Політична економія - Oganyan G.A.

The list of recommendations is recommended

1. Andreev BF The system course of economic theory: microeconomics, macroeconomics. - L .: Lenizdat, 1998. - 574 p.

2. Anikin A. V. Youth of Science. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1985. - 367 p.

3. Bartenev SA Economic Theories and Schools (History and Modernity). - Moscow: BEK, 1996. - 352 p.

4. Belyaev O.O., Bebelo A. S. Politically economical: Nav. Посіб. - К .: КНЕУ, 2001. - 328 with.

5. Boddy D., Payton R. Fundamentals of Management. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

6. Borisov EF Economic theory. - M .: Jurist, 1999. - 568 p.

7. Borisov EF Economic theory: questions and answers. - Moscow: Infra-M, 2000. - 196 with.

8. Butuk AI The economic theory. - K .: Vіkar, 2000. - 301 with.

9. World History of Economic Thought: In 6 vols. - M .: Thought,


10. Galchinsky AS, Єshchenko PS, Palkin Yu.I. Основы економічних знань: Nauchn. Посіб. - К .: Вища шк., 1999. - 403 с.

11. Gorkina L. P. Narisi історії політичної економії в Україні (the rest of the tertina ХІХ - перша третина ХХ ст.). - K.: Science. Dumka,

1994. - 244 p.

12. Dziubik SD, Rivak O. P. The basis of the economical theory. - К .: Основи, 1994. - 297 с.

13. Economical Theory: Політекономія: Підруч. / For Ed. VD Basilevich. - К .: Znannya-Pres, 2001. - 581 p.

14. Economical dictionary. - K., 1973.

15. Iokhin V. Ya. Economic Theory: A Textbook. - M .: Lawyer, 2000. - 861 p.

16. Історія економічних учень: Підруч. / For Ed. L. Ya. Korneichuk, N. O. Tatarenko. - K .: View of the KNEU, 1999. - 564 p.

17. Kalinicheva GI Economic history: a short summary of lectures. - К .: МАУП, 1998. - 92 with.

18. Coase R. Firm, market and law. - M., 1993.

19. Keynes JM General theory of employment, interest and money: Per. With the English. - Moscow: Progress, 1978. - 494 p.

20. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing: Per. With the English. - M .: Progress,

1990. - 311 p.

21. VI Lenin, Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism, Poln. Collect. Op. - T. 27.

22. Lukashevich LM Україна: історико-економічний огляд. / Lukashevich LM. - К .: МАУП, 1997. - 208 with.

23. Mayburd, EM Introduction to the history of economic thought. - Moscow: The Case, 2000. - 560 pp.

24. McConnell K. R., Bru S. L. The Economy: Principles, Problems and Politics. - M .: Republic, 1996. - 785 p.

25. Marx K. Capital: In 4 vols. - Moscow: Politizdat, 1963.

26. Menger K. The foundations of political economy. Austrian school of political economy. - M., 1992.

27. Mises von L. Bureaucracy. Planned chaos. Anticapitalistic mentality. - M., 1993.

28. Mill J. Fundamentals of Political Economy: In 2 volumes - Moscow: Progress, 1980. - Vol. 2. - 480 p.

29. Mostovaya Ye. B. Fundamentals of economic theory: A course of lectures. - M .: Infra-M; NGAEiU, 1997. - 496 p.

30. Nesterenko O. P. Istoriya ekonomichnih vchen: Course lektsіy: 3-тє form., Stereotype. - К .: МАУП, 2002. - 128 with.

31. General economic theory / Ed. A. I. Chubrynin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 288 p.

32. Oyken V. Basic principles of economic policy: Trans. With him. - Moscow: Progress, 1995. - 352 p.

33. Основи економічної теорії / For zag. Ed. AA Chukhna. - К .: Віпол, 1994. - 704 с. - Part I, II.

34. Основи економічної теорії: політекономічний аспект: Підруч. / For Ed. G. N. Klimka, V. P. Nesterenko. - K .: Vishcha shk .; Znannya, 1997. - 743 p.

35. Petty U. Economic and statistical work. - M., 1940. -

324 sec.

36. Ricardo D. The beginnings of political economy and taxation. - M., 1955. - 702 p.

37. Samuelson P. Economy: In 2 tons: Trans. With the English. - Moscow: Algon,

1994. - T. 1. - 333 p.

38. Saint-Simon A. Selected works: In 2 volumes - M.; L .: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1948. - T. 2. - 486 p.

39. Sismondi S. New beginnings of political economy: In 2 volumes - M., 1936. - 401 p.

40. Skomarokhova O.I. Social Policy and Socialist Zahist Economically Active Population of Ukraine: Abstract. Dis. ... cand. Econ. Sciences. - K., 1998.

41. Соціально-економічне ставище України for 2000 рік // Statistics of Ukraine. - 2001. - No. 1.

42. Social market economy: Trans. With him. - St. Petersburg: Economic School, 1999. - 368 p.

43. Surin AI History of economics and economic doctrines. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1999. - 200 p.

44. Управління зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю / / Ed. A.I. Cre-дісова. - К .: Vira-R, 1997. - 448 p.

45. Hayek F. Pernicious self-confidence. - M., 1992.

46. ​​Heine P. The economic way of thinking. - M., 1991.

47. Reader of economic theory / Comp. EF Borisov. - M .: Lawyer, 1997. - 536 p.

48. Shamkhalov FI State and economy: the basis for interaction: Textbook. - M., 2000. - 382 p.

49. Economic theory in questions and answers: Teaching. Manual for university students and teachers / Ed. VM Belousova. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 1998. - 512 p.

50. The economic encyclopedia: political economy. - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1972. - T. 1-4.

51. Engels F. Anti-Duhring: Op. - T. 20.

52. Yadgarov Ya.S. History of economic doctrines: the Textbook. - Moscow: Infra-M, 2000. - 320 p.