Groshi that loan - Savluk M.I.



Groshovim rinkom zvichayno nazivayut especial sector of the market, on yoyomu zdіysnyuyutsya kuplyavlya that sales of grosch yak specifikogo goods, formuyutsya popit, propositsііya t tsina na tsey the goods.

At the first glance, can be formed the enemy, but the purchase-sales of pennies, and otzhe specialties of the penny market, - the nonsense, the secrets of the grotesque servant of the fatal eqvivalent and obmynyuvatyi in the grotesque no sense. Yaksho ж їх купувати-продавати у формі обміну на зчитьсяйні товариь, then for one of the markets, the markets are not potrebny, such an exchange is systematically settled on zvichaynyh commodity rinks. Prote grosi here not і tsіlоim об'єктом ринкових відносин. We vystupayut material - a product - pravitsi ta resource, yakі one sub'ektam rink potrybno sell, and іnshim - kupiti. Groshi vikonujut here dopomіzhnu, innstrumentnu role, oblugovuyuchi obih cich blessings. With the purchase of goods, you can pay for them your own money, I will vstrachayut right vlasnosti on them, oskilki oderzhuyut u vlasnist ekvіvalnannu vartit at commodity forms. On the side of the side, the seller of goods to take off from his own vil- liance with an e-currency sum of money and a rozporyadzhayutsya it without a ya-yo zv'yazku selling goods. To this, it is fair to name goods, not pennies.

Specifika groshej yak absolutely lіkvіdnogo goods zumovlyuє істотну спецфіку їх переміщення між под'єктами грошового ринку, а також усіх інструментів та мехаізм function of the zhogo rinku. The traditional understanding of "sales" and "buying", was folded on commodity markets, uninhabitable for a penny market. Sami groshi vystupayut here zovsim in іншому statusі порівняно з товарними ринками. Enough of the world, nabuvalayut і такі риinkiі явища, як ціна, попит, пропозиція.

The transfer of pennies for one sub'ekt of a penny to a small rink before a little nabuvae senso lishe todi, if one of them has a stink of buying goods, and in the end of which there are not enough material and material resources, for the sale of some potrebnyi groshni You could use it. Zdіysnyuyutsya such transfer to the form of direct posy pid zobov'yazhnya rotate koshi in the line insertion, the form of the purchase of special financial resources (obligaciy, акцій, векселів, депозитних сертифікатів тощо). Taku transfer of a penny Lisha is mentally able to name the purchase of chi and sell.

Tso umovinist vyyavlyayutsya peredusim uvu, scho clerk of the gros (seller) with the transfer of its own counterparties do not vtrachaye rights vlasnosti on the amount of money (and the right to be rasporeadzhatisya them) and can turn their raspostryadzhenya zazdalegid viznacheniyah umovah. More than that, at the moment of transferring a penny to a counteragent, the seller is not in possession of a real eqvivalent, toboto sales of groschen is not an eqvivalent operation, yak on commodity rinks. Vidpovidno pokupets pennies do not oderzhuet on them the right vlasnosti, and tilki the right rasporadzhennya them yak lіkvіdnіstyu, і tomіchasovo, on півний період. This merchant does not pay a penny on the price of the seller's eqvivalent sum in the commodity form.

The principle is to change the status of a penny and a purchase to a penny market. In addition to the supplementary charge, the goods on the commodity riches can be rearranged here at the vichinches' ob'ekt rinkovyh vidosin, u ikh samotsil. In a penny market, a frivolous groschen is better to hand over to a stranger than a rozporyadzhennya directly, and not to obmin for real good, and a buyer wants to keep his own rozporyadzhennya on the same ambush. Tom on the gold market vartmistem peremischuyutsya mіzh yogo sub'ektami lishe in groshovіy formi, in a one-sided order from the office to the bureaucrat. And the method of such a transfer of pennies has become more than an add-on income, and not a purchase-sale of merchandise. The seller pennies prague to win dodatkovyh dohіd, scho nazivayetsya interest (interest income), a fee for Timchasov vidmu vіod kimistuvannya tsimi groshima і transfer of the right to the right of the individual. Покупець грошей має намір обдержати додатковий дохід від розширення виробничої чи комерційної діяльності, використаши отриману у своє розпорядження додаткову суму грошей.

Zavdiaky, we tell the specialties of a penny market of groschen sales here in the form of transmissions by the grotesques to their counterparts in Timchasov's corridor in the exchange for so-and-so, yaki nadaayut їм mozhnlivost zbereghti right vlasnosti na tsі groshni - vidniviti the right of the rzopokrjadzhennya them to get a percentage prehid. Відповідно купівля groshe є the form is sustained by sub'ektami rinku svoє rozporyadzhennya pevnіy sumi penny in obmіn na vkazanіі інструменти.

Such a mechanism of purchase and sale of pennies dwarf the important role of special tools in the functioning of a penny market. Won poklikanі zabezpechiti on tsymu rinku ruch viznachalnogo obekta - a penny. In this view, the role of designating tools is analogous to the role of groschen on commodity markets.

For its own nature, the use of a penny-baked rink - singing zobov'yazannami purchases before sellers a penny. Zalezhno in view of zobov'yazannya їх can subscribe to neborgovі and borgovі. Before neborgovye nablyzhat zobov'yazanya z nadannya rights of the participants in the management of the purchase of a penny in yogo income, zavdyaki chomu for the seller of the groschen zberihaetsya not tilki right vlasnostі on them, but the pivnuyu mirou and the right to be rasponadzhennya them. Taksy zobov'yannya mait the form of accy. Prior to the group, you can take the same derivativnі інструменти, інші functціональні угоди (наприклад страхові).

Up to borovovi vidnosyat sisіzobov'yаnya, for some yakimi kupetsc gros zobov'yazuyetsya turn the sellers and keep it snyu sumu і спла спла спла спла спла спла спла спла спла спла. Such zobov'yaznani make out the operation of the purchase-sale of pennies, transferring the rights of rasporyadzhatisya them on the singing lines. Щоб відновити це the right for the seller of a penny, потріібібів to turn a sum of money in a yogi rozporyadzhennya (gotіvkoy chi pererahuvanannyam yogo pochnichny rakhunok) and one-hour extinction of the borgo zobov'yanya.

Borgov zobov'yanya yak іnstrumenti penny rinku, at his chergo, you can subscribe to the ticket in the form of money in the world of the transmissions and the seller of the purchase of the rights of the retailers in the following sums of money:


^ Depozitnі zobov'yazannya for yakimi prodavtsі peredayut groshі in Povny rozporyadzhennya pokuptsyam of minds їh Povernennya (s viznachennyam chi without viznachennya yogo termіnu) i SPLAT (Splat without chi) Interest income. Such zobov'azannami make out a lot of money zasluchchenya groshe banks vіd їх клієнтів. The stink of the form is obligatory for vykrtyta pochchnykh those stringed rahunkyv, ugod deposit of those oschadnyh deposits (certifikativ), trastovih contributions in tosch;

^ Posychki zobov'yaznya, for some sellers, transferring grosques to purchases, making pevnі obmezhennya in the rights of the rest rozporyadzhatisya tsimi groshima: viznachayut, on yakі tsіlі vony mozhut bouti vikoristani, vimagayut ogoblyvyh garantiіy їh poverennya, viznachayut stupin efektivnosti (otkonstnosti) vitrat chi proektiv, To be financed for a raunch of poses for koshtiv. Taksy zobov'yanya mait the form of credit loans, obligaciy, bonds, bills in toto.

Інструменти grocery rink, обслуговуючи переміщення гроше між його суб'єктами, itselfі набувають певної вартості і можуть ставати об'єктом купівлі-продажу у формі цінних паперів. In zv'yazku zim you can talk about the speci fi cary rinok tsinnyh paperyv, a kind of odnієyu forms of іsnuvannya penny rink. Potentzyno in the world of papier can be re-done as a kind of tool for a penny market. Проте економічно доцільною подібна трансформація може бути тільки для інструментів середньо-та довгострокової дій. Yakraz їх Власники, scho sold their own groschen to trivaly lines, in particular zmusheni prodavati їh on the rink, not having checked the deadline for the day, but to turn the groins around their turn, and to the officials in short. Tse stosuyutsya, zokrema, акцій, державних і corporative oblіgаcіy, treasury bills, derivatives, dovgostrokovyh deposit certificates, іпопотених зобов'язань тощо.

Усі вини інструментів грошового ринку можно виілитити у такі три групи: позичкові угоди, вклюючи й депозитні, на підставі яких здійснноться відносини Bankів з їх клієнтами індо-івання і розіщення крединих ресурсів; Цінні папери, з допомогою яких реалізуються it is very important to straightforwardly sell products and purchases of groschen; Currencies, yakі vikoristovuyutsya vzaemovіdnosynakh mizh vlasynikami dvuh riznyh currencies.

Scheme vzaimozvzyku mizh obektami that tools a penny in the zinc rice is shown in Fig. 3.1.

The hovering scheme is visible, but the streams are penniless, they are crocheted to sell, to purchase, to move in the direction of the penny market.

Взаємозвязок між обєктами та інструментами грошового ринку

Mal. 15

Yak zaschachalosya vishche, інструменти groshnogo rinku samі nabuvayut zdalnostі up to обігу. Nybilshoyu mіroju tsya zadatnіst vlastva tsіnnym papperam і currnіchnym tsіnnosty, scho dє pідставиі виілитиі відповідні ділянки грошового ринку в самостійні ринки - цінних паперів та валюний. At zakonovaty rinkovyh ekonomikah is widened takozh kopіvlya-sales of bankovych poskchkovih vimog ta zobov'jan, scho dye pidstavi talk about the market poschkovyh ugly yak about the self-view of a penny rink.

The cleverness of the character of the ies and the price of a penny market. The price of the groschen is the form of interest (interest income) on posi ti chi zalucheni koshti, sho істотно відізняє її від звичайної ціни на товарней ринках. Rozmіr percent viznachaetsya not magnitude vartostі, yak mіstyat u sobi kuplenі (pozitschenі chi zalucheni) groshni, and їh spizhivnіnu vartіstyu - zdatnistyu priносиati priцatiюu dodatkovy dohіd chi blessings, neobhіdnі for zadovolennya osobistih chi vibronichih need. Chim bilshoyu budec tsya zdatnist 'i chim dovshe kupepets korostustvametsya hold on to the grotesque, tim bilshoyu bude suma yogo percentsyh payments.

I'll fold the folds of the form on a penny market, swallow it up in a pile of proposals, which will be primed in the future 3.4.

Незважаючи на істотні відмінності main elements of groschen and commodity rink, mehanizmi взаємодії, zokrema попиту, пропозиції і ціни, на кожному з цих ринків одкові. On a penny market, yak і on commodity, dityut sipitu і propositsії, and mehanizm їх урівноваження забезпеччує стабільність percent як ціни groshe. The goal was to give a name to a groovy market that special sphere of grotesques, to de-isolate the overflowing of grotesques on the bezevvivalentny, alo-violent basics.

For розуміння сутності грошового ринку important to signify має визначення його суб'єктів. Sub'ektami tsiogo rinku є juridicheskaya ta fizichnі osobi, yakі zdіysnjutot operatsії komіvlі-sale groschen. We can work on three groups: selling gros, buying grotesque and polluting. In the operations on the sale of groschen take the fate of the family estate, the structure and structure of the state management, in the operations with the purchase of groschen - the most economical sub-categories: the companies, the family, the structure of the state administration. In the middle of the operation, the key sub-categories are the so-called financial intermediaries - banks, investment companies, insurance companies, pension funds, credit unions, and so on. Усі вони sputchatkum akumulyuyut at itself groshnі кошти, купуючи їх at sales, and потім від своі імені розміщують їх, пропонучи покупцям. In particular, the medium of sub-ects in a penny is borrowed from the central banks. Being banks of banks, stinks can obzhugovuvati mіzhbankіvskіі vidosnoni on a penny market, for example, zdіysnyuvati operitsії refinansuvannya, reguljuvati mizhbankivskiy operatsi, kapitannyi operatsії tochno.

Підсумовуючи розгляд сутності грошового ринку, слід зауважити, що це питання є dislike and lack of visibility in literature. In the radiant literature, the grotesque ribbon was pinched by the price of positively priced capitals, by the short-range price of financial assets. At zahіdnі lіteraturі groshivyi rinki nerіdu ototozhnyut z fіnansovim rinkom. In such a way, you can wait, yakschoo itself, the financial market is widely interpreted, such as the sector of the market, it is necessary to formulate itself and balance up populist and pro-posits in all financial activities, and to mean, and in grossy. Same of such a point is the dotor of the English economist L. Kharris, which put the sign of rivnostі mіzh grohovim і fіnansovim rinkami і z zіch posіtsіy analіzueє klassichnu ta keynsіansku model of a penny rink. Цей підхід попопово утверджується й у вітчизняній літературі. So, A. Galchinsky rozglyadaet groshivyi rinkok yak samistyny ​​mehanizm, for dopomogo yakogo urivnnovazhuyutsya popit іpropositsіya na groshi. Yak і L. Kharris, A. Galchynskyi the main respect is attached to the mechanism of formulating popita and propositions on the groves.

At the fundamental American pidruchniku ​​F. S. Mish-kina "The economy of pennies, banking and finance and financial markets," figuring out a penny market vzagali not zgaduyutsya. The author operes lishe ponatettyam fіnansovogo rinku, ototozhneyuchi yogo zіrinkom tsіnnih papperіv. Подібний підхід властивий і для українського підручника "Инвестиції", the author of yakogo - M.Mertens - ototozhnyu fіnansovyi rinok z rinkom tsіnnih paperіv. With such a penny, the grotesque ricoc yak samostyny ​​ob'ekt analizu znikaє z field zoru doslozdnikiv, scho istotno obemoste mozhnovostі pіznannya podsoznanost 'funktsionovannya monetary sphere.