Фінанси підприємств - Філімоненков О.С.

4.5.3. Specialized education for those who are engaged in business in the future

Come on the hulk , otrimuvanni vid pidpriemnitskoi diyalnosti, pidlyagayut obkladennu podatkom. The specialty of the obkladennya cich income in the field is in the fact that the subsidies are invested in the purity of the purges of the prehad, the desires of the vicarious people with the income (the virgin in the grotesque that natural forms), and documentarily with the vitrified vitriments, without being repaid in return. Yakscho tsі vitrati not shaping can Buti pіdtverdzhenі documented, the stench vrahovuyutsya podatkovih authorities in zdіysnennі residual rozrahunkіv for standards in vіdsotkah to gross income viznachenimi bunt Reigning podatkovih admіnіstratsієyu Ukraine for pogodzhennyam s Mіnіsterstvom Economy that s power іntegratsії Ukraine is the Reigning komіtetom Ukraine Zi spriyannya Malim pіdpriєmstvam That підприємництву.

Before vitrat, bezposeredno pov'yazanih s obsession dohodіv, nalezhat Ti, scho vklyuchayutsya in sobіvartіst produktsії (robіt, poslug) for perelіkom, viznachenim bunt Reigning podatkovih admіnіstratsієyu Ukraine Mіnіsterstvom i s Economy is the power іntegratsії Ukraine.

Vitrati on pridbannya іmportnih tovarіv imported into up Ukraine s metoyu sale at viznachennі opodatkovuvanogo income viklyuchayutsya s oderzhanoї viruchki od їh sale for Mitnija vartіstyu, splachenoyu at vvezennі Tsikh tovarіv up Ukraine in pererahovanoyu i have grivnі of course Natsіonalnogo Bank of Ukraine on the date peretinu cordon.

Podatok s factual rіchnogo income podatkovі organic obchislyuyut for mіstsem postіynogo of residing paysite and Yakscho yogo dіyalnіst zdіysnyuєtsya in іnshomu mіstsі - for mіstsem її zdіysnennya s obov'yazkovim povіdomlennyam podatkovih authority for mіstsem postіynogo The Citizen of residing rozmіri obsession about him i splachenogo podatku income for Year Gone .

Come gromadyan obatotkuyutsya podatkovymi bodies on pidstavi such dokumentiv:

• declarations of the Gromadyans about the points (otsynochny) in streaming rotsi about the actual holding by them of the extension to the fate of the dohid;

• materіalіv perevirok dіyalnі hromadyan, zdіysneny podatkovymi bodies;

• отриманих від підприємств, installation, organisation and phisical donors - sub'equivities підприємницької діяльності vідомостей about виплачені платникам доходи і утримані податки за відповідною довідкою (форма № 2).

Suma podatku in income pidpriemtcya enumerate in this order. Spochatka on the basis of declarations is the sum of a pure income. Potim rozrahovuyutsya srednniomіsyachna suma income і з не не за заложенвленою with the rate оподаткування доходів громадян нінаховується сума податку.

Calculations by the taxpaying bodies of the payments are increasing and rallying in this order:

• With the prolongation of the fate, the payers pay a quarterly payment to the budget for 25% of the total sum of the tax, calculated for the income for the cross-country, and the payers, who in the first place rinse the payments, - 25% of sums, accumulated by the tax authorities for the local income to the current ric;

• Advance payments of the pribootkovy deposit with a stretch of rock to rally in the following line: up to 15 birch, up to 15 herbs, up to 15 sickle and 15 leaves;

• Sumi pay a deposit, which is bundled with the extension of the fate of the vigilant advance payments, vrahovuyutsya with residual rozraunku sui rіnogo podatku.

In the case of zobsilshennya abdomen zmenshenny long-term pay to the income of the payer in the interstices of 50% or more of the prosecuted by the subordinate authorities to mute the banks, the sum of the payment for the rows of the bonds has not been paid, but they have not arrived.

Gromadyani, yakі zaimayutsya pіdpriєmnitskoyu dіyalnіstyu, podayut up to the submitter of the declarations procwartally at the 40-day lines of the ending of the quarter, and pislya zakinchennya rock - up to 1 kvitnya approach rock. In declarations, zagachayutsya zagalnі sumi oderzhannogo income, vitrat i rasslachenogo podatku zvіtnyi rіk nabo інший період, за який здійснюється оподаткування (обподатковуваний період).

Gromadyani, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut pіdpriєmnitsku dіyalnіst without stvorennya yuridichnoї individuals mozhut splachuvati podatok advance payment s otsіnyuyuchogo income, and for okremimi views dіyalnostі - s rozrahunkovogo income for fіksovanimi rozmіrami pributkovogo podatku (patents) s the following pererahunkom podatku s factual rіchnogo income Yakscho vіn perevischuє rozrahovany 1.5 times.

Perelіk vidіv dіyalnostі, SSMSC mozhut zdіysnyuvatis of minds fіksovanih payments pributkovogo podatku (Shlyakhov pridbannya patent), i rozmіri fіksovanoї Sumi podatku (pay for the patent) after them zatverdzhuyutsya Uryadov Avtonomnoї Respublіki Krim, oblasne, Kiїvskoyu that Sevastopolskoyu mіskimi Reigning admіnіstratsіyami.

Pribannya patent zdіysnyuetsya in podtkotіy admіnіstratsії.

Розмір фіксованого податку для громадян, які здійснють підприємницьку діяльність без стрення legal person, не може бути меншим від 20 грн і перевищувати 100 грн for calendar місяць.

Якщо планик податку здійснює підприємницьку діяльність з використанням наманої праці або за учаю в підприємницькій діяльності членів його сім'ї, розмір фіксованого податку збільшується на 50% за кожну feature. In this razі fіksovanogo paysite podatku Got the right samostіyno doplatiti 50% sumi vstanovlenogo fіksovanogo podatku s rozrahunku on skin dodatkovu lady povіdomiti i about tse podatkovih body yaky zobov'yazany make vіdpovіdnі zmіni in Patent in line peredbachenі for yogo vidachі.

Paysite podatku fіksovanogo, individuals SSMSC perebuvayut s him at the Labour vіdnosinah and takozh The members of Yogo sіm'ї, SSMSC take fate in pіdpriєmnitskіy dіyalnostі, zvіlnyayutsya od splat on narahuvan Foundation paid pratsі, utriman i zborіv on budіvnitstvo, rekonstruktsіyu, repair i utrimannya avtomobіlnih dorіg zagalnogo koristuvannya Ukraine, podatkom on Promisel, Assembly at the Foundation sotsіalnogo Zahist population, Assembly on obov'yazkove sotsіalne strahuvannya, obov'yazkove Reigning pensіyne strahuvannya that іn.