Economical Encyclopedia. Litora S


- trade and finance operations: 1) S.-o. With the method of selling lines of bi-tsin-them paperyv - sales of pinnacles in one-to-one business, I buy such a kind of tsin-them papernіv z trivalіshim terminom dії; 2) va-lutna S.-o. - the purchase of non-terrestrial currency with negative payment in the national currency for the purpose of the oncoming ring vikupu; 3) S.-. In gold - sales of gold for the purpose of a non-delivery, and for one-hour settling of a co-op to buy a gold in a singing hour; 4) S.-. In percentages, if one party (creditor) is engaged in the payment of interest to the parties, withdraw from the position of the counterparty at the rate of "loan" to the exchange rate for the payment for a fictional contract; 5) S.-. With burgundy wimogs - if the lender is not exchanging money with pro-cent, but with the sum of his own borough klієn-tіv zgіdno z umovami ukladenogo mіzh them contract.


-combinance in the form of an opcion in the form of an opt-in for the operation of a swap at the song's mouth.


- вільні від роботи дні, присвячені витінний подіям або традиційним dates. In Україні щорічними С.Д. Є 1 січня - Новий рік, 7 січ-ня - Різдво Христове. 8 birches - Міжна-родний жіночий день; Saintly mobile - Voskresinnya Hristov, 9 herbalists -Den Pe-remogi at Velikiy Vitschiznyany Vіynі, 28 червня - День Конституції, 24 серпня - День незалежності України. U.S. Fence-neno zaluchati robitnikiv i izlubovtsiv before ro-boti, for vinyatkom bezopornovy dyyuchih pіd-priemstv. Abo u zv'yazku neobhіdnіstyu obusluvovannya needs of the population that vikonannya terminovih repair and vantazhno-rozvan-tazhuvalnyh robot on the hallway and water transport. The robot at SD. Mourn for podviynomu rozmіrі.


- 1. Partial to the spacious, superficially-surfaced kulobo-on-shoyu povereynu і vіddіlena sіchnomu plosch-noyu. 2. The cleverness of the odnitsyna logichnogo rozpodіlu pam'yatі s metoyu її desknanja, rozmіshchenya i prjamanavnya. 3. One abo more program-them sektsіy, yaka guilty of zavantazhuvatis basically pam'yat i vikonuvatis yak odnogo logichne tsil. 4. Part of the story by teleobobtsі, yak mozhe rozmischatsya u bufe-ri vvedu-vivod. 5. Parth chogos tsilogo, iodinogo (nachr., S. rinku productiv, obyg, tsinnih paperyv).


- self-contained autonomous part of the program, so that you do not need to use the program in a timely manner to replace the messed-up ємності.


-vі-dokremlena і zgrupovana for singing signs of a piece of commodity abregionalnogo rink. For example, zgrupuvannya spizivachchiv for їхніми купівельними наіміми, sformov-them popitom, тощо.


- grupuvannya і podilinku on ok-remi parts (segments) behind singing signs: merchandising (for the principle of complex goods), teritori-alnimi, geografic, demographic, social, platospromozhnogo otopit, buying motivations purchases, spiritual , Etnografichnimi, cultural and other. Conjuncturally, in addition to the segments of the market, it is possible to analyze the situation, the situation has accumulated on the market, there is a new cause of the causal nature of the crises, the prediction of the rink, the development of the market, the keen delight of the populace and the fortified pribudku.


- 1. Розподіл коштів і операцій клієнта і broker, різних клієнтів. 2. In metalurgy - the heterogeneity of the chemical alloy through yogo crystallization. 3. Those sama, scho i likvatsiya. 4. One of the forms of racial dis-criminality - obmezhennya rights through kolir shkiri chi natsionalnu nalezhnnist.


- Ganshaw Odinitsya Gani (from 1967 onwards - novy sedy); Поділяється на 100 песів.


- 1. It's time to rock (spring, summer, autumn, winter). 2. Part of the rock, on the yak pripadayut osoblivі naturalheski yavishcha, vibrochnichi navan-tazhennia, dovzvillya, sport (eg, S. ribno-lovly, S. polivannya, S. virochuvannya okrem-mikh culture theatrical S.).