Legal encyclopedia. The letter a


The autonomous region and the AO in the Russian Federation are nationally state-owned entities of the Russian Federation that have a certain, limited territory within the Russian Federation and exercise powers established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and a federal treaty.

The legal status of the AO (oblast) is determined by the totality of the powers of this subject of the Russian Federation, with the exception of issues attributed by the Constitution of the RF to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and represents the totality of rights and obligations arising in

Relations with the Russian Federation and with other subjects of the Russian Federation, to which he belongs.

Features of the legal status of AO (oblast):

1) the constitutional and legal status of the AO (oblast) is simultaneously the aggregate of the status of a part of the subject of the Russian Federation and the status of an independent subject of the Russian Federation;

2) the constitutional-legal nature of AO

(Oblast) is the same as in other subjects of the Russian Federation, it is equal to the equal subject of the Russian Federation;

3) AO (region), as a rule, is part of the province, region, i.e. Has a single territory and population with a subject of the Russian Federation, which includes an autonomous entity.

The dual nature of the legal nature of AO (oblast) does not mean that these subjects of the Russian Federation are restricted in their rights with respect to other subjects of the Russian Federation.

AO (oblast) is an equal and independent subject of the Russian Federation.

It has its own territory and scope of powers, the population, the system of state bodies, the charter,


Territorial borders, etc.

The legal status of AO (oblast) can not be changed without its prior consent.

The status of AO (oblast) is the same as that of all other subjects of the Russian Federation. In this regard, they are subject to all the rights of the subjects: the right to the symbolism of the subject, to an equal position in relations with the Russian Federation, etc.

On AO (oblast), the influence of the state power bodies of the region is partially spreading,

The areas in which they are included, for this purpose, special laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation are established and treaties between them are concluded on the limits of competence.

AO (oblast) independently regulates the issues of owning, using and disposing of land, subsoil, water, forest and other natural resources in accordance with the basics of legislation, codes, laws of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Treaty on the Delimitation of the Terms of Reference and Powers between the Federal State Authorities of the Russian Federation and the Authorities of the Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation, the list of subjects of joint jurisdiction of the federal bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the autonomous region, Which can be transferred to each other by mutual agreement.

On the issues of its own and joint with the Russian Federation, AO (oblast) has the right to adopt legal acts, and also has the right to issue a special nominal federal law, but at the present time no AO (oblast) has yet exercised this right.