Економіка підприємства - Макаровська Т.П.

Zavdannya for self-robotics


1. The state shall be regulated by the following methods:

A) are political;

B) economical;

C) psychologic;

D) administrativnymi.

2. Begin your pardon:

A) the care of a prudent legislative basis - one of the basic principles of state regulation;

B) strategically, directly, economically, makut bouti viznacheni in the process of macroeconomic planning;

C) the stabilization of the economy and social zahist of the population to lie down to the fundamental functions of the power;

D) the state regulates the process of hunting and seeing the natural environment.

3. To the warehouse of the hourly rink state, which govern the state, lie down:

A) state credits;

B. Transfers for export;

C) burgs of devices;

Г) валові витрати підприємств.

4. Prior to the main types of submissions in Ukraine, lie:

A) fare for waggonage;

B) excise duty;

C) the power of mito;

D) payment for land.

5. Prior to the principles of forecasting lie:

A) system;

B) alternatives;

C) economy;

D) lack of recognition.

6. A loan, you can apply for a commodity form in a vigil in the form of payment for the sale of a friend, nazivaetsya:

A) the powers;

B) banking;

C) commercial;

Г) інноваційним.

7. Planned vyokremljuyut takі prinimny tsіl pіprprimstva:

А) соціальну;

B) resource;

C) vibro-technologic;

D) Economical.

8. Plans otkazniki can be rozrauvati in this way:

A) tsіlovim;

B) factor;

В) інтерполяційним;

D) is normative.

9. For uzhgodzhenstyu resursіv і consumption method of planning to be supplemented by:

A) factoring and normative;

B) extrapolation and interpolation;

C) balance sheet and matrix;

D) Resource and quantity.

10. General comprehensive program for children, yaka viznachaє priоritітні підприємства by problems, yogo місію, basic services of the resource for їх досягнення, називається:

A) tactics;

B) budget budgets;

C) business plans;

D) strategy.

11. Бізнес-план містить такі розділи:

A) staff requirements;

Б) оцінка ризиків;

C) the access to the market;

D) pributok і збитки.

12. Short-tailed tactical plans for storing on period:

A) 10-12 rock;

B) 7-10 rock;

C) 5-7 rock;

D) one рік.

13. The demand in material resources is to be made in such a tactful plan:

А) виробнича діяльність;

B) marketing of goods;

C) vitrati, pributok, profitability;

D) material and technical safety.

14. За економічним призначенням планові pokazaniki поділяються на такі:

А) кількісні й якісні;

B) natural products;

C) absolute visibility;

D) odnichny yuzagalneni.

15. Completion of the lankoy in the system of planning the déjalnost pіdpriєmstva є takke planuvannya:

A) strategically;

B) tactful;

C) operatively;

D) streamlined.