Legal Encyclopedia. The letter a

The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.

It was adopted by the UN Commission on International Trade Law in 1976 after extensive consultation with arbitral institutions and experts on arbitration. In the same year, the UN General Assembly recommended that the use of these Rules in the settlement of disputes arising in the context of international trade relations.

AR UNCITRAL has become well known and widely used throughout the world. Contracting parties increasingly refer to these Rules in the arbitration clauses and agreements, and a large number of arbitral institutions in one form or another recognized or accepted this regulation.

One way to recognize AR UNCITRAL is that arbitral institutions rely on it when preparing their own arbitration rules. We used two different methods. The first is that the AR UNCITRAL

take a sample - either entirely or partially.

The second method is to make AR UNCITRAL in the form in which it is, retaining its name, and include the statutes and regulations of an institution position that the disputes referred to the institution will be treated in accordance with the UNCITRAL AR with the changes set out in these statutes or administrative rules.

A large number of institutions, which have their own established arbitration rules, agreed in some form or another to use AR UNCITRAL, if the parties so wish. Some institutions, for example, provided the opportunity for their own well-established regulations.

The American Arbitration Association (AAA) adopted a specific set of administrative "Procedures for dealing with cases in accordance with the UNCITRAL AR", which sets out in detail how the AAA would perform the functions of the competent authority and provide administrative services in accordance with the UNCITRAL AR.