The basis of the game is pračí - Kerb L.P.

7.2. Terminological dictionary

Reigning control - control Reigning organіv for dotrimannyam zakonіv, regulatory aktіv for gospodarskoyu dіyalnіstyu of companies, is the SET organіzatsіy zgіdno s chinnim zakonodavstvom.

Operational perevіrka - tse perevіrka will robіt s receptionists pratsі, doderzhannya vimog schodo receptionists Nadr, vіdpovіdnostі sporud, ustatkuvannya i obladnannya, tehnologіy vimogam normative aktіv On Protection pratsі.

Tsіlova perevіrka - tse perevіrka specific nutrition s receptionists pratsі for pogliblenogo їh vivchennya scho held one Reigning іnspektorom chi GROUP Reigning іnspektorіv protyagom robochem day (zmіni) abo kіlkoh dnіv (not bіlshe p'yati) for up chi vkazіvkoyu chief іnspektsії (terupravlіnnya). Takі perevіrki mozhut provoditisya Reigning іnspektorami samostіyno abo pid kerіvnitstvom chief іnspektsії, posadovoї individuals terupravlіnnya chi Komіtetu.

A complex perevіrka - tse vsebіchna i is detailed perevіrka (revіzіya) that will BEZPEKA minds pratsі on pіdpriєmstvі (at great pіdpriєmstvah - on okremih virobnitstvah, shops, ob'єktah toscho). Golovna її meta - otsіnka efektivnostі Sistemi upravlіnnya receptionists pratsі, tehnіchnogo will ob'єktіv pіdpriєmstva, BEZPEKA that will drain pratsі, vikonannya zakonodavchih that іnshih normative aktіv pratsі On Protection and takozh zdіysnennya opratsovanih Complex zahodіv schodo dosyagnennya vstanovlenih normativіv s receptionists pratsі, stvorennya bezpechnih І нешкідливихх of minds праці on the robotic spaces.

7.3. Навчальні завдання

Zavdanya 1.

1. The name of the principle of the state of the art in the galusies of the game.

2. What is the organization of the government in managing the hunting rights?

3. Brisk up the essence of mechanization in-depth systems for the protection of the rights.

Zavdanya 2.

1. Name the police department of the state power for the restraint of the legislation of the country.

2. Describe the functions of the Department of Power to see the restraint of the legislation of the country.

3. Yakі rights to mute the organization of the Department of Power look for the restraint of the legislation of the proprietary.

Zavdanya 3.

1. Як здійснюється фінансування заходів з охорони праці ?

2. Describe the equivalence of ministries and central bodies of state power in the country.

3. Open the essence of the Concept of the Advancement of the Management of the Game .

Zavdanya 4.

1. Describe the camp of the hunter in Ukraine.

2. Analyze the system of finance for science and technology in robots for hunting.

3. The commission of the dzherela fіnansuvannya vprovazhenzhennia naukovo-tehnichnyh rozrobok z huroni praţi.

Zavdanya 5.

1. Open up the organizational control of the pre-Triangles of the legislation on the protection of the rights.

2. Hto zdіysnyuє vidomechy control for the hunting prači?

3. In chomu polyagae gromadskiy control for vikonannya legislativstva about ohotronu pratsi?

Zavdonya 6. Chi znayomі vі z o dosvіdom organіzatії zhhoroni pratsі yannіs іnshої країни? Yakshchoo so, then could you recommend the best advice of the vicarist in Ukraine?

Zavdanya 7. Pidgotuvati abstracts.

7.4. Supervised livelihoods

1. Name the basic principle of the state of the art in the galuzi ohotroni praţi.

2. What is the organization of the government in managing the hunting rights?

3. Yakimi є zavdannya, funktsії that right to the Department of the State Supervision for the restraint of the law of propriety?

4. Yakі functіії профспілок у галузі охорони праці?

5. Yakі organich zdіysnjut control over the pre-Trimnіynyа zakonovstva z hіrorini pracіі?

6. Yakі basic chinniki vplyuyvat on situatsiyu in dіlyantsі hіgoroni prіtsі, shо folded in Україні?

7. What do you need to change the customs of the national economy for foodlessness in the life of the Ministry of Ukraine?

8. For rahunok chogo zdіysnyuetsya fіnansuvannya zahodіv z ohotoni pratsi?

9. Scho meaning termіn prіоритет життя та здоров'я по відношенню до результатів виробничої діяльності?

10. What is the essence of the current state of affairs for secularism, that pidtrymannia bespechchnih ta neishkidlivih minds pratsi?

11. In the course of which is the Socialist zahist of the Protector?

12. Які ви ви знате джерела фінансування заходів з охорони праці?

13. In what is the essence of social insurance for unhappy vipadkivs and professors zahmyvorovan і scho є джерелом фінансування соціального страхування?


Розділ І п. 1, item 2, item 3, item 4, item 7, item 9, item 10; Rozdil V p. 3, p. 74-76; 6, p. 40-42; Item 10, item 13.