Strahuvannya - Osadets SS

12.3. Insurance of deposits

For the creditworthy loans to commercial banks, they are subject to creditworthiness. By the method of їх popovnennya banks are widely zaduchayut kosti juridicheski t fizichnih osib u viglyadі dobrovilno zbobleny them ubovіv. Costa in gotіvkovіy abo bezgotіvkovіy formі have valyutі Ukraine abo in іnozemnіy valyutі, SSMSC rozmіschenі klієntami on їhnіh іmennih rahunkah in jar on dogovіrnih ambushes on viznacheny lines zberіgannya i pіdlyagayut viplatі vkladniku vіdpovіdno to zakonodavstva Ukraine minds that contract nazivayutsya deposits. Кошти, отримані у формі депозитів, комерційні banks actively використовуть у своїй крединій діяльності. Tsy dіyalnіst, як відомо, по'в'язана з ризиком невервернення коштів, giving to banks from the credit. For the name, the bank is not subject to the risk of a non-sovereign loan, tse rizik transferred klіntam bank - sovereigns of deposits. In front of them, there is a shortage of vratiti kosti, dovirenі banks, yogo zagalnu neplatosprodomnosti.

Deposits of grotesque koshtiv from commercial banks are often rozglyadayetsya їх depositors (depositors) yak form pributkovo інвестиційної діяльності. Todi співучасть депонентів у ризику неплатоспроможності банків, яка it has come внаслідок неверверняня йому кредиів, певною мірою може вважатися доречною. Проте найбільш масова категорія денентівв, передусім фізичні individuals, to loot the contribution of the deprived z oglyadu on the need zaoschadzhennya nadіynogo zberigannya vlasnih koshtiv. In addition, і bagat juridnyh osіb іноді змушені зберігати власні кошти на депозитних рахунках у banks згідно з вимогами чинного законодавства. Otzhe, at tsikh vipadkah nemea pіdstav for unprofitable перекладення ризику неплатоспроможності bank for yogo klієntіv. Masov nepovernennya banks deponovanih koshtіv pіdnosit zvichaynu negatively fіnansovo-bankіvsku situatsіyu to rank vagomoї sotsіalno-ekonomіchnoї i navіt polіtichnoї problem. To the same, the guest is obliged to do so on the basis of the insurance system, in order to protect the interests of the depositors and investors in the risk of non-payment of industrial property.

System insurance Zahist depozitіv, leaning zastosovana US banks, has been viewed zasnovana zgіdno s vimogami Bankіvskogo law od 1933 roku, yaky zobov'yazav stvoriti Reigning company profile - Federal korporatsіyu strahuvannya depozitіv. By the deadline bugatokh titilіt tsy korotatsіya inshuy all kinds of bank deposits for rahunok special fund insurance of deposits, truncated by extra bank accounts of commercial banks. The insurance zahist is wider than 100 yew. Доларів суми deposit of the depositor. In the case of bankruptcy, the bank of the Federal corporation is crooked by the yogi of zobov before the depositors in the assigned quota. By contrast, a number of neodolikiv tsієї sistemi, yakі vyyavilsya progodom hour її functііонування, вона became model, yaku naslіduyut u bagatоh країнах світу.

Necessity of widely inprovadzhuvati system of insurance of bank deposits deposit zymovlyuyatsya axis chim:

  • Zagalnym recession before the bank;
  • I will demand that I send to the banks, who have spent the financial situation at the cross;
  • I will demand the stabilization of financial resources of banks - the reasons for the reasons before the before-the-night deposit of deposits by depositors, the restless camps їх надійності;
  • Obovzyazkom zahistu spizhivacha-klієnta, yak not zavzhdi volodіє dostatnoyu іnformatsіyu about fіnansovuyu konditsіyu banku, yakomu dovіryє svoї zaoshchadzhennya.

Beruchi to uwagi aktualnіst rozglyanutih schoyno supply for vsіh bankіvskih systems 30 Travnia 1994 rock Єvropeysky Union uhvaliv spetsіalnu Directive 94/19 / ЄS schodo vprovadzhennya program strahuvannya depozitіv kraїnami - members Єvropeyskogo Union and takozh kraїnami, SSMSC toil Namir priєdnatisya in maybutnomu to Єvropeyskogo Union . Tsya pobudovana directive on the inclusion of up to Maastrіhtskogo treatise printsipі subsidіarnostі, zgіdno s Yakima rekomendatsії Union viznachayut deprivation neobhіdny mіnіmum vimog zagalnogo nature, not zaperechuyuchi right okremih kraїn zastosovuvati korisnіshі for them virіshennya problems strahuvannya depozitіv. And the directive has been put in place so that the members can join the Union:

a) the system of deposit strahuvannya guilty mother national character studies, tobto garantuvati BEZPEKA depozitіv not deprivation in furrows svoєї Kraina, and the second on teritorії іnshih kraїn, Yakscho there dіyut fіlії vіtchiznyanih bankіv;

B) obovyazykov fate of banks in the systems of insurance deposits;

В) мінімальна квота повної страхової відповідальності має становити 20 тис. Євро (for Іppanії та Portugalії - 15 тисяч євро). Teper tsі kvoti (fearovi sumi) - to finish riznovevelimimi navit beside tih kraїnakh, yakі maiyut novyy rivy ekonomichnogo rozvitku.

The otze, the pose, with the notable recommendations of national deposit insurance systems, can imbibe rice pics. Prote, yak pokazuє mіzhsnarodnyi dosvіd, in the basis of the incentives of systems of potrebno poklasti soi principle:

  • Інституційний nature of the organization of deposit insurance, tobto base on the self-sustaining mіzhbankіvskogo insurance fund for a retrospective method. Fund moe bouti kerovany yak comradeship vzaemnogo inshana zobov'azan bank before the depositors.
  • The foundation of insurance deposits is to be formally succumbed to on the basis of insurance, but before the bankruptcy, virivnyuvannya risikіv okremih bankov.
  • The fate of the deposit insurance companies in the bankruptcy of those financial pledges, accept deposits, obovjazykov.
  • Імперативність регуляційних норм діяльності systems of deposit insurance.
  • Змішаний nature of the organization of deposit insurance systems, a kind of pre-organizational and financial support for non-power and power structures.
  • The accrual of insurance loans and receivables is determined by the quota of receipts of deposits.
  • Vlasna is to take out insurance against pokritti risik in unverified deposits. Mozhie Buti zastosovana regressive scale rozraunku insurance vidshdovannya.
  • The differentiation of insurance tariffs in the interiors of banks, insurers and insurance companies in the stages of risk reduction, is postponed and reported by the deposit insurance fund.
  • Окремі підходи до страхування вкладів фізичних та юридичних осіб.
  • Insurance vidshkoduvannya nadentsya on one contributor, rather than one contribution.

Страховий захист депозитів в Україні здійснюється за рахунок The fund is guaranteed to contribute to the phisical osib in order, podbachennym legislation.