Legal Encyclopedia. The letter a

ARSENEV Konstantin (1837-1919)

- Lawyer, historian, literary critic, essayist.

ARSENEV Konstantin

Biography: In 1849, he entered the Imperial College of Law, and upon its completion in 1855 determined to serve in the Department of the Ministry of Justice.

A., working in the legal profession for about 10 years, was not a professional lawyer. But he became an honorary member of the category of belles


In 1864 went to the University of Bonn for raising the level of education, came back and entered the St. Petersburg Judicial attorneys fees, which after a short period became the chairman of the Board.

Since 1874, he joined the Ministry of Justice, where he was a fellow Procurator Civil Cassation Department of the Senate.

His work: A. established in the scientific literature about the theoretical work of Russian and foreign legal profession.