Кредитно-розрахункові операції - Мілай А.О.

Розділ 6. Розрахунково-кредине обслуговування звнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств

6.1. Відкриття отновноваженими banks of Ukraine рахунків віноземній валюі

A) Characteristics of the regime in the countries of the world

Bankівсьі рахунки віноземній валюі under:

• on-line;

• Deposits (deposits).

Poktorny razhnok in iznozhnnyy currencies to meet the requirements for spending roses in bezgotivkovy i gotіvkovі іnozemnіy currencies in the course of business transactions for the repayment of credit for loans in foreign currencies.

Fizichnim persona - sub'ektam pidpriemnitskoi diyalnosti (residents), yakі zdіysnjut its diyalnіst without the strictness of juridical person, pochchny rakhunok vikrivaevatsya for the regime, nyo vyznacheniy for juridicheskikh osib (residentov).

Turn on the trading operations in the foreign currencies і так такі розрахунки:

• Між legal persons (residents) and juridical persons (non-residents) at the time of the call for economic activities for trading operations;

• Mіzh legal entities (residents) on teritorії Ukraine, for the validity of the in-service assessment of the National Bank of Ukraine;

• Mig ​​by legal persons (non-residents) that legal persons (residents) through legal entities (resi- dents) settlement agencies before contracts (contracts, contracts), in accordance with the law of Ukraine;

• інші розрахунки, що здійсннотьсяіідповідно to the lawful legislation of Ukraine;

• operations on the Ukrainian banking currency market;

• payment for goods (robot, service) for vicarities, check cards and plastic card kits.

Let's sharpen the non-trade operations -

• the payment of the Gotivka and non-terrestrial currency by means of payment documents in foreign currencies on vitrati, which are charged with vigilance;

• zdіysnennya obminnyh operatsі zoznoznomuyu currency that payment documents in the foreign currencies;

• the payment of the Gotivka non-terrestrial currency for checks that plastic cards to phisical persons (residents and non-residents);

• purchase of paid documents in foreign lands by phisical persons (residents and non-residents);

• payment of royalties and payments for copyright;

• pererahuvannya koshtiv for the holding of international exhibitions, congresses, symposia, conferences of the youngest international organizations;

• payment for non-resident companies, which are executed in accordance with the applicable labor laws (contracts) in Ukraine;

• perehuuvannya koshtiv in the foreign currency for navchannya, likuvannya, patentuvannya, a mix of mitnih payment, member of extras;

• Payment, imposed on customs duties on shipboard, arbitrage, notarial, law enforcement agencies;

• the payment of the Gotivka non-economic currency for the refunds because of the cordon (pensions, alimony, payment of praci, spadshchina, extortion of relatives of women);

• the transfer for inter-Ukraine kostyv in the foreign currencies (pensions, alimony, payment for prac, sludshchina, extortion to relatives tochno);

• Enable vyplaty that perekazi in inozemnіy currencies, but do not suppress the strict legislation of Ukraine.

Відокомленленим підрозділам підприємств flow rahunki in the foreign currencies vidkryvayutsya zgodoyu head pidpriemstva, scho mae right vikoristovuvati inozemnu currency vidpodidno up to the legislative legislation of Ukraine.

On the production rakhunok vіdokremlenogo pіdrozdіlu mozhut zarahovuvatisya valyutnі Costa for realіzovanі Flea she nadanі Hotel in vipadkah, peredbachenih chinnim zakonodavstvom Ukraine and takozh pererahovanі bunt pіdpriєmstvom chi pridbanі mіzhbankіvskomu on the foreign exchange market of Ukraine.

Viruchka, won for the goods (works, Hotel) in іnozemnіy valyutі pіslya zarahuvannya on the production rakhunok vіdokremlenogo pіdrozdіlu protyagom p'yati robochem dnіv (vklyuchayuchi day zarahuvannya viruchki on the production rakhunok vіdokremlenogo pіdrozdіlu) pererahovuєtsya in Povny obsyazі on the production rakhunok yuridichnoї individuals (resident) Through rozpodilchy rahunok, vidkrytii osnovnovazhenim bank for tsitsya legal entity.

Costa s stream rahunka vіdokremlenogo pіdrozdіlu (in furrows pererahovanih bunt pіdpriєmstvom chi pridbanih mіzhbankіvskomu on the foreign exchange market of Ukraine) shaping can Buti vikoristanі vіdokremlenimi pіdrozdіlami for zdіysnennya such operatsіy (zgіdno іz zatverdzhenim koshtorisom):

• to pay for the vitratus for the services of the airline at the cordon of its own offices, and for such as to avoid the exploitation of the passengers (renting, chartering) of transport vehicles during the hour, the overstepping behind the borders of Ukraine;

• pay for prac- tices (non-residents), in the form of work contracts (contracts), the designation of the payer's and the payment of the prac- tice is paid in foreign currencies;

• Pribbannya for the needs of the population, landowners, residents who need to pay for contracts (contracts, grants) with non-residents.

Deposit deposits in foreign currencies shall be reclassified by the bank's reliance to residents (juridical persons, visually inscribers, individuals) and non-residents (juridical persons in Ukraine and phisical persons) on the settlement of the deposit agreement with the bank account on the deposits with the bank Viznachenij vidosotok vidpovidno to the minds of the contract.

Establish banking in the form of deposit accounts in foreign currencies, receivables, taxes for the naiman praciu, for the submission of documents to the local authorities for the social insurance fund for the uncommitted vipadkivs on the vibrobntsvyaty professiynyh zahmyvoryan Ukraini nadol naimiriiv platnika otvosvich vneskiv vidkriti vidpovidny rahunki.

B) The order of adherence to rahunkiv

To view the flow of the rahunku in the foreign currencies of residents (resi- dents), you must submit the documents from the bank, in cash and in the currency in the national currency.

Yakshto pochchny razhunok in the foreign currencies vikrivaevatsya in the same bank, de vidkrito pozczniy rahunok natsionalnyy currencies, then nadayutsya tilki declare about vykkrtya rahunka ta kartki zі zrazkami pіdpisіv i vidbittkom znatki. Okrim zikh dokumentov, for vidokremleniyi pidrozdіlіv pіdpriєmstv neobhіdno doodati klopotannya juridicheskoi osobi vіdkrtyta flow rahunka.

Поточні рахунки віноземній валюті відкриваються також:

• phizic individuals (residents):

A) gromadyanyam of Ukraine (without pidstverdzhennya dzherel pokhozhennia koshtiv u neozemnii currency);

B) Inozemtsyam that person without gromadyanya, yakі otrimali povіdku for living in Ukraine (without pidstverdzhennya dzhereel pokhozhennia koshtiv u neozemnyi kvalui);

• phizic individuals (non-residents):

A) in particular, those individuals without gromadyanya, who live in Ukraine before the conflict, in the territory of one to one, the document, and podstruzhdzhuyut lawfulness їх перебування на території України відповідно до вимог чинного законодавства (заявності підтвердження джерел походження неноземної валюти);

b) gromadyanam Ukraine, SSMSC postіyno prozhivayut behind a cordon (for nayavnostі vіdkritoї vіzi termіnom to one rock dokumentіv abo scho pіdtverdzhuyut zakonnіst їhnogo perebuvannya on teritorії Ukraine vіdpovіdno to vimog chinnogo zakonodavstva that pіdtverdzhennya Jerel pohodzhennya іnozemnoї currency).

Flow rakhunok in іnozemnіy valyutі fіzichnіy osobі - sub'єktu pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі vіdkrivaєtsya on pіdstavі contract for minds pred'yavlennya passport chi іnshogo document scho zasvіdchuє lady, i upovnovazhenogo filed to the bank:

A) the declared form;

B) kopії svidotstva about derzhavnu reestratsіyu fizichnogo individuala yak sub'ekta pіdpriєmnich'koj dіyalnosti, zasvidchenoї notarialno chi organ, scho vidav svidotstvo;

C) cards are sent in letters, they are deposited in the presence of an official to the bank, which is recognized as a raхonok, and bears a cipher by a praocologist, notarially.

Fіzichnі individuals - sub'єkti pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі, SSMSC vikoristovuyut Naiman Prace pratsіvnikіv, dodatkovo podayut kopіyu insurance svіdotstva scho pіdtverdzhuє reєstratsіyu fіzichnoї individuals - sub'єkta pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі in Fondі sotsіalnogo strahuvannya od neschasnih vipadkіv on virobnitstvі that profesіynih zahvoryuvan Ukraine yak paysite sotsіalnih INSURANCE vneskіv , Seen in the order established by law.

Flow rakhunok in іnozemnіy valyutі fіzichnіy osobі (resident) vіdkrivaєtsya on pіdstavі said document scho zasvіdchuє lady (passport abo document yaky zamіnyuє Yogo), the contract for vіdkrittya that obslugovuvannya rahunka mіzh to establish that The Citizen Bank, kartka Zi zrazkami pіdpisіv, SSMSC nadayutsya in Presence of praecivnyka banku, scho vidkrivae rahunok, і zvіdchyutsya tsim pratsіvnikom.

Poktorny razhunok in the foreign currency of the financial entity (to a non-resident) is required to submit a contract for the submission of the passport of the document that is signed by the applicant and the applicant before the bank:

A) the declared form;

B) cards are sent in letters, they are put on hold in the presence of an official to the bank, a scribble of the rakhunok, that one gets caught in the cyme by the prac- tice;

C) the notarized copy of the legalized permission of the central bank of the unearthly territory to the territory of the country in different times, is notified by the international treaties of Ukraine.

To view the flow of the rajuna in the foreign currency of the legal entity (non-resident) before the bank,

A) claiming about a visit;

B) the copy of the Holy See about the reappraisal of the representations in the bodies of Ukraine, is notarized by a non-official organ, but having seen the svidotstvo;

C) a copy of the legalized vityag from the commercial, banking and chi s of the ship's register to the registration authority of the local authority of the land authority for the re-registration of a legal entity (non-resident), is notarized;

D) copy of the legalized supplementary legal entity (non-resident) to the official representative for the management of the rights in Ukraine, notarized;

Ґ) the card is sent in written form, it is notarized.

For a view of the flow rahunka in the foreign currencies in the retailing of the Ukraine, the diplomatic, consular, trading and other offices of the representatives of the non-terrestrial powers are offered to the bank:

A) claiming about a visit;

B) copy of the Ministry of Ukraine's Law of the Laws of Ukraine about the accreditation of the embassy (representative office) in the territory of Ukraine, is notarized by a non-official body, having seen the settlement;

C) the card with the written notes and the printed bill, was filed by the Ministry of Laws of Ukraine without interruption.

To view the flow of the rajuna in the foreign currency to the representative of the foreign bank before the bank, the following documents are served:

• Claiming a representative about a vision;

• a copy of the legalized provision for a representative bank in a foreign country, was notarized;

• Copies of the legalized pre-registration for the representation of the representatives of the representatives of the special functions in Ukraine, are notarial;

• The card with the written notes and the vestibule of the seal is notarized.

For vіdkrittya stream rahunka in іnozemnіy valyutі for vprovadzhennya program i proektіv mіzhnarodnoї tehnіchnoї Relief organіzatsієyu chi Set (GROUP upravlіnnya) to upovnovazhenogo bank podaєtsya stated about vіdkrittya rahunka, kartka Zi zrazkami pіdpisіv upovnovazhenih osіb i vіdbitkom seals, zasvіdchena notarіalno, i zasvіdchenі upovnovazhenim body vikonavchoї Vladi України такі документи:

• a copy of the reestablished map of the programs for the project;

• a copy of the certificate of accreditation of the organization of the organization (the group of managers) - the vice-president of the project, but the status of the vice-president of the project;

• The copy of the legalized pre-declaration for the representation of the representatives of the functions of the special national authority in Ukraine, is notarized.

For vіdkrittya stream rahunka in іnozemnіy valyutі for vprovadzhennya program i proektіv mіzhnarodnoї Relief organіzatsієyu chi Set (GROUP upravlіnnya) on vikonannya mіzhnarodnih lands mіzh With Ukraine that іnozemnimi powers about nadannya Relief Ukraїnі to upovnovazhenogo bank podaєtsya stated about vіdkrittya rahunka, kartka Zi zrazkami pіdpisіv upovnovazhenih osіb i Відбитком печатки, засвідчена нотаріально, leaf-cluttering of the admission body, a sort of reliance on the vikonannya vіd of Ukraine the international lands, і звідчені визначеним в угоді орга такі документи:

• a copy of the document on the accreditation of the organization of the organization (group management) - vikonavtsya programs for the project, but also for the status of the project;

• The copy of the legalized pre-declaration for the representation of the representatives of the functions of the special national authority in Ukraine, is notarized.

To view the flow rahunka in non-terrestrial currencies to a non-resident-investor before the end-of-season, the bank is presented as well as the documents, which are vindicated by the vidkritya rahunkiv in the hryvnia.