normal pributku (іnkoli i nadpributku) Je іndikatorom rinkovoї rіvnovagi - rіvnovagi popitu i Offers schodo of abo іnshogo product, yak viznachaєtsya tsіnoyu th odnochasno itself formuє qiu tsіnu and takozh vstanovlyuє obsyagi virobnitstva that neobhіdnih for tsogo resursіv: sirovini, materіalіv, Robochoї were strong.

Tsey rinkovy chinnik (i VZAYEMODIYA popitu Offers) vplivayuchi on kіntsevy product virobnicho-vіdtvoryuvalnogo processes gospodarskoї dіyalnostі i vіdpovіdnі resource for Demba, viznachaє pributkovіst (dohіdnіst) abo zbitkovіst gospodarskoї dіyalnostі, vkazuє to those scho i viroblyati in yakіy kіlkostі. Носієм платоспроможного попиту є купець, самостійний у визначенні асортименту и номенклатури потрібних товарів і послуг, що можуть найпаніше задовольняти сукупні потребили. Zvichayno, taka nezalezhnnost platospromozhnogo spozhivacha can not interchange the freedom of the vibro-chodo viznachennya structur iy of the supply of goods and products for the production of resources. Zaznacheny mehanіzm regulyuvannya virobnitstva i realіzatsії potrіbnoї suspіlstvu produktsії Mauger efektivnosti spratsovuvati zdebіlshogo of minds rinkovoї konkurentsії, todі yak indulgence competitive ambushes vnaslіdok monopolіstichnih tendentsіy Mauger pіdrivati ​​gnuchky rinkovy mehanіzm regulyuvannya popitu i Offers on good i Hotel, ending neobhіdnі suspіlstvu. Here moge buti inadequate food for pittannya, a kind of complex of goods, and has served nikrasche vidpodiada platospromozhdom needs, but folded. In the course of the process, in the process, I am able to make a favorable contribution to the development of an effective prepossession before drinking. Relief powers potrebuє th rozv'yazannya problemi optimіzatsії structuring popitu, dosyagnennya yogo nayratsіonalnіshoї zbalansovanostі, oskіlki on qiu structure vplivaє rinkova diferentsіatsіya dohodіv, yak Mauger nabuvati spotvorenih viyavu forms. To the extremity of the brink to finish often not vyayavlya іnteresu to pryvatnya zagalosuspilnyh blessings; Їх виробництвом, as a rule, to borrow power.

Naholosimo, scho without the power, її допомоги not обійтись і в розв'язані far from rhetorical nourishment: for whom virobljati? Rinkovyi mehanizm naychastishu "not spivprotsyue" morally, mercifully and justly: be-a-kind product - we are available for the quiet for quiet, hto zatnny patiti yogo rinkovu tsinu. Zrozumilo, scho taku nagodu mait platospromozhny spizhivachi. Quietly, hto not zmogi zmogi pay for the goods, the "do not you dare" prinaditi to spozhivannya. Taka zhorstka, far from humanism for the sake of the zinc on the "feed for whom vibrolyati?" vlashtovuє nayzamozhnіshu, mercantile orієntovanu Chastain suspіlstva i, zrozumіlo, nepriynyatna for quiet, hto no zmіg s rіznih zhittєvih reasons zdobuti potrіbnu osvіtu, Nabutov kvalіfіkatsіyu, will win profesіyu abo Je іnvalіdom, nepratsezdatnim. Takozh tsesosuetsya bahatoditnih i nepnovnyh sіmei, prstarіlih. Rinkovyi mekhanizm, yogo law to name the category of people at the doorstep of the crone stanovishche. One of them is viaviv rinkovoi dіysnostі є roadwoman lіkіv, medical attendants, sho robi korostuvannya tsimi ides, tsіni na yakі prodovzhuyut pіmko zrostati, great roskіshu. Privatnaya blagodіynіst not zdatna vipraviti tsju situatsіyu, and depreshe дещо її пом'якшує. Тільки рішуче втручання держави у розподіл доходів може допомогти у вирівнюванін доходів незаможних і злиденних верств поселення, збільшивши можливості access to the basic, living things necessary. The reform of the economy of the columbia republics of the Socialist Republic of Syria was to demonstrate in absentia, on the basis of the foreign powers, the vikonavchih agencies in the participants in the rose processes, the riches of the population, the settlement of the population, and the problems of the zagalom, and so reforming the way of dealing with the problems of good people, That yogo vazheli, and that's not enough.