Фінанси підприємств - Філімоненков О.С.

7.3. The kapitalnyi deposit, the appearance of the formation zdіysnennya

Vidnuvlenya basic fondіv on dіyuchih pіdprіємствах здійснюється for рахунок капітальних вкладдень.

Kapitalnyi deposit - tse vitrati on the new, new, reconstructed and modernized basic basic funds. Prior to the capital contributions on the facilities, it is necessary to apply vitrati to budivnitsutvo budivel, the controversy of this and other ob'ektiv, including budivelno-montnoti roboti, vartitost obladnannya ta Inventoryu, yaki enter at koshtorisi budivnitsva; Vitrati on pribannya machines that obladnannya, yaki do not enter the koshtorisi budivnitsva; Vitrati on pribannya transport zasobiv, obsoblyuvalnoy technicians tochno; Vitrati on budivnitsvto taadnannya zhitlovogo boudinkiv, children's doshkilnyh installation, ob'ektiv cultural-priznachennogo priadcennya ta іn.

In addition, to the warehouse capitalnyh vitrate nalezhat soi: design-poshukov; On the introduction of landed doljans, that is the resettlement of zvyazyka z Budivnitsvom; On the technical view of the future; On the science-doslosdnitsky robots, perebacheni in kostorisy on budivnitsvo; On utriannya kerivnitsva pіdpriєmstv, yakі buduyutsya; Інші витрати, які do not lie down to the assembly of those budivelnih robots, ale peredachcheni zvedenim kostorisom on budivnitsvto.

Поняття "капітальні депозидення" тотожне поняттю "інвестиції". In order to understand the "capitalist contribution", one should look at the future, straighten on the new lines, expand, reconstruct and modernize the basic foundations.

In the minds of the economy of the economy, the realities of the economy are solved.

Real (direct) investments - Tec of contribution to capitalization in the securing of vibrobitvtva.

Fіnansovі іnvestitsії - tse vkladennya kapіtalu in tsіnnі Papero and takozh yogo rozmіschennya banks abo tse assets SSMSC utrimuyutsya pіdpriєmstvom s metoyu zbіlshennya pributku, vartostі kapіtalu abo іnshih Vigoda for іnvestora.

Naybіlsh Progressive Form іnvestitsіy Je realnі (pryamі) іnvestitsії, pov'yazanі s vіdnovlennyam mainly fondіv in formі new budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії, rozshirennya that tehnіchnogo pereozbroєnnya dіyuchih of companies that ob'єktіv nevirobnichoї sphere pridbannya zasobіv the agriculture, land dіlyanok, ob'єktіv prirodokoristuvannya toscho .

Залежно від джерел фінансування розрізняють такі капітальні contribution:

• holdings - investments, are aligned to the secession and overlapping of the main funds, by the dzherlom of financial support, which are the kosti of the state budget, the state receipts and organisations, and also the budget;

• the central authorities - investments, are aligned to the securitization of the main funds and finance for the budget of the state budget and budget loans;

• non-sustained - investment, financing for rakhunok koshtiv people with uncontrollable forms of power, to lie down to some:

- Vlasnі fіnansovі resources іnvestora (Prybutok, amortizatsіynі vіdrahuvannya, vіdshkoduvannya zbitkіv od avarіy, stihіynogo Lehigh groshovі nagromadzhennya i zaoschadzhennya gromadyan, Yurydychna osіb toscho);

- posekovі fіnansovі kosti іvvestora;

- the finance of the investor's bank accounts (koshti, otrimani vid sale of shares, obligaciy, paiovi ti іnshі vneski gromadyan, juridichnyh osib);

- безкоштовні і добродійні выски, пожертвовування громадян, підприємств та оргаізацій;

- koshi of other inland lands (inland navigation, direct and portfolio, capital transfers, credit);

- capital transfers - investment of capital contributions to the transfer of non-terrestrial currency to Ukraine and transfer of the right to live in the territory of the country;

- zmіshanі - інвестиції, спрямовані на стреннення і відіввлення the basic фонів, у загальнымі яськие є a part of the country's kostyiv.

Розширення фонних фонів виробничого призначення може здійснюватися for rakhunok new budivnitsvva vibrochnichih ob'ektiv, rozshirennya, rekonstruktsii te tehnichnogo perezbroєnnya dіyuchih pіdpriєmstv.

Until the new budіvnitstva nalezhit budіvnitstvo complex ob'єktіv basic, pіdsobnogo th obslugovuyuchogo priznachennya novostvoryuvanih of companies, budіvel, sporud and takozh i fіlіy okremih virobnitstv, SSMSC pіslya Introduction to ekspluatatsіyu perebuvatimut on samostіynomu balansі scho zdіysnyuєtsya on novih Area s metoyu stvorennya novoї virobnichoї potuzhnostі .

Before rozshirennya dіyuchih of companies nalezhit budіvnitstvo dodatkovih virobnitstv on dіyuchomu pіdpriєmstvі and takozh budіvnitstvo novih i rozshirennya dіyuchih okremih tsehіv i ob'єktіv basic, pіdsobnogo th obslugovuyuchogo priznachennya on teritorії dіyuchih of companies in the Area abo scho before them prilyagayut, s metoyu stvorennya dodatkovih abo novih Vibrotic hysteria.

Prior to the reconstruction of consumer goods, there should be a restatement of business enterprises and organizations of the basic, administrative and general service, as a rule, without expanding the existing budiovel and the dispute of the principal confession.

Before tehnіchnogo pereozbroєnnya dіyuchih of companies nalezhit complex zahodіv schodo pіdvischennya tehnіko-ekonomіchnogo rіvnya okremih virobnitstv, tsehіv i dіlnits on osnovі vprovadzhennya peredovoї tehnіki i tehnologії, mehanіzatsії th avtomatizatsії virobnitstva, modernіzatsії i zamіni zastarіlogo that fіzichno znoshenogo ustatkuvannya on the basis of, bіlsh productivity and takozh schodo Vospolkonalennya zagalnozavodskogo gospodarstva і допоіжних services.

Techniche reindeerings of dyudichnyh pіdpriєmstv zdіysnyuetsya, yak rule, without vysrobirnya vyrobnichih ploshch for projects і koshtorisami on okremі ob'ekti abo vyrobot, scho rozroblyayutsya na prinimi tehniko-ekonomichnogo obruntuvannya.

Oblagy kapitalnyh deposit (інвестицій) заглалом і behind types of підприємства viznachayatsya schorіchno vyhodachi з consumer in them иівних джерел фінансування.