Strahuvannya - Osadets SS

TEST 13. Insurance of transport vehicles


Морське страхування

1. For a kind of insurance pokrtyam shipworm otrimu compensate vitrat iz zagalnoy avarії?

A) Strahuvannya vidpіdalnostі voslovsnika before third persons;

B) Special attention to insecurity in the case of a miserable vipadka;

C) insured people;

D) insurance hull insurance;

E) insuring against the freighter in front of third persons, shipowner.

2. Yakі vitrati do not yell at the insurance companies?

A) The availability of spare parts for the repair of the vessel;

B) vitrati on the transshipment of the vessel before the repair;

C) vitrati for farther than transporting the treadmill from the harnessed ship to the port of confession;

D) vitrati on the plan for an hour before the transition to repair;

E) vitrati on the palm of the ship repair hour.

3. What kind of risk can be included yak up to half of the insurance of a motor hull, so is the insurance of the ship's cargo?

A) The follow-up of a school for a middle class;

B) the ship's wings for the school, the ship of the present governor;

C) poshkojzhennia gvinto-kermovogo mehanizmu;

Г) пошкодження to the vessel hull;

E) dodatkovi vitrati, repaired with the repair of the vessel.

4. Yakі riziki zі insurance kasko vidnosyatsya to "spetsialnogo" pokrtya?

A) Insurance of yachts;

B) insuring against vine riches;

C) insured freight costs;

D) insurance of interests of creditors;

E) insurance for flight.

5. Do not criticize the R & I clubs?

A) Skoda to the middle class;

B) medicinal vitrati of the members of the commander at the hour of swimming;

В) відповідальність for пошкодження майна третіх осіб;

(D) postpaid for the post-entry of the lane member;

E) to pay freight in the name of the vessel.


Aviatsiyne ta kosmіchne inshanya

1. Yakі z nizhenenavdenih vidіv avіacitsynogo inshanya not є obovyazykovymi?

A) Insurance of transport;

B) insurance of emergency vessels;

C) insurance of members of the staff and technical staff.

2. Yakiy mіnіmalniy rozmіr insurance vіdshoduvannya у разі смерті в Україні for one member екіпажу?

A) 1000 minimum wages;

B) 1000 non-compliant mills;

C) 20 000 USD in the USA;

D) 50 000 UAH.

3. Yakiy mіnіmalniy rozmіr insurance vіdshduvannya v випадок смерті встановлено в Україні за одного авіапажижира?

A) 50 000 UAH;

B) $ 20,000. USA;

C) 1000 minimum wages.

4. Що таке ліміт відповідальності?

A) The value of the minimum amount of insurance vishstokduvannya, yak moge bouti is paid by the insurance insurer;

B) tse maximum amount of insurance vishstokduvannya, yak moge bouti is paid by the insured insurer.

5. Yaksho in the result of catastrophe lіtaka avіаkompanіya for pozovomu court має vідшкодувати збитки ттім особм у розмірі 5 850 000 dollars. USA, and lіmіt відповідальності, for which is insured avіаompнія, to become 5 000 000 dale. US, hto vіdshkodovuє різницю у розмірі 850 000 dollars. USA?

А) Aviakompany;

B) insurance company;

C) Power.


Land transport insurance

1. On the onslaught of a kind of insurance vipadkiv vplyuvat soi factor, yak experience that water, is it time to rock that, the amount of traffic?

A) On the contrary, the third part of the transport accident;

B) to the road-transport approach.

C) on nastaniya stihіynih lih;

D) correct a) i b) varianti;

Д) усі варіанти правильні.

2. On the onslaught of some insurance vipadkiv vplyivayut soi factor, yak brand transport zasobu ttermіn yogo ekspluatatsії, nayavnіst protiguonnih pristroїv, mіsze zberіgannya transport zasobu?

A) On nastaniya vershihnykh alone;

B) on protivopnіnі дії третіх осіб;

C) on the road-transport approach;

D) for rozmіr vtrasti commodity varstі;

Д) усі варіанти правильні.

3. What is insurance for land transport?

A) Water is the passenger of the insured transport charge;

B) the civil liability of the insured transport insurer;

C) videtki, sho є naslidkami prizhigno-transportnogo pribody, and Same: fine, payment of a rented car, living in a hotel, spending a pributku, moral zbitki, vidkatki vіdryadzhennya tochno;

D) a lot of correctness;

E) correct variance a) and b).

4. The cost of goods:

A) okremiy ob'ekt insurance in case of transport insured;

B) the burdens of rhymes with insurance transport;

C) the wiping value of the znizhennia dіysnoї vartostі vіdnovlenogo pislya poshkojzhennya transport zasobu viznachennі rozmіr materialovnogo zbitku;

Г) погіршення звнішнього вигляду автомобіля внаслідок insurance vipadku;

Д) усі варіанти правильні.

5. Scho naibilshim rank vplivayet on rozmіr insurance rate for insurance transport zasobu vid kladіzhki?

A) Nayavnist protyuginnih pristroїv;

B) the brand of the transport charge;

В) місце зберігання;

D) Mayzhe 100% -on the insecurity of insurance;

Д) усі варіанти правильні.


Страхування вантажів

1. Hto can be an insurer for insurance purposes?

A) Vlasat vantage;

B) the manager, oderzhuvach tandem;

В) the manager, oderzhuvach, перевізник;

Г) перевізник;

E) forwarder.

2. Yakі z navevedeny umov strakhuvannya vatazhivov zastosovuyatsya chastishe i maiyut naiksirhe pokrtya insurance?

A) "For the prevention of the accident";

B) "for the prevention of all risks";

C) "ex works";

D) "without vidpovіdalnosti for pososhodzhennya, krіm vypadkіv zagibeli";

E) "delivery to the cordon".

3. Yakі zumov zasterezhen і відмінними for застежень to type "A", "В", "C"?

A) 4-19;

B) 8-19;

C) 1-7;

D) 3-8;

E) 12-19.

4. Yakі z navevedeny vantazhiv є nezhazannymi risizami for insavik at transportuvannіі zalіznice?

A) Automobiles, motorcycles;

B) ліс, сировина;

C) computer, audio and video equipment;

D) tractor, tired.

5. The average value of the tariff rates for motor vehicle removals is:

А) 10% від вартості витажу;

Б) 0,4% від вартості витажу;

C) 0,7-6,5% of the wartosty;

D) 0,8% від вартості витажу;

E) 2,5-5% of the varsty wandering.