Фінанси підприємств - Поддєрьогін А.М.


Credits, and so on can be returned to the authorities, classify behind such signs:

- for creditors;

- behind the forms of that species;

- for the method of vicaristica;

- for the term nadannya; __for those who do not care;

- for order nadannya.

The creditors of receivables can be:

* Banks that specialize in financial and credit institutions (bank, credit, ling);

* Payments (commercial loan);

* Power (sovereign credit, a kind of donated through the banks);

* Міжнародні фінансово-кредині установи (відкриття крединих ліній через уповноважені banks).

Forms of credit are shown in Fig. 7.2.

Forms of seeing credit

Prior to the loan,

* Banking;

* Commercial;

* Power;

* Лізинговий.

Bank credit is the key to the economic development of a creditor that is a pawnbroker to a drive nadannya koshtiv bank pidpriemstvu on umovah termnovosty, plostnost, poverennya, material zabezpechennya. Bank loans are granted to the subordinates of the state dignitaries of all forms of authority on posts, credit agreements.

Commercial loan - eco-economical, creditworthy, yakі vinikayut mіzh okremimi pіdpriєstvami.

Derzhavnyi credit - eco-economical, creditworthiness of the state that sub'ektami gospodarjuvannya.

Lizingovy credit - tse stasunki mizh sub'ektami gospodarjuvannya, yakі vinikayut for orenduvannya maya (maynon credit loan abolishing credit).

Bankovskaya that sovereign credit is podadayutsya pіdpriemstvam u groshovіy formi, lіzingoviy ta komerciynyy - u kavinniy. Bankovskaya that sovereign credit is repaid at a grotesque form. A commercial loan has to be turned over in a grotesque form. At the end of becoming a rinkovyh vidosin you can pay a yogy a yak for goods, and for zmіshany forms (goods and money for a one-hour period). Lizing credit can be repaid in a grocery, commodity, and zmіshany forms.

Слід зазначити, schо traditionally in the territories with the zinc-based economy of factoring and lending, lending, and lending services, is given priority by the specialization of financial and credit institutions - factoring companies and lingers.

In Ukraine, credit institutions have vigilated factoring in order to sell commercial banks. Лізингові послуги надають переважно лізингові компанії. At zv'yazku zim lizingovy credit mentally vіdneseny up to a group of non-bank loans.

Залежно від мети використання розрізняють кредити, що спрямовані на фінансування:

* Turning horses;

* The basic засобів.

Підприємство має можливість отримувати кредити на придбання товарно-матеріальних запасів, обладнання, інших активів, розширення та модернізацію виробничих потужностей, викуп виремих виробничих комплексів виц цілих підприємств.

For terminom nadannya rozriznyayut korotkostrokovi, sreddnyo-string, dovgostrokovi credit.

Short-tail lending loans can take back from various financial difficulties, yakі vinikayut at zv'yazku vithratami vibrobnitsva that turnover. The term short-line loan is not transferred to one rock.

Serednostrokovy credits (from one to three peasants) are put on streaming vitrati, payment for the financing of capital investments.

Dovgostrokovi credit (podad Zroki) can be nadavatisya for formovaniya basic fondіv. The credits are used for reconstruction, modernization, expansion of basic foundations, new budivnitsutvo, privatization, and corporatization-tsitsu pidpriemstv tochno.

In Ukraine, credit for the term nadannya can be sub-divided into two groups: short lines and dovgostrokov. Credits, terms nadannya yakikh perevishchu one rik, revered dovgostrokovymi.

Сьогодні в Україні перевагу віддають короткостроковим loans.

Залежно від забезпечення кредити поділяють на 2 групи:

* Unsolicited;

* Forms.

Loan guarantees are guaranteed by the following types of active, zokrem:

* Neruhomistyu;

* The average papermen;

* Commodity-material values;

* Дебіторською заборгованістю тощо.

Loan loans can be made as follows: the rights of receivables to telecommunications, land by guarantees (banks, koshts by the third party); Іншим забезпеченням (suretyship, поліс страхової компанії).

In Ukraine, the loan is granted to vikoryostvuyot, the head of the rank, commodity-materіnnі tsinostі ta neruhomist.

Loans, yakі nadayuyutsya banks pidpriemstvam pid zadavu derzhavnyh tsinnyh paperyv nazivayutsya pawnshop. At the world, rozvitka, the market of the world's most valuable papernіv znachennya ts'ogo credit in diyalnostі Ukrainskih pіdpriemstv zrostatime.

Blankov lenti otrimuyut tilki fіnansove stіykі pіdpriєstva for a short term (1-Yu dniv). Do not practice practical forms of credit in practice.

The order of the loan to the credit is in the same way:

* Straight;

* Консорціальні;

* The poses of the participant.

Nadannya straight pozk pobachaet litsubutvanya pidpriyatstva bezposednyo one creditor.

Konsortsіalnі poziki nadayutsya todі, if pіdpriєmstvu-Posi superiors potrіbnі in Costa obsyazі, not yaky Mauger Buti zabezpecheny one lender. In the case of loans, they are obliged, and they are entitled to a part of a pesky loan.

In konsortsіalnіy ugodі shaping can Braty fate not tіlki kіlka bankіv and second-pozichalnikіv kіlka of companies, yakih stosuєtsya specific lending project.

Pіdpriєmstvo-pozichalnik, bazhaє scho otrimati loan from the great rozmіrі, Mauger samostіyno viznachiti bank yaky bere on itself zobov'yazannya s organіzatsії bankіvskogo konsortsіumu that vikonannya funktsіy brain bank at kreditnіy ugodі. Yak rule, the main bank in the beginning is one of the great banks, a kind of service to carry out large-scale credit operations.

For otrymannya konsortsіnogo credit pidpriemstvo-pozhalnik gotue і nada to the head bank, as a rule, taku informatsiyu:

1) Clutter on the repayment of a loan, I denied the character of the property, the financial base of the loan;

2) given about the meta that is directed to the credit, the term nadannya, periodi yogo ottushennia;

3) technically-economical obgruntuvannya project;

4) інші документаменти, що потрібні для прийняття рішення про кредитування.

Credits vseemovidnosini mizh konsorttsiumom ta pidpriemstvom-pozhchalnikom regulyuyutsya kreditnoyu yadoyu, yaku pіdpisuyut usi participants.

The head bank of the bank is collateralized by bank loans and loans and loans to loans.

For nastannya strokіv repayment zobov'yazan pіdpriєmstvo povertaє creditors not tіlki pozichenі Costa vіdsotki that for the loan, and the second vіdshkodovuє OAO All vitrati, pov'yazanі s organіzatsієyu that zdіysnennyam kreditnoї operatsії in tіy sumі that lines SSMSC obumovlenі in credit dogovorі.

Consortium credit in Ukraine did not nabalo rozvitku. For the remains of the boules, the kul'ka of consortiums was laid off.

Posits of the participant - banks transfer (transfer) parts of the position to the other creditors. Domovlenіst about Taku poziku mozhna uklasti navіt without vіdoma pіdpriєmstva-pozichalnika and minds takoї poziki vіdrіznyayutsya od minds nadannya Pochatkova loan.

In zv'yazku іz nizkoyu kreditospromozhnіstyu bіlshostі of Ukrainian of companies in vіtchiznyanіy praktitsі poziki uchastі not praktikuyutsya.