Звітність budgetary installations - Tkachenko І.Т.

Звіт about надходження і використання інших надходжень спеціального фонду (позики міжнародних фінансових организаізацій)

Table 4.20


For _____________________ 200__ р.


Form No. 4-3 km.1 for the DKD

Establishing ____________________________________ for Є DTPOU

TERRITORY ____________________________________ for KOATUU

Galuz (kind of disposition) _________________________ for ZKCGNG

The code of the name is the name of the classification of the head locksmith of the koshtiv

The code of the name of the program of classification of the sovereign budget

Періодичність: річна ____________________________

Odinitsya vimiru: hryvnia ____________________________



Row code

Hardened by koshtoris on the river

Surface of cottages on the ear of rock

Overburden flood

Надійшло коштів за звітний період

Курсова різниця

Kasovy vestki

Actual vestibules

Залишок коштів на кінець звітного періоду

Foreign currency


Foreign currency


Foreign currency



Foreign currency


Foreign currency


Foreign currency



















Vidatki - vsyogo



The number of:

Дослідження і розробки, державні програми






Head Accountant

«___» _____________________ 200__ р.


In the columns "Zalishok na kachatok roku" and "Zalishok na kynets zvitnogo periodu", form No. 4-3 of the code No. 4-3 km of the padding of the grotesque koshtivs shall be stamped with rozpodil for the codes of economical classification of goods (krim vypadkiv without a middle ground of any income for a special fund for rahunki Rozporyadniki in budget koshtiv). Загальна сума повинна відповідати залишким за даними виписок зі спеціальних реєстраційних (поточних) рахунків, відкритих in the bodies of the State Treasury of Ukraine (bank establishments) on the dated date.

In the county "Overwhelming the gully," the sum of the crests of the treasure trove is enlarged, the insignia of the special fund for the last generation of rock, the bulb before the official legislation of Ukraine, is overhauled in the name of the enemy and not by kasovymi vestiges, but can not be entered into the replacement of current rock (overhauled Up to the budget; it is turned out to install, sho nadal tsi koshti, tochno).

Count "Nahahovana earnings" vidobrazhaetsya suma income, accrued for okremimi types diyalnosti install. The tsa graph was introduced into the forms in No. 4-1 cd "Zvіt pro nadegzhennya i vіkoristanna koshtіv, otrimanykh yak fee for the services, nоuyayutsya budgetary establishments" that № 4-1 km "Звіт про надходження і використання коштів, отриманих як payment for the services, Budgetary institutions ". At the county budget establish vidobryazyuyut sumi pererahovanyh 50% otrimanoї pay for the lease lane yak zmenshennya income.

In grafі "Nadіyshlo koshtіv" vіdobrazhaєtsya scrip for vіdpovіdnim Jerel nadhodzhen spetsіalnogo fund scho nadіyshla on spetsіalny reєstratsіyny (Flow) rakhunok byudzhetnoї establish at zvіtnomu rotsі mіnus sumi koshtіv scho povernenі fіzichnim i Yurydychna ladies that / abo pererahovanі pіdvіdomchіy ustanovі abo ustanovі vischogo rіvnya.

At the designated county of form No. 4-1 cd, the budgetary establishments are to display sums pererahuvan 50% of the off payment for the lease of the lane to the point 27 stt. 2 to the Law of Ukraine "On the Budget of Ukraine for 2003 ric" yak zmenshennya priboriv.

In grafі "Kasovі vidatki - vsogo" vіdobrazhaєtsya scrip kasovih vidatkіv spetsіalnogo fund budget for vіdpovіdnim Jerel nadhodzhen in rozrіzі kodіv ekonomіchnoї klasifіkatsії, tobto vidatkіv scho provedenі Shlyakhov pererahuvannya koshtіv Zi spetsіalnih reєstratsіynih (Flow) rahunkіv, vіdkritih in organs Sovereign Treasury of Ukraine (set bankіv ). In the forms No. 4-1 cd, No. 4-1 km, No. 4-2 cd, No. 4-2 km for the ti gi gi takozh vidobrazhayutsya sumy, conducted for operations in the natural form of the inozemniy currency. Vidatki zmenutsyutsya on sumi, scho nadіyshli on spetsialnі reestratsіynі (streaming) rahunki on the vidnuvlennya kasovikh vidatkіv, carried out at a streaming rotsi.

At the county " Kasov videtki - the number is directed to the repayment of zagornovanosti zagalnogo fund" forms number 4-1 cd that number 4-1 km vidobrazhaetsya sumo kasovikh vidatkіv spetsialnogo fund buduyu, yaki buli conducted on vikonannya st. 64 Law of Ukraine "About the State Budget of Ukraine for 2003 ric".

In grafі "Faktichnі vidatki - usogo" vіdobrazhayutsya faktichnі vidatki byudzhetnoї Set behind zvіtny Year in rozrіzі kodіv ekonomіchnoї klasifіkatsії vidatkіv, tobto dіysnі vitrati scho oformlenі that pіdtverdzhuyutsya vіdpovіdnimi documents have to chislі vidatki for nesplachenimi rahunkami kreditorіv for narahovanoyu i neviplachenoyu zarobіtnoyu dress, Scholarships tochno.

Actual vidatki zmenutsyutsya on sumi, scho nadіyshli on spetsialnі reestratsіynі (streaming) rahunki na vidnuvlennya kasovikh vidatkiv, yakshchoo vony buli vednesenni na vozdachnyi vidatki zvіtnogo periodu.

At the county "Actual videtki - at that number carried out for vidatkami zagalnogo fund" forms № 4-1 kd that № 4-1 km vіdobrazhaetsya suma actualnyh vidatkіv spetsialnogo fund, yakі bulyi conducted on vikonannya st. 64 Law of Ukraine "About the State Budget of Ukraine for 2003 ric".

On the sum of kostyiv, yaki buli pererakhovany zі spetsialnogo fund budget in the past rotsі і poveratyutsya spetsialniy fund vidpovіdnogo budget for the special spetsialniy re-estraciyny

Rakhunok, be carried away to kostorisiv. Зміни вносяться у разі необхідності збільшення видтків special fund to the budget vasledidok перевищення надходжень до цього фон у урахуванням

Zalishkiv budgetary koshtiv on the ear of the flow budgetary period, not vicarities at the time of the budgetary period, they are charged with insiders, peasants in the budget for the next few years.

Розпорядник budgetary коштів спрямовує такі кошти насамперед на погашення заборговаіі з pay for pracіі, нарахувань на заробітну a fee, communal services енергоносіїв. At razіsitytnosti takoї zaborgovanosti, rozporyadnik budgetary koshtіv spryamovuє:

  • 50% коштів - on come, які здійснноться for рахунок відповідних надходжень;
  • 50% of koshtiv - come in, yakі neobhіdnі for vikonannya main functions, ale not protected by kostyami zagalnogo fund budget for the budgetary program (function).

Yakscho in-line budget perіodі not peredbachenі budget reached zhetnі asignuvannya for vіdpovіdnim Jerel nadhodzhen in spetsіalnomu fondі budget, then Costa, pererahovanі Zi spetsіalnogo fund budget poperednomu budget perіodі have razі їh Povernennya nevikoristanimi, zarahovuyutsya to zagalnogo fund budget (code dohodіv 24060300 "INSHI Nadechzhennya) from the day of nabutty chinnosti Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine" on the current river.

Count "Zalishok na kynets zvіtnogo periodu" ("Zalishok na kynets zvіtnogo periodu") is used to induce barnacles of grotesque koshtivs.

In the case of a special fund, the special fund (krim kolishkiv koshtiv na kachatok roku) establishes a lower rivnya set vishchogo, rivnya, abo navpaki, tsi koshi vystaviva, scho pererahovuye їh, vіdobazhaye yak zmenshennya zaprediv u zvіtі formi № 4-1 kdo No. 4-1 km .

I will establish-otrimuvachom koshtiv vony vidobrazhayutsya yak nadokhozhennya income that vikoristana zgidno z kostorisom for the form No. 4-1 kdo No. 4-1 km.

Кожна бюджетна установа складає та подає у складі річного фінансового звіту тільки ті звіти за формами № 4 кд та № 4 км about the special fund behind imprinted necklaces nadohodzhen, yakі mіy izstava.

Form number number i kd.1 4-3 4-3 km.1 "Zvіt about nadhodzhennya i vikoristannya іnshih nadhodzhen spetsіalnogo Fund (poziki mіzhnarodnih fіnansovih organіzatsіy)" skladayutsya establish SSMSC otrimuyut Costa mіzhnarodnih fіnansovih organіzatsіy for pіdgotovki that realіzatsії proektіv ekonomіchnogo i sotsіalnogo Development of Ukraine.

Zapovnennya zaremih graph of zvіtіv tsikh forms zdіysnjєyatsya for this order.

Count 4 "Solidified by koshtoris on the ric" shows the sum of the planned asynchrony, hardened by koshtoris. Yaksho stretching zvitnogo rock to koshtorisu Buli introduced zmіni, then in the graph "Solidified by koshtorisom on the ric" show the sum of the specified ascension.

In Count 5 "Zalishok koshtiv on the ear of rock - the foreign currency" note sumka pouring koshtiv on stream rahunku on the ear of zvitnogo rock in the foreign currency.

Count 6 "Zalishok koshtiv na kachatok roku - uah" note sumka pouring koshtiv on stream rahunku on the ear of rock in the foreign currency, sho is re-shipped to the national currency for the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine on the cob of rock.

In Count 7 "The embankment is flooded - the alien currency" is shown in the sum of the koshtivs of the last fate in the foreign currency, but the bula is redrawn in the light of the enemy and not by the kasovi witches, and this can not be attributed to the change in the appearance of rock.

Count 8 "The embankment is overburdened - UAH" is displayed in sums of koshtivs of the last fate in the foreign currency, reallocated to the national currency for the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, but the bula is redrawn in the notorious Russian not by kasovymi vintages, and that can not be entered into the name of the inscription of the zvitnogo Rock.

In Count 9 "Nadiyishel koshtiv for zvіtny periyod - inozemna currency" vіdobrazhaetsya suma koshtіv, otrimanih in inozemnіy currencies.

In Count 10 "Over the past few years for the first period - UAH" the sum of the koshtis is reclaimed, otrimanyh in the foreign currency, but is re-paid to the national currency at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine on the date of the operation.

Count 11 "Курсова різниця - грн" is imposed on the sum of the exchange rate, which is stipulated in the case of the new foreign currency in the national currency for the exchange rates.

Count 11 "Kasov videtki - inozemna currency" vіdobazhyaetsya sumo kasovih vidatkіv budgetary establishments, conducted in the foreign currency shah pererahuvannya koshtiv from the stream rahunku for all types of operations.

In grafі 13 "Kasovі vidatki - UAH" induced scrip kasovih vidatkіv in rozrіzі kodіv ekonomіchnoї klasifіkatsії vidatkіv conducted in іnozemnіy valyutі Shlyakhov pererahuvannya koshtіv s stream rahunku, pererahovana in natsіonalnu currency for the course Natsіonalnogo Bank of Ukraine on the date zdіysnennya operatsії.

In Count 14 "Actual videtki - inozemna currency", the sum of actual amounts of budgetary funds shall be imposed, then it shall be executed, which shall be documented in the form of documents and carried out in foreign currency.

In Count 15 "Actual videtki - UAH" vіdobrazhaєtsya suma actualnyh vidatkіv (dіysnі vitrati, scho duly issued to be confirmed in the documents), conducted in the foreign currency, reallocated to the national currency at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine on the date of the operation.

In Count 16 "Zalishok koshtiv na kynets zvitnogo periodu - inozemna currency" note sumka pouring kostyv on stream rahunku on kynets zvitnogo roku v inozemnіy kvaliі.