Фінанси підприємств - Філімоненков О.С.

10.2.5. Restructurization of goods, її view that showers ефективності

At the complex of financial and economic ones, those organisational and legal approaches to the financial health of the pidpriemstvo-borzhnik are important for the restructuring of enterprises (reorganization).

Restructuring of the property means zdіysnennya organizatsіyno-gospodarstkih, fіansovo-ekonomichnyh, legal and technical visits, rectification on the reorganization of receivables, zokrema with the yogo sign under the transition of the borovi zobov to the juridical person, but not in the sanatorium, Management, organizational and legal forms, insurance for financial well-being of property, financial assistance for the competition of products and services, payment for vibrobitvita and for the satisfaction of creditors.

Reorganіzatsіya pіdpriєmstva (s yogo zlittya іnshim, ekonomіchno stіykim pіdpriєmstvom, priєdnannya to fіnansovo stіykogo pіdpriєmstva, podіl on samostіynі pіdpriєmstva, peretvorennya on pіdpriєmstvo іnshoї FORMS vlasnostі) zdіysnyuєtsya for rіshennyam vlasnika Lane yogo abo upovnovazhenogo vlasnikom body and takozh for rіshennyam gospodarskogo court.

Restructurization of the power enterprises is subject to correction until approved by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

Restrukturizatsіya peredbachaє peredusіm analіz fіnansovo-gospodarskoї dіyalnostі pіdpriєmstva, yaky Got mіstiti otsіnku zagalnoї vartostі Lane pіdpriєmstva, aktivіv i pasivіv yogo balance, їh structure analіz kreditorskoї i debіtorskoї zaborgovanostі, pributkovostі that rentabelnostі virobnitstva and takozh rozrahunok koefіtsієntіv absolyutnoї lіkvіdnostі that platospromozhnostі, SSMSC harakterizuyut Rіvenь фінансового стану підприємства.

On the basis of the data analizu robitsya vosnovok shodo lіkvіdatsії pіdpriєmstva through the procedure yogo yogo bankrutom abo reorganizatsii.

In the case of priinyattya rіshennya about the reorganization of pidpriemstva rozroblyaetsya project zahodіv reorganizatsii, a kind of turn include:

• the economic restructuring of the restructuring;

• Proposals on the method of restructuring;

• vitrati on the restructuring of that dzherela pokrtya;

• go to the virtuality of financial, social and other problems that are involved in the implementation of the restructuring project.

Restructuring (reorganization) підприємства може переджечати такі заходи:

• deputy manager;

• vidokremlenya v pidpriimstva neprofilnyh structural pіdrozdілів;

• Sales of loans to basic funds and tiring;

• rozpodіl great pіdpriєmstv on small;

• privatization of privatizatsiyu abo prikonkov zakrtya;

• Carried out the procedure of bankruptcy. Restructuring is a financial decision, it is operative that is strategic. Фінансова реструктуризація peredachaє зміну текстутури та

Rozmіrіv vladnogo y pozitsovogo kapitalu, інших пасиів підприємства. With this, the structure of the passive can be expressed in the form of a hat:

• vidstrochennya repayment of creditors' debts;

• having sustained additional credit;

• write-off of the zaborgovanosti abdomen;

• violation of the statutory fund;

• a depreciation of interest rates iz zaborgovanosti;

• freezing of investment deposits;

• otrimannya vіd інвесторів нівххінвестицій.

Operative restructuring of the field is carried out in the viscous headlines of the specific realizations of specific proposals, and so does the lodging of unsecured loans with the government-financed disincentives with minimum amounts of capital. Vona zdіysnyuyutsya in korotkostrochnomu periodi, if the pidpriemstvo pidvishchu platosprokomnist ta lіkvіdnіst for rahunok vlasnikh resursіv zdіysnennі sanatsynіy re-structurizatsii. The main clues of such restructuring are:

• speed of the chisel of pratsyuyuchih;

• vkoskonalennya organizatsii vibrobitvtva;

• In-depth management of grocery flows;

• economy of vitrates;

• виклчення збиткових видів діяльності;

• pidvistchenya control over the product quality and vitrachanany financial resources.

Strategical restructuring of the field in the retail sector in the wilderness of the dwellings of the vibrokuntsvа ta full of financial support for the settlement of the country and for the raunch of zaluchennya vnutriyshny ta zvnіshnіh dzherel fіnansuvannya. The main clauses of the restructuring are as follows:

• зміна оргаізаційної стротури підприємства та власності;

• in the presence of new technologies;

• Pretending that the establishment of a new region;

• the distribution of new products;

• Poshuk novikov rinkyv zbutu;

• підвищення кваліфікації staff.

Practice bugatoh kraine svidchit, scho єdinogo recipe re-structurization does not існує. Vona mozhe zdіysnyuvatysya in bugatoo strains, in the plumage, mothers on meti dosyagnennya riznyh resultiv shlykh vzhittya piznikh zahodiv ta z riznimi resursami.

Vibire specific reorganizatsynyh zahodіv maє buti іndivіdualnym for skin pіdpriєmstva zalizhno vіd ekonomіchnogo стан підприємства, що реорганізується. However, in the case of the restructuring of the implementation of a roshukrupnnenya obov'yakovoyu umbrella ё наявність бізнес-планів новостворюваних підприємств.

Vibir of minds reorganized legal entities to be lusted for the borzoi, yogo administratsya, yakshcho borzhnik himself zvernuvsya to gosdarskogo court iz I declare about viznannya yogo bankrutom.

Yak sidіchit practice fіnansovogo zdorovlennya pіdpriєmstv u kraїnakh z rovinneniyu rinkovuyu ekonomіyu, optimal organizatsіyno-legal form of juridical person-borzhnik for conducted sanatsіynoi re-structurization і treyrennya kachestvennogo kompaniya. In the case of a differentiated partnership, it is possible to easily change the name of the statutory fund to the fund by the order of the sanatorium and the actor about the transfer of the part to the sanatorium in the exchange for the burg being extinguished. Tse sprijatie fіnansovomu zdorovlennju pіdpriєstva.

Pokaznikami efektivnostі re-structurizatsii pidpriemstv mozut bouti:

• pідвидвиня продуктивності праці за рахунок проскадження системи сучасних машин, автоматизованих ліній та ін .;

• reduced vitrifite vitrifite;

• досягнення і збільшення прибутковості;

• збільшення обсягів виробництва та продажів продукції;

• damage to pennies;

• ponovlennya platosprokostnostі ta lіkvіdnostі.