Звітність budgetary installations - Tkachenko І.Т.

Звіт про рух матеріалів і продуків харчування

Table 4.15


Form No. 6


Establishing Vіys'kova Part for DKOD

Kiev metro station for ЄDRPOU

The code of the name of the classification is 201 for the CODE

Galuz (kind of defense ) defense for ZKGGNG

Періодичність: річна

Одиниця виміру: гривні


Row Code

Cushion on the ear of rock

Finger on the rock

Consumed for the sake of the consumer






Material for the naval, science and the інших цілей (231)








Harvested products (232)


Medication and perivyazuvalnye zasobi (233)


Gospodar's articles and clerical priladzha (234)





From them budivelnі materіali for in-line and capital repair


Пливо, горючі і мастильні матеріали (235)


Tara (236)




Матеріали в дорозі (237)


Spare parts for cars and equipment (238)





Інші матеріали (239)


Разом матеріалів і продуків харчування (231-239)





* Science and dossiers of the order 010 "Material for the Naval, Science and Technology", "Vicomellyuyut" in addition to the number of expensive metal, slope, reactiv ".

Закінчення table. 4.15

Nadyshlo - at once


Vibulo - at once




The number of:

Transferred without payment



Of them for the raion of centralized post-office


Then: number of free of charge


Z of them: for establishing a vigorous river basin of pidvidomchih installations


Written off in the form of a psychedelic verse




Written off shortage:

For the rake of centralized post-office


For the plant


In the course of the reorganization


For a plant of wine



Head Accountant

"___" _____________________ 200__ р.


In the row of 220 "there is written off a shortage for rakhunok establish" to be guided by the sum of the kostyv of non-current assets, which are written off from the accounting area as a shortage for the rakhunok establish.

In the row of 230 "there is a shortage for a ragoon of winnings" to be imposed on a sum of kostyv of non-current assets, which is written off from the accounting area as a shortage for a rainy winery.

At the row of 240 "for free transfers", a sum of koshtivs of non-current assets is directed, which are transferred without charge to the installation of a virgin river, or to pidvidomchim establishments.

In a row of 250 "for them for a razoon of centralized post-office", a sum of koshtivs of non-active assets is administered,

Paid for rahunok centralized post-office.

At the row of 260 "for abandonment, znosu", a sum of koshtivs of non-active assets is imposed, which is written off from the accounting area in accordance with the decrees, znosu.

At row 270 "for realizing a lucrative and nontrained lane", a sum of kostyvs of non-current assets is written to be written off from the accounting region in the name of the real and emergency lane.

Form № 6 "Звіт про рух матеріалів і продуків харчування" відображає рух stretching the rock матеріалів і продуків харчування та їх бушки на качаток і кінець року.

Zapovnennya enlarged the count of the name of the form number 6 zdіysnyuetsya for this order.

In row 010 "Material for the Naval, Science and Technology", a sum of money is to be imposed, in the accounting area of ​​the budgetary system, to be located behind the subrakhunk 231 "Material for the Naval, Science and Technology".

Rows 020, 030, 040 are to be confined to the scientific and dostizhnimi establishments, yakі order 010 vyokremljuyuty sumu koshtiv materialov, and sama: "that number of expensive metalli, slo, reactiv".

In the row 050 "Produkty kharchuvannya", a sum of koshtovs is administered, in the accounting area of ​​the budgetary system, to be located behind the subrakhunk 232 "Produkty kharchuvannya."

In row 060 "Medication and perivyazuvalnye zasobi", a sum of koshtovs is administered, in the accounting area of ​​the budgetary system, to be located behind the subrakhunk 233 "Medicines and perivyazuvalnyi zasobi".

In row 070 "Gospodararskie materіali i kanceljarske priladдяa" you can be guided by a sum of koshtіv, yakі in the accounting area of ​​the budgetary system to be located behind the subrakhunk 234 "Gospodararskiy materialy i kanceljarske priladya".

At row 080 "from them budivelnye materialy for streaming and capital repair" from the sum of sum koshtiv, yak in accounting

Region of the budgetary system to be located behind the subrakhunk 234

"Gospodarkski materіali і kantselyarske priladдяa" look at the material for streaming and capital repairs.

At the row 090 "Paliva, combustible and mastilnye materiali" is imposed suma koshtiv, yakі in the accounting region of the budgetary system to be located behind the subrakhunk 235 "Paliva, combustible and mastilnі material".

At the row of 100 "Tara", a sum of koshtovs is imposed, in the accounting area of ​​the budgetary establishment of the region of the subrakhunk 236 "Tara".

At row 110 "Materiali v Dorozi", a sum of kostyaks is imposed, in the accounting area of ​​the budgetary system, to be located behind the subrakhunk 237 "Material in the road".

At the row of 120 "spare parts to machines and equipment" to be guided by sum kostyiv, yaki in the accounting region of the budgetary system to be located behind the subrakhunk 238 "spare parts to cars and gadgets".

At the row of 130 "Інші матеріали" there are imposed suma коштів, які in the accounting region of the budgetary establishments to be located behind the subrakhunk 239 "Інші матеріали".

At row 140 "Raz materіalіv і productів харчування" it is necessary to show sum коштів, які in the accounting region of budgetary establishments to be located on subrakhunks 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239.

At row 150 "Nadiyoshlo - at once" to be guided by the sum of koshtiv material, yakі nadіyshli to the budgetary establish by the extension of zvitnogo rock.

In the row of 160 "for free of charge," s sumіє sumi koshtiv, yakі nadіyshli to the budgetary establish the extension of zvitnogo rock, be guided suma kostyv materialov, vozmozhnyh bezplatno.

At row 161, "establish a vivid rivion of abolition of pidvidomchih establishments" from the sum of money kostyv materіalіv, which are secured without charge, to be guided by the sum of kostyiv materіalіv, who are free without a doubt to establish a vigorous settlement of the podvidomchih installations.

At row 162 "enoshi" s usієї sumi koshtіv materіalіv, who are free without charge, to be guided by sum kostyiv materіalіv of the detainees without paying for their offspring.

At the row of 170 "for the rakunok tsentralizovanogo postachannya" be imposed suma kostyv materіalіv, oderzhannye bezplatno for rahunok tsentralizovanogo postakannya in the course of zvitnogo rock.

At the row of 180 "in the course of carrying out reorganizations", we use sumi koshtiv, which have been installed to the budgetary level by the length of the rock, and we are targeting the sums of kostyanovs who are taking part in the conduct of the reorganization.

At the row 190 "Vibulo - at once" a sum of koshtivs is imposed, written off from the accounting area to the budgetary one by the extension of the famous rock of material.

In a row of 200, "the number has been transferred for free" to be guided by the transfer of equipment without payment, the installation of a Wi-Fi connection to the installation.

In a row 210 of them for a raznok tsentralizovany postachannya iz sumi koshtiv transmitting free of charge materіalіv vartimsya vartit transmitting free of charge materіalіv for rahunok tsentralizovanogo postachannya.

At the row 220 "written off for psuvannya і stihicnyj dashing" induce vartit spisannikh from the accounting region of materials through psuvannya і stihiiine dashingly.

In row 230 "is written off the shortage of a cradle: set a raunch for" write a list of write-offs from the accounting area of ​​materials for the shortage for the rakhunok set.

A row of 240 "is written off the shortage of a cradle: for a ragoon of winnings," write down the severity of the write-offs in the accounting area of ​​material shortage for a ragoon of winnings.