Інвестиційне кредитування - Пересада А.А.

5.4. Держане інвестиційне кредитування фізичних осіб

One of the visions of investment loans, yakі nadayutsya fizichnim persona, є dovgostrokovyh sovereign credit is young sіm'yam that lonely young gromadyane na budivnitsutvo (rekonstruktsiyu) zhitla . The procedure for the organization of this loan is viznacheni I order Kabinetu Ministry of Ukraine for 17 herbs in 1999 p. № 825 "About the widening of the organization of the financial and financial support to the Fund for the Youthful Housing of the Budivnitsvu under the Derzhavnom komіetі at the right of the Simії th Young".

Відповідно до цього Poslozhnya the right to receive a loan from the state penovogo dovgostrovogo (terminom up to 30 rockyv) a loan to be sentenced to young people who are single young gromadyans, who are legally bound to such things as demanding a life of mindful minds, and themselves:

  • Young sіm'ya - podruzhozhya, in yakomu vіk cholovіka that druzhini not perevishchuet 30 rockov, abo nepovna sіm'ya, in yakіy mati (batko) vіkom up to 30 rockіv;
  • Непона сім'я, в якій мати (батько) vіkom up to 28 років включно, має неповнолітніх дітей;
  • Lonely young people, no one will interrogate 28 rock.

Creditsuvannya budivnitsva (reconstructions) for young people that single lonely youths are direct, addressable (tsilovim) і здійснюєється at the boundaries of kostіv, pobabacheniy at the state budget, the republican budget of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Крим та місцевих бюх на відповідний рік, а також за рахунок інших джерел фінансування .

Suma loan will be calculated according to the norms of 21 m2 of land area for one member of the family, 10 dodatkovo on the m2m and including the vitrati on the yoga insurance in the week of the reconstruction (reconstruction).

Use your credit . Loan for the right:

1) the candidate's resentment to the oblast for the purpose of living sentient lives for the residence permit (propiska);

2) residing at the village, before the law, it is necessary to fill in the living minds, but be confirmed by the documents;

3) approving a candidate for his own platospromozhnost;

4) the deposit from the bank for the specialties of the rakhunok is not less than 10% of the housing allowance of the apartments of the normative and plosive area, yakzczo її actual is the area of ​​the bolsha abo dorivnyuє viznachenіy normі, that is, the actual area of ​​the apartment, nіzh normativna.

It is indicated that the soup is to be introduced by a poshchik on yogo individualities of a raion of a duma in parts: not 5% of a non-average until the end of the loan; Інші кошти - with a residual rozrawnku for budivnitsvo pid hour otrimannya dokumentov to the right korostuvannya zbudovanim (rekonstruovanim) zhitlom, vyhodychichi z vakturno vartosti zabadovany zhitla.

The loan is to be directed by the bankruptcy of the bankruptcy to the credit to the credit.

Poschalnik, yaky not moe detitej, raznochuet credit for the rate at rozmіrі 3% річної суми заборговаіі for the loan; Pozhchalnik, yaky moe one ditinu, zvіlnyaetsya vіd svati vіdsotkіv for koristuvannya credit; Poschalnikov, yaky myo dyh detei, for rakhunok budgetary dzherel redeem 25% sumi zobov'azan for a loan; Poschalnikovі, yaky mє trіоh дітей - 50% sumy zobov'azan for a loan.

Pozichalnikam, SSMSC prozhivayut in zbudovanomu (rekonstruyovanomu) zhitlі in sіlskіy mіstsevostі for minds їh postіynoї robots have sіlskogospodarskomu virobnitstvі, pererobnіy that obslugovuyuchih Galuzo agropromislovogo complex, scho funktsіonuyut in sіlskіy mіstsevostі in sotsіalnіy sferі village that authorities mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya on zavershalnomu etapі Splat goiters' Yazan for a loan dodatkovo up to пільг pay off 25% sumy zobov'yazan, viznachenoї for razlichi.

The order of registration is a kind of credit . Реєстрація кандидатів, які відповідають вимогам Положення, conducted on підставі vosnoruchno zapovnenoї questionnaire of the candidate, scho реєструється у журналі реєстрації андрейні candidates. Journal of the reestablishment of the questionnaires of candidates for the questionnaire of zberigayutsya at the consultative center of the Fund for the protection of young people's housing budivnitsvu.

For the purposes of the loans, the credit is granted to the creditor and the creditor of the right to a yogic retaining the candidate is submitted to the directorate for the bank so:

  • I will apply to the Director General of the Foundation for a loan to the loan;
  • Довідку about perebuvannya to the apartment region (for the Gromadyans, yaki live in the towns and villages of the Moscow type);
  • Довідку about warehouse сім'ї (Form 3);
  • Копію свідоцтва about шлюб, паспортні дані;
  • Kopіy svіdotstva about the people of Ditini;
  • Dokumenty, neobhіdnі for viznachennya platosprozhimostnosti candidate (dovіdku z mіscya robot doroslih member yogo sіm'ї іz zaznachennyam income gained over the next 12 months), інші documents, пo підтвертверджють, get the candidate's saddle;
  • Витяг з рішення to the organ місцевого самоврядування about відведення земльної ділянки та дозвіл на забудову (для кандидатів, що будують будики садибного типу та господарські приміщення).

Rishennya about nadannya credit take pridektsyetyu abo vіddіlennyam bank on pіdstavі filing documents in the course of the month from the date of repayment of credit resources. Pislya pidpisannya parties to the credit of the candidate candidate nabava status pozhalnika, on the sime'yu yakogo obrazovlyaetsya passport pozhalnika.

Зміни умов кредитної угоди та допонення до неї оформляються додатковою угодою між сторон, що є невід'ємною частиною кредитної угоди, з виідміткою у крединій угоді та паспорті почальника.

The Fund for the acquisition of young people's housing budivnitsvu nada credit, vyhodachi z rohraunkіv sumi, nehhіdnії for budіvnitsvva (rekonstrіії) zhitla, on підставі кредитної угоди, списъів позичальників, передьо затверджених рішенням дирекції або виідділення to the bank. On pidstavi credit for rozporyadzhennyam direktsії To fund kosti for nadannya credit to reorganize Head management of the state treasury treasury treasury rahunku direktsії Fund to the bank for podalshogo їх зарахування на особисті рахунки позичальників.

The Board of Directors of the Fund for the Protection of Young People's Housing BudiVnitsitvu zdіysnyuє operative control over tsіlоim vіkoristannyam відділенням and bank kostііv credit. For admission of a zatrim passage through koshtiv to a bank, the bank will be fined for a day of bribery, zigidno z ymovymi Ugodi, ukladenoy mizh direktsієyu abo vіddіlіnnyamam ta bank up to the legislation.

Фінансування будівництва (реконструкції) здіснюєється bank vіklіchno іn bezgotіvіvomu vіdu shah pererahuvannya коштів на банівський рахунок замовника (підрядника) за розпорядженням дирекції або виідділення з рабинух рахунку почальника.
At the times of the participant in the unfinished business, the amount of payment for the repayment of the payment for the part of the unfinished business is 100% in advance of the unfinished portion in the amount of 50% of the advance payment.

Termin vikoristannaya lending to lend money to credit and not guilty of overhauling the normative term of the day (reconstruction) of the day from the day of the first day of the year by the bank to the deputy head (pidrjadniku) koshtiv for vikonanі robot z Budivnitskva (reconstituti) zhitla.

The procedure for repaying the loan is the same as for the yogo obesgovovuvannya. It is advisable to credit the poshchalniki on the period of the finansy finansovyh zobov'yazan to look through the established procedure for submitting documents on the right of the corduroy, volodina zbudovanim (rekonstruivanim) zhitlom. Redeeming a loan, paying a loan for a settlement, they should not be bailed out as a poschikalnik pislya ostanzhaniya dokumentov for the right korostuvannya, volodinnya zbudovaniem (rekonstruovanim) zhatlom ukladennya lands about the outpost zhitla on period pozhdashnya credit ta vіdsotkiv for korostuvannya him.

Residual rozraunkuok sumi verified credit is carried out in the form of an actual apartment apartment (pidstvidzhenoї dovіdkoyu BTI) that vstanovlenoї seredn'yo vartosty 1 m2 zagalnoi ploshchі zhitla v regioni per hour otrimannya zavchaynikom dokumentov na koristuvannya, volodinny zbudovanim (rekonstruivanim) zhitlom. Tsey rozraunok yak dodatok to make a loan, and posozhuyutsya z pozhchalnik.

Розмір щоквартального payment for repayment of the loan that is to be paid by the bankruptcy of it завистучається advised by the Fund to the extent of the loan on a quarter of the specified term yogo nadannya.

Vitraty on the loan to the loan to finance the raunch of credit resources at the rate of 6% of the octave and to reorganize the state budget. The head administrations of the state treasury for the treasury rahunok directing the Fund, and for the reorganization of the loan resources of the young people, the finance is for the raion management. The Fund is one-time in the forfeit of the loan On budivnitsutvo (reconstruction) zhitla for poschalnikiv.

Umovi transfer of the right vlasnosti zbudovane (rekonruzhuyvan) for the rakhunok loan lodgoto gospodarsky primischennya. Loan for the sake of viznachayutsya pomozhvu transition rights vlasnosti zbudovane (rekonruzhuyvan) zhitlo godararsky primischennya to poschalnika. Zhitlo, motivated for rahunok kostyv credit, є vlasnistu poschalnika. The leader of the zobov'azaniy transfer from the outpost vpodovadne zhitlo for the sake of the cure for period until the repayment of the loan on loan.

At different times, the credit of the head of the minds of the credit institution is directed to the Fund. It is necessary to go to the fundraising zaborgovanosti інші дії, pobachcheny umovami credit loans. Якщо почальник відмовляється від погашення loan on be-якому етапі дії кредитної угоди, ця у розда розривається у порядку, визначеному кредитною удодою. With the help of a poshchilnik zgіdno z umovami credit loans povtotayutsya alternate vnesok that kosti, rukacheni them from the order of turning credit, kriim vіdsotkіv korostuvannya credit. Після розірвання кредитної угоди дирекція або відділення має right lending lending to the benefit of the younger poschalnikom, a birch bark on yourself zobov'yana schodo podalshshego zapashennya loan to uryahuvannya part of koshtiv, razluchenoї at once із переднім внеском колишнім позичальником.

Supervision of supply and management

  • Describe the essence of the special nature of the state investment credit.
  • Viznachte the role of the sovereign investment credit in the development of the national economy.
  • Розкрийте зміст державного інвестиційного кредитування.
  • Viznachte order vidkrtya ta dokladennya kredituvannya sverhvnyh kapitalnyh deposit.
  • Describe the essence of the special nature of the present-day investment credit.
  • For some minds, how can you repay a sub-loan and an investment loan?
  • Describe the sta- tus of the prospect of developing a state-of-the-art investment loan.
  • Describe the nature of a cooperative investment loan.
  • Vіdіlіt ta characterize sub'єktіv that об'єкт of the local investment loans.
  • For some factors vyznachaetsya yakist spozhivchogo інвестиційного loan?
  • Yaku specifiku maє bankovskoy robot in the sphere of public investment loans?
  • Розкрийте зміст державно інвестиційного кредитування фізичних осіб.
  • Viznachte order formalized that vidazhі sovereign credit to phizic individuals.
  • Name the problems that are the mainstays of directing the development of a cooperative loan in Ukraine.