Strategic management - Shershniova Z. Є.

1.4.2. Dovgostrokov planuvannya

Skin pidpriemstvo, schob zabezpechiti obgruntuvannya its rozvitku, maє otsіniti perspective. Dovgostrokov plannuvannya, scho vikoristvuє dosh jorstkі model, that method, based on the hypothesis about the cannabism of people podbachati ta controllatie Maybutne.

Ob'ektivnyi cause neobhіdnostі ta mozhnovostі rozshirennya planovogo horizon poz interi roku soi:

For social and economic edges of the centralized emergency plan for economy - the need for the formation of a planned "shear", but instead of preserving the coveted property of the company in economics, at once with administra- tive vazheli;

For підприємств, що functioned in the economy of economy, - наявність незнаповнених ринківі and low competitiveness, but they were able to develop the property.

In 5060tі prophets, krіm of Bulo vzhe target mainly naukovometodologіchny aparata (s vikoristannyam ekonomіkomatematichnih metodіv that AMR), yaky Davao zmogu obroblyati velikі masivi Informácie, rozroblyati dovgostrokovі forecasting rozvitku zovnіshnogo ekonomіchnogo seredovischa funktsіonuvannya fіrmi that formulyuvati on tsіy osnovі perspektivnі tsіlі rozvitku of companies.

The basis of the dovgostrokovogo planuvaniya in ti rocky buli ekstrapolyatsiny prediction (motivated on the mathematical models), shcho vrahovuvali factor, yakі sporili zrostannu pidpriemstva nebo interzali yogo mozmolisti. Naichastsya such diminishing factors, the financial resources were invested, they were rasporazhalasya pidpriemstvo, that dzherela, y yakih mozhno boolo zaduloti dodatkovi інвестиції та займи. Taka planjuvannya Mayzhe not vidriznyalosya vіd traditional buduyubovnya, tilki rozraunkki were conducted on bilsh trivaly hour.

Formal procedures of the pre-construction planning of the boulevard with the budgetary process of budgetary management, which are duly secured on the basis of the use of the funds for the sale of a few tens of thousands. Dovgostrokov planuvannya, pokazuyuchi perspective rozvitku, vikoristovovalo rіznі varіianti ekstrapoljatsії, and zgdomom і raskannі model of ochikuvannogo ekonomichnogo zostannya mozlivoste rozvitku rinkyv tochno. W іnshogo side, yak pіdpriєmstvo ob'єkt planned rozvitku skladaєtsya s pіdsistem rіznogo type: postachannya, virobnitstvo, zbut, fіnansi, іnformatsіya toscho, SSMSC for bіlsh efektivnoї vzaєmodії, s metoyu otrimannya temple rezultatіv dіyalnostі pіdpriєmstva zagalom potrіbno zazdalegіd proanalіzuvati, sproektuvati on bіlsh obgruntovanih Ambushes і include up to planів rozvitku. In the former warrants, the process is the same as the similar process of planning.

The SRSR has a 20x, and in the territories, the zinc economy has caused zakosovuvatyi і on the richest territory. At such rozvineny, rinkovo ​​oriyntovanyh kraїnah, yak, napriklad, Frantsiya, Great Britain - at sunset, Іndonezіya, Taiwan - on the meeting, саме планування зіграло неабикуку role in досягненні відчутних результатів.

Dosvіd zastosuvannya dovgostrokovogo planuvannya, orientatsovannogo ekstrapolyatsіynі methods, fostering that on the singing stage in kerivnikiv riznikh rivniv podpylalosya yyavlennya about perebachuvannost maybutnyogo (bilsh in detail materialno schodo prognoziv mistitsya in pidrozd.2.7). Pidpriemstva vitrachali bahato hour that groschen on the scrap of folding models, rozraunki, on the form of detailed plans, yaki, zreštoyu, they knew the police at politsy shaf, and ryisnya about dіyalnіst pіdpriєmstva priymalis such a rank, nenache planіv zovsіm not існувало. Tse bula natura reaktsіya managerіpraktikіv na rozbіzhnostі v zmisty planіv i dіysnosti: in dovgostrochnomu planyunvanni not oriventuvalis on varianti negative rozvitku podiy; It is ripe, but all can be mended.

Nayaskravishim butik ochikuvan shodo rolli pre-urban planning became one of the early praty G.Minzberga [43], de vin rozglyadav riznі pіdhod to planuvannya: підприємницький, adaptive та плановий (рис.1.4).

Pідходи до планування

Fig.1.4. Pідходи до планування [43]

Підприємницький підхід визначає зазнане уявлення about майбтній стан підприємства і за допомогою послідовних рішень і дій for їхнього втілення скеровує його (підприємство) розвиток одним із можливих варіантів; Adaptivny - orientuyutsya on postyne reaguvannya on the problems, scho vinikayut, the shliakh pidpriemstva - tse korotkki kroki with unseen prospects; Planovy (for rozuminny dovgostrokovogo pidhodu), let's save "to get into the tsil", yaku zazdalegd is seen. The oncoming rock shows showed the mariness of such disasters and unpleasantness of the "classic" pre-urban planning for a real life.