Money and credit - Ivanov V.М.

Control questions

1. Definition of the course "Money and credit".

2. What definitions of the essence of money are found in the literature?

3. Define the category of "credit".

4. What is economic modeling for?

5. Name the groups of macroeconomic models.

Tests for self-control

1. The development of the course "Money and Credit" occurs along with development:

A) productive forces;

B) elements of market relations;

C) production relations;

D) answers a), c) are correct;

E) all answers are incorrect.

2. The subject of "Money and credit" is:

A) a general theoretical course, the subject of which is the study of the essence of money and credit, their functions in society;

B) a method of reasoning, by means of which the concrete economic facts associated with money and credit are checked;

C) a system of knowledge on the effective use of the categories of "money" and "credit" by various economic agents;

D) part of the theoretical economy, which explores the development of the categories of "money" and "credit."

3. Money as a category is:

A) everything that fulfills the function of money;

B) generally accepted means of payment;

C) a special commodity serving as a universal equivalent;

D) answers a), c) are correct;

E) all answers are incorrect.

F) all the answers are correct.

4. Credit as a category is:

A) means of payment for goods and services;

B) transfer to temporary use of material values;

C) economic relations that arise between the creditor and the borrower when the value is redistributed on the terms of repayment and with the payment of interest;

D) answers a), c) are correct;

E) all answers are incorrect.

F) all the answers are correct.

5. There are such macroeconomic models:

A) structural;

B) universally recognized;

C) special;

D) the equilibrium model;

E) models of imbalance;

E) the answers a), d), e) are correct;

G) all answers are incorrect.

H) all the answers are correct.