Інвестування - Пересада А.А.

3.1.6. Postaudit

If the system is in control, you need a ringing call, a clear display, and a system is functional. Post, abo project, audit viznachaєtsya yak obektivna iz nelelezhnna otsіka uspіšnostі vitrat kostіv u proizvodstvii realizatsiі project behind the vyznachenim plan. Otsіnka is to blame for realizing the project for the yo-yo zakverdzhennya before building in service, and takozh tehnichně i fіnansove yogo functііonuvannya pislja priinyattya v ekspluotaatsiyu.

Statisticnye dosleniya, carried out in the UK, svyadchat, scho postaudit regularly zastosovuyutsya bilshostі projectov 48% z opitannyh firm. Priskiplivshy analas proteom demonstruste, scho for bugatogh firm, yakі takrobuyut conducted postauditu, vin interobstvuyut poryvnyannyam actual vitrat with planning and liche is unequal to respect pridealyatsya sposstrezhennju for operational penny flows.

Цілі постаудиту

Postaudit vikonu three basic functions: (1) I will hide the lack of information about the number of people in the industry; (2) поліпшує якість майбутніх інвестиційних рішень; (3) to know the reasons for the inactivity of the introduction of the amendments to the draft laws.

Покращення якосьіночночих інвестиційних рішень . The modularity of the method, the method, the ministry, the pripushchenya, the kuruvavsya manager, mozhut buddy pidndani auditing in Maybutnomu, can be seen as a stimulating factor, a sort of spontaneity of the manager before the color of the information and information and information about the natural tendency to be free of optimism. Zanadto optimistic forecast shodo realizatsii the project is often zaohchuyetsya kerіnivuyu top shlykh vstanovlenya unrealistically high-level control indicators of the efektivnostі інвестиційного project. Mozhlivist that, scho such a pardon in perebachennyh budey vyyavlena auditorskoyu perevirkoyu, mozhe pobediti abo zmenshiti tsju pomilku.

Postaudit moge buti so, scho zmenshyet produktivnist, yakshcho vin prizvodit before prinyattya unjustifiably underestimated prognoznyh otsinok for umovi, scho vinagoroda for uspavlyaetsya menh privalivishoyu, nizh pokarannya for nevdachu. You can also turn in the process of designing a project, you can visualize it with a high level of risk and speed. Itself importantly rozglyadati posaudit not zakstrіchny control, and yak інструмент, що stimuljє yakіst і tsіlісність project analiza.

Поліпшення якості майбутніх інвестиційних рішень . Post-audit plays an important role, nadauchi kerivnikam zmogu otrimati korost iz zabobygnya admit the past pardon. At the meeting of the leaders of the governorship of the people, pokrіbno bahato rockov, abandonment of misfortune misfortune rіshen shchodo іnvestuvannya become pozhnistju zrozumіlimi. Nadal all tse sostavlyayutsya lack of information and nepnovnotyu іnformatsії z realizatsii інвестиційного to the project, yaka отримується through the processes of the accounting region, that dovmіrnіstu that manager does not mаyut nііir pratsyuvati on the fіrmі by the lengthy усього життя to the project. Postaudit, a kind of zdіysnyuetsya through one abo two rockes pislya pobatku realizatsii project, zabezpechuє kerivnikam, yakі vіdpіdіdіnі for yakіst rіshen, priinyatih for a basis, neobhіdny zvorny zv'jazok. Tse daє zmogu vrachuvati povodnyi positivnyi chi negativnyi dosvіd i zapobigti povyvі odnikh ikh tih pomilok pri sproglyadі інвестиційних пропозицій у майбутньому. Postaudit is guilty of defending a one-hour free-call call and a nadati information in the unofficial way that the project has not been swallowed by the objec- tive rivion, and by such a change, the change in the quality of unauthorized transactions in the Maybutn projects. Наприклад: чи читньоо зібрано даних для здійснення оцінки? Any speculative pomolok boule allowed in pripuschennii і forecasts? Chi buli otsineni vіdpііdnіm chin riziki? Які login повині бути здійснені з метю покращення процесу прийняття рішень?

Postaudit can not just do it with a financial expert. Інвестиційний project is guilty of splitting bottles of such rank, shob vidpіdіati pivnym strategіichnim vimogam. Audit dopomagaye viznachiti, naskilki result of realizatsii інвестиційного to project zbіgayutsya зі strategіічними zavdannami, yakі vіn mе realizovati. Yakshcho the project for its suttu crocheting on pidvistchennya parts of the rink, then yogo auditorskoi perevyrka sutєєvo rіznitsya vіd perevirki іnshogo project, націленого, наприклад, на підвищення кваліфікації працівників.

One of the problems has been dealt with in vicarities for the postulate of a tool for the settlement of the systemic pardons in pripuschennyah analitsik. Vaughn is zoomed in by Tim, and modeled on the postulate - by tendencies for his own nature. Brown is a signer, but all the proposals, yakі napotsyovanі managers, mie bouti vygljanuti z ometki otsniki be-yakih vidhileny pripuschenni. It is possible that the manager has decimated nabir zhotoryoh propositsy, yaki stretching one rock to bring groshivi flows at -2000, -1000, 1000 and 2000 grivnas. Ochikuvana is pure teperishnya vartit cych projectov zagalom become zero. Teper pripustimo, scho disna the value of pure teperishnogo varsti for the dermal project to become zero, tobto be-yakі vіdmіnnosty vinikayut vіdavnostі vypadkikh pardon in peredbachennyh. Вище керівництво, використовуючи критерій чистої теперішньої вартості, розоглядатиме тільки проек з positive pure теперішньою вартістю на загальну суму 3000 гривень. If in the process of postuudite vyyavlyaetsya, scho diiisna pure teperishnya vartit dorivnyu zero, stink, naturally, mozhut dityt vysnovku, scho manager systematically pomilyavsya, roblyachi soi perebachennya. At the practical level, the result of a natural and voluntary audit, which is a pardon, is the same as for the vision of the visions of the people (it is about not hiding any nihilos and not zdohaduvavsya). Vishche kerіvnitsvtvo guilty of the uniqueness of the recent pomilkoh visnovkіv in otsінці systematic pomolok besidebachennymi and має зробити all in order to ensure that the proximity of the office, the number of people in front of the office, the doctors in advance of the value of the vidhilenya. The problem is especially relevant for risikovyh projects, de ruin nepostynostі otsіnok і vysokim.

The basis for koriguyuchih dіy . The third method postaudit роз rozglyad project from the point of view of yoga prospects for Maybutne. If the actual vidhilennya є znachnimi abo kol kotovovі mirkuvannya no longer є such vzaimlivimi, majbutnє інвестиційного the project in yogo pochotkіy formі stіє the subject of the discus. You can vyayvishis, scho project - nabagato pributkovishim, nizh planned. Tse, in its chervona, spoin-up to the expansion of the investment project to the draft before the early transition to the on-going phase of realiza- tion to the project. There, de zmіni є nespriyatlivimi, tsemozhe prizvest to see the draft zarahuvannyam mozhlivih speed of the project in the project.