Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

Macroeconomic planning and economic development

In addition, the regularity of the state is supplemented by the pre-aggravating economic programs on the basis of promising economic forecasts. Economically predictable, the system of science-related activities can be used for directing the development of economics, that is, the rediscovery of the economy, the form of the science front-line, and the redistribution of plans and programs. On the basis of science and technology and socially-economical forecasts, we can analyze the pre-Gov- ernment programs of projects, export-import operations, preparation and conversion of human resources, scientific research.

Complex programs of economic and social development - the system zavdan, tsіley і plonnovanyh shlyahіv te methodіv їх досягнення із зазначенням строів виконання, виконавців і джерел фінансування. For complex programs, please see:

• ocinka of economic and social development during the period;

• Forecast of economic and social development at the onset of the transition (effective economic conjuncture);

• Concept of economical and social development;

• macroeconomic and social indicators;

• institutional restitution;

• Innovative, innovative, structural and agrarian policy;

• Calling up the economy.

Okrіm complex prіmayutsya takozh progry teritorіalnogo та галузевого розвитку, а and takozh functііonalnі prograem (privatization, demonopolozatsii, rozvitku small business tochno). Behind the lines of the program, you can subscribe to the dovgostrokovy prospects (10-15 rock), the middle of the line (up to 10 rock) and shorichny.

So, in 1995-1996 the r. In the spheres of science, technology, and the military-industrial complex of the United States, 700 short-, medium- and long-lasting federal science and technology programs were set up, in the social and economic spheres - 300, in the slush of the Silesian statehood and in the hunting field - 80, 85 - in the field of protection of natural resources , Ponad 40 - in the galusies of the Zhytlovo-communal budivnytsia and the state of the city, 35 - in the transport sector, in the name of energy. Same such a package of the sovereign programs is the basis for organizing, planning and implementation of federal contracts for comrades and consumers for consumer spending.

The management of the programs is implemented through the procurement of the contractual funds, and is aimed at the development of the Silesian statehood, the energy-saving complex, the military industrial complex, the health insurance system, the safe haven of social welfare services, the assurance of scientific and technical progress. Vitrati Derzhbudzhetu, as a rule, is crooked on the realizing of the socially-economical, science-technical abbasic-technologic programs, then vitrati mіssevih budgets - on the finance program for the development of tourism, infrastructure, rural tourism, agrarian spheres, osviti tochno.

Regulyuvannya naukovo-tehnichnogo rozvitku

In the regions with an exceptionally well-funded economy, especially, the value of stimulating scientific and technical progress is rooted in the yogic foundations of science-based vibrots. З цією метю кожна країна, виходячи з певної концепції або model of scientific and technological progress, rozroblyaet complex zahodіv, spirayuchis on the system of national and state priorities. In the United States, for example, accentuate respect for the scientific and technical and scientific leadership, in Japan - in the field of science-competitive rivals of production promyslovoy products.

Rinkova ekonomika zagalom sprinyatlivaya to NTP, one is not self-confident in strategic areas in the spheres of science, technology, technology, necessary for zmіni people's structure. The reasons for this are the following: interchange of financial resources of the company, lack of disclosure of private corporate services, fundamental steps, risk and unaccounted for, meaningful recovery. To this, the state is to blame for stimulating the NTP and viznachati basic zavdannya naukovo-tehnichnoy polity.

The method of power vtyrchannia in the sphere of NDDKR is: the preservation of the science and technology potential of fundamental science; Zabezpetchennya bezpervnovnost process of science and technology rozvitku in the minds of large-scale technologic zrushen; Viznachennya strategicheskikh naprimіv NTP for sovershennogo pidtrimki, scho pokladaє pidvalini naukovo-tehnіchnogo potentsialu XXI Century.

Regulyuvannya minds of science and technology diyalnosti zdіysnyuetsya for dopomogo strnorennya інноваційних фонів, технополісів, бізнес-інкубаторів; Страхування науково-технічної діяльності; Пільгового оподаткування і кредитування; Політики прискореної амортизації; Foreclosure of foreign currencies; Здійснення державної науково-технічної експертизи; Secrane system of state science and technology information.

The rootedness of the doctrine "Solidarnoj vidpovіdalnosti", the fact that the state was an absolute power, as well as the private capital (promyslovyi і bankiivsky), zobov'yana fіnansuvaty of the new science and technology and technology, and the image of the standards and competitiveness of the territory of the inbound and outbound calls .