The basis of the game is pračí - Kerb L.P.


The main forms of self-robotics of the student over the curriculum vitae disciplines are:

1. Vivchennya zakremi 5, 6 that zaremih nourish the themes of 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 for the recommendations of the navchalnimi posobnikami.

2. A summary of the articles in the journals "Okhorona praţi", "Ukraine: Aspect praţi", "Economist of Ukraine" and those for the recommendation of the book.

3. Written abstracts on the hour of self-poseurotic robotics.

4. Preparation for practical auditorial robots, vikonannya domestic practical robots.

5. Pidgotovka before the zahistu practical robots.

6. Pidgotovka before the control robot ta to testuvannya.


The method of seminarskih and practical to occupy є streaming perevirka рівня завоєння students навчального матеріалу on окремих topics дисципліни, які висяться на ці заняття. On seminarsky y practical napryttja vinysyatsya not vsі, but nayvazhlіshі ta niskladnіsі pіtіnnya dіtsiplіni.

Reshta nourish students oprotzovuyut samostynno. When you are ready to attend seminars and practical meetings, take a few readings to read the summary of the lecture topics that have been presented, to understand the understanding and to address the logic of the naive material. Dotsilno skoristatisya methodical podadami before vidpovidnoy those and literaturnymi dzherelyami, recommended by skinnyami those.

Zayattya 1. Vyrubnich the middle-class that yogi splashed on the man.

1. Factor of the vibrotic medium, important and labor process.

2. Management of the minds of praec.

3. Класифікація факторів, які впливають на формовання умов праці.

4. Vyrobnichi shkіdlivostі ta method zahistu mneni vid їх negative vplyu.

5. Sanitarni normi ta їх застосування для аналізу та поліпшення умов праці.

6. Атестація робочих місць за умовами праці.

7. Complex otsnka chinnikiv vibrochnichogo sredovischa that obryuntuvannya vіdnesennya robochogo mіscya up to the category of lying in the valley of the minds of the minds.

8. Пільги та компенсації працівникам залежно від умов праці.

9. The problem of tasks.

За Зантятя 2. Analisis and professionalism профзаворювань та виробничого травматизму


1. Vyrobnichi traumi ta prozahsovorovannya.

2. The main causes of injuries are those characteristics.

3. The order of development of the region of non-primary vipadkіv on vibrobnits.

4. Methods of analisis of traumatism.

5. Viznachennya vіdshkoduvannya nalіdkіv travmatizmu ta prozazvamyuvan.

6. The Law of Ukraine "About the genuinely obeisive state of the country, social insurance in the face of the unhappy vipadku on vibrobnitsy and that of professorial zakshovuvannya, yaki pomochinili vtrata pratsesdatnosti."

7. The main organizational and technical solutions and approaches come with a battle against injuries and occupational diseases.

8. The problem of tasks.

Zayattya 3. The management of the hunter's practice of the organisa- tion of hunting on the vibrobit.

1. The Law of Ukraine "About the protection of the right".

2. The essence, zavdannya y functii iz upravlennya ohotnoyu praci.

3. The organs of the state administration of the hunting industry are the same.

4. The services of fencing pratsi on pidpriemstva, їh rights and obovvozyki.

5. Analiz і оцінка показників стану охорони праці.

6. The principles of the organization and functioning of the system are governed by the management of the fire.

7. Control of the camp in order to save money on pidpriimstva.

8. The plan for the organization of the vikonannya zahodіv z htoroni praci.

9. Collective dogovir ya yogo role in sistemy normative regulyuvannya vidnosin mizh vlasynikami i pracivnikami.

Заяття 4. Економічні аспект охорони праці.

1. Економічне значення поліпшення умов та охорони праці in the rinkovі system goddaryuvannya.

2. Показники витрат і ефективності заходів schodo поліпшення умов та охорони праці на підприємстві.

3. Methods of social and economic development of the economy of the past and future.

4. The economy is stimulated by the development of the minds of those who are protected.

5. The problem of tasks.