Інвестиційне кредитування - Пересада А.А.

2.4. The value of an investment loan is a factor, it is equal to zumovlyuyut

The rate of the investment loan is set at the rate, yak is used for the loan agreement with the losses: the term of the crooked position; Call, credit; Забезпечення своєчасності розрахунків poschalnika for early gaining posychkami ta stepya risiku. Naichastishe vona buvaє regulovonoyu (floating) for umovi shchorichnogo pereglyadu in bik zrostannya abo znizhennya.

On rіven відсоткових rates for інвестиційним credits впливають такі factor:

  • Зміна відсотків for deposits;
  • Oficine embankment індексінфляції;
  • It is possible to maintain a pre-capital investment loan in other banks on the basis of the bankruptcy of the people;
  • The nature of partnering vseemovidnosin іz poshevalnikom, yogo fіnansove stanovishe, trivalіst tо міцність зв'язків;
  • Alternative options for contribution (investment) of koshtivs in the form of an active with a maximum income method;
  • Mozhlivy rizik kredituvannya, especialno інноваційних proektiv;
  • Vitrati from the design of the post that is held by the Bank of Montenegro;
  • Rozmіr posychki;
  • Lines of a positron and a factor.

Відсотки за інвестиційними poschkachi rally for the actual date of the day of the settlement of the position and the accent on the pouring zaborgovanosti for the pose:

Відсотки за інвестиційними by positives (2.1)

De C% - sum of accruals; Вк - відсоток for the credit; Zk - streaming zaborgovist for the loan; Д - кількість днів у поточному періоді.

At rozvinutyh kraїnakh vikoristovuyot takіi methods rozraunkku vіsotkovkih rates * 1.

* 1: {Rose Peter S. Banking Management / Trans. With the English. From the 2 nd ed. - M .: Delo Ltd, 1995. - P. 229-235.}

1. Naraukuvannya vidsotkiv for the principle of "vartity plus . " When nahrauvannі vіdsoтків the bank is guilty of kerуvatis vartіstyu zaluchenih kostііv taіtіііnimi vitratami bank. Tse means, but banks set a rate for a loan for the principle of "varisti plus" on the basis of such components:

  • Vartість залучення відповідних ресурсів for the bank;
  • Bankівські операційні витрати;
  • Compensation for the bank for riven the risk of the neobkonannya zobov'azan poschalnika;
  • Bajan margin for a surplus for a credit for zdіysnennya sufficient payments for the bank's cash flow to the bank.

Thus, the model nahrauvannya vidsotkiv miee such viglyad:

Rate of interest for a loan


Vartість залучення відповідних ресурсів для банка


Bankівсьісь операційні витрати


Compensation for the bank for rivin the risk of viciousness of the striker's affairs


Bajana margin surplus jar

Кожен із наведених componів може бути вираеним у формі річних відсотків відносно суми кредиту. On the contrary, the bank has received an application for a loan. The bank can borrow cash for a deposit of 10% of the riches, the operating costs for analisys, and I want that control to be 2%. Kreditne upravlennya mozhe recommend that you add 2% to compensate for the risk of failing to repay the loan, in addition to investing in the 1% margin of the bajan margin. In this way, the bank will foreclose a loan to a positor for a price of 15% (10% + 2% + + 2% + 1%).

2. The model of wholesale management . One of the models of the "wartime plus" model is that the bank is guilty of exactly the nobility of its own vitrati for nahrauvannya vidoskkiv without the hurting factor of competition in the face of the most recent creditors. A new model was introduced in the bank's practice: a "basic law", basically, a base rate, a prime rate, a prime rate, a loan rate, a loan, a loan, a loan for short-term loans. At the above-mentioned financial markets, such rates as LIBOR, London Interbank Bid Rate (LIBID), FIBOR (Frankfurt Interbank Offered Rate - FIBOR) are the same. The rate of "prime-rate" is cheap for the simple formula (undeveloped) of the arithmetic average of the current market rates of the provi- dive banks.

Actual rate for a loan be-yomu rivalskopromozhnom poshchalniku narahovuvatimsya for such a formula:


Rate of interest for a loan


Basic rate, no prime-rate, including bajana margin of the bank


Premi заa for a rizik is not stranger to zobov'jan, yaka viplachuyetsya nerispoklasnimi banks

Premi заa for the rizik, povyazany zі stroitkovistu, yaka viplachuyetsya for dovgostrokovymi credits

The model of Naybilsh is pritamnaya інвестиційним pozhkacham, bоo includes a premiе for a rіzik, actions оf stringing credit, окільки for dovgostrokovymi credits of a bank can bear більші збитки, ніж за короткостроковими. Розім премій за ризик vіznachaetsya bank at the skin specific vipadku okremo, for Choosing the table (table 2.1):

Table 2.1

Categories of risks

Premy for a rizik,%

  • Відсутність ризику
  • Minimal Rizik
  • Standard Rizik
  • Special rhizik
  • Rizik of the whip of the standard
  • Sum of credit







Наприклад: підприємець take a credit line for 3 rock to buy obladnanya. The rate for such a loan is 14% for stavitime (10% for the base rate, for the prime rate, plus 2% for the risk, for the non-refundable position of the 2% for the risk, for the settlement of the credit line).

Supervision of supply and management

  • Viznachte ekonomichnu nature of bankovskogo інвестиційного a loan .
  • Describe zavdannya bankov at інвестиційному кредитуванні .
  • Proanalizuyte principle bankovskogo інвестиційного of credit. In chomu їх singularity?
  • Describe the peculiarity of the bank's credit and investment policy .
  • Name the bank loans of loans and credits in the method .
  • At chomu sutnist strokovyh kreditіv pіdpriєmtsyam?
  • So this revolver credit?
  • At chomu sutnist dovgostrokovyh project loans?
  • Як поділяються проектні кредити залежно від метоів їх надання?
  • Розкрийте зміст банківського консорціумного кредитування .
  • Розкрийте основні харакні знаньі знаки банковівського андеррайтингу .
  • For some criterions banks vibirajut ob'ekti for investment loans?
  • For some minds to get credit: new budivnitsvo; Vitrati on technical re-construction, reconstruction and development of dyichih pidpriimstv; Інноваційні заходи підприємств?
  • What is the value of the investment loan?
  • Yak factories vplyivayut on rіvenь відсотків for bankівсьськимиінвестиційними poschkami?
  • Yak nahachuyutsya vidosotki for інвестиційними poschkami?
  • Yak nahachuyutsya vidsochki for the principle of "vartit plus"?
  • Describe the model of wholesale management .
  • So, is the rate of "prime-rate" and yak voznachaetsya?
  • Viznachte the role of bankovskogo інвестиційного a credit in ринкиій економіці .