Фінанси підприємств - Філімоненков О.С.

6.2. Bank credit, yogo, the form of money, the principle of loans

Bank loan is the main form of a loan, which is to be used by commercial banks in the form of grosgovye gosdarstvkim bodies for timchasov korostuvannya for payment on the minds of the office and tsilovogo vichoristan.

Залежно від строків, на які надаються банківські кредити, вони поділяться на коротко-, середньоо -і довгострокові.

Short - term credit loans are provided by banks to the gospodarskim bodies for arranging for timchasovyh fenansovykh difficult, but for making money with vitrifuges vibrobitztva i turnover, not for storing the insecurities of local koshtivs in the course of period. I see short stitches on the lines to one rock.

Serednostrokovymi є credit, scho nadayutsya for payment zadnannya, poztchnyh vitrate, fіnnsuvannya kapitalnyh contribution. I can see stink on the lines up to three rock.

Dovgostrokov credit lenti, I rely on the financing of capital losses from reconstruction, modernization, and development of the basic funds, budivnitsutvo novih o'ektiv tosche. Dovgostrokovі credit look at the lines of three rock.

The main form of nada is the position of the bank directly to the credit institution, to the credit of the installments of the banks, without any intermediary, subordinates of the state dues in the order of payment of the payment documents for the goods, materials, construction, construction, and delivery of the goods on the premises of the contract.

Crediting - tse sposіb vidich (nadannya) by creditors (banks) koshtiv sub'ektam pіdpriemnitskoy diyalnosti (pozhal'nikam) at timchasov vikoristania on chitko viznachenі tsil, for payment і on umovah poverennya.

The creditor is a sub-credit of credit entries, a loan for which the minimum subordination of the state duchy in timchasovo korostuvannya.

Poschalnik - TSe sub'ekt credit vdosinon, yaky oderzhue in timchasov korostuvannya groshovi kosti on umovah poverennya, pay і rowing.

Vidacha banks credit loans sub'ektam pіdpriєmnіkіkі діяльності здійснюється в разі доітримання such principles: забезпеченості, повернення, строковості, платності та цільового використання.

The principle of unsecured loans is meant, but a poshchik on a loan taken out of a loan is given to a bank at an outpost in the form of a real one in a mine, material values, small paperns, in fact. The main meta-tional support is the misrepresentation of the bank for miscreated zbits in unconfirmed positions taken by the defector through non-payment of the property. The guarantee is the overriding guarantee of a loan. Vartizt zakladenogo zabezpechennya loan lane, material tsennosti nevertheless is guilty for 25-30% perevishchuvati sumu credit, scho seyatetsya.

The principle of trusted credit is signified by the subordination of the state dignitaries of the state, and the bank is turned over to the bank at the lines, against the credit agreement. Dzherel povonennya poseki є groshovi koshti, oprenni pіdpriemstvom for sold products і nadanі sgigi.

In the case of a lack of confidence in the line fixations for credit lines due to objective reasons, they resulted in hard-hitting difficult-to-reach pennies, the bank can adhere to the lines of credit repaid. Yaksho and pidpriyemstvo not moe eksektivnyh reasons nepogashennya credit vestanovleniyu strings, the bank nepogashenu sumu vidnosit on rakhunok stlinchikah posk naraahuvannyam on them pidvishchenih vidsotkiv.

The principle of stringing the credit of the field is in that, pozo posiki pіdpriєmstvu vidayuyutsya on chitko vyznacheniyu y contractov strings, pislja vyshenyshenya yakogo stony maiyut bouti poveruti. String pokonennya posks vstavlyuetitsya vyhoditchi z meti fіnansuvannya. With pozashhennyi pozhzalnikom stroynіv povonennya credit the bank can mash up to this fine and sanktsіі i vidmoviti yomu podalshmu u vidichi credit.

The principle of paying for a loan is in the same way that you set the bank to see the sub-accounts of the state dignity for the song, the yaqa is called vis-a-vis. Розмір pay for the loan і order її alloy to be installed by the bank in the step of the credit risk submitted to the bank, the bank of the regional rate of the NBU, pay for the credit resources, and the inflation of those інших факторів. Fixation of payments for payment (loan) for a loan from a loan agreement.

Principle tsil'ovogo vikoristana credit perebacha nadannya posekovyh koshtiv on concrete tsіlі, peredbacheni by the credit contract. Loan for the financing of concrete approaches, and not in all vipadkas, if the need is for groshovi koshtiv. In different countries, the pidpriemstvo is not supported by the prizes, the bank prizupinyaet yogo creditu and izzhivaє zahodіv dostrokovogo stjagnennya vidanoy pozits.

The poses are seen sub'ektam gospodaruvannya for різних tsілей. Viznacheny vis obivovyh activeiv (stocks, vitrat, rozraunkiv) and capital vitar, on fynansuvannya yakih nadayutsya pose, nazivayutsya ob'ektami credit.

The main objects of short-term credit in the warehouse of current assets are the following:

• ready products and comrades;

• vibrochnyi stock (sirovina ta basin materiiali, pribani napivfabrikati ta dopomizhnі materіali, spare parts and packaging, malotsinnyi i shvidkoznoshuvanni premeti);

• uncompleted vibrobitnitsu and vitrati maybutnih periodov;

• rozraunkukovo-paid documentation for rozraunkami from the post-apostles that are purchased by that ín.

The demand for loans for loans is due to a number of reasons. So, pid vibronichi zapisi demand at the expense of credit cards, yakshcho u pіdpriemstva vartіst zalishkіv vibronichnyh zapasiv vzvishchu vartizhest dzherel їх формавання. Napriklad, in the result of a loan in the enclosure of the purchase of the goods in the form of sirovin, the material in the property of the property is being stolen out of the above reserves, as well as the payment of credit.

Kredituvannu pidlyagayut takozh nannormativnі vitrati, sho vinikayut in the unfinished vibrobitztsy for rahunok zbilshennia vitrat on vygonovlenya nezvushenoї produktsii in all stages of the vibrotic process, and for the rajunov zbіlshennya obshyagіv vygotovlenya napіvfakibratіv.

Nadnormativny reserve production, yakі pіdljagayut lentuvannu, mozhut utvoryuvatisya in the result of speedy abo prizupinennya її vіdvantazhennya pokupatyam through їх neplatosprokdomnist.

Rozmіr a loan for the payment of rozraunkukovo-paying documents of postpayers at various times in the local koshtіv vіznachaetsya vartіstyu coupon products, goods, services, вказаних у цих документах.

In the warehouse of capitalitious vitraz, the poses are seen on the fountain of vitrite, which are involved in reconstruction and technical re-construction of dyichih pidpriimstv, in the new technology, in vskosnalennyam technology virobnitsvva tochno. Розмір поккі на каіталні витрати визначається як різниця між вартістю sight здіснених каітальних витрат і наявністю власних та залучених джерел їх фінансування.