Plan of accounting in the accounting area

Рахунок 69 "Доходи майбутніх періодів"

Рахунок 69 "Доходи майбутніх періодів" is recognized for the loan of information on the income received by the insured person, which is included in the income from the Maybutn's acquisitions.

Prior to the income of the Maybutnik people, pay a visit to the Zokrem, get in on the vigilant advance of payments for the rent of basic payments of non-revolutiary assets, advance payment for newspapers, journals, periodichnya dovydkovi vidannya, virchka for vanity transfer, virchka for sale kvitkiv Transport and theatrical-vidovnichnyh pіdpriemstv, subscription fee for koristuvannya zazoby zvoyazyku tochno.

For the loan rahunku 69 "Come on Maybutnih periodiv" vidobrazhaetsya suma oderzhannyh proizvodiv Maybutnih periodov, for the debit - ix write-off for the adverts of the region of income, that is included to the warehouse of income in the first period.

Analitic region of income in Maybutnih periods is maintained by їх kinds, dates їх utovorennya і viznannya incomes zvіtnogo period.

Рахунок 69 "Доходи майбутніх періодів" кореспондує

For a debit with a loan:

For a loan with a debit card:




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