Groshovo-credit systems for foreign banks - Ivanov VM

11.3. Groshovo-kreditnyi sistemi kraine, scho rozvivayutsya

The middle of the great rozmiyaet of economical models of the territories of the Third Sviatu (kraine, scho rozvivayutsya) can be written in the form of the process of forming the pennies and credit systems. The rozvitok і сущнийний стань грошово-крединих систем змовлені колоіальним минулим та помітною економічною відсталістю переважної більшості цих країн.

Groshovo-kreditnyi sistemi kraїn, scho rozvivayutsya , perebuvayut zagodkovomu stenni takuyayut takі basic elements:

• Two sectors of penny systems;

• Install the central bank;

• inland banks, yakis, as a rule, finance virbitntsva, as well as on domestic intraday and export;

• місцеві комерційні banks, banks are rozvitku;

• as much as informal credit lines, yak obesluzhivu sylkski and informal mіskih vibroknіv, often on lihvarskih umovah.

At bilshosti kraїn, scho rozvivayutsya, penny system is stored in two sectors.

The first - organisations sector of the groschen system of organisations of grotesque ribbons. Vin, as a rule, small, often controlled zzovn; Maximum range of nominal interest rates mj zhorstke legislatsvche obmezhennia. In such a country the power is regulated by the price of a pittance. Organs of groschennyh trinkets obusluvuyu peremewly fіnansovі consumption of medium and large mіssevich ta іnozemnih pіdpriєmstv u perchasnomu industrijnomu sector.

The other sector is the great, albeit chaotic, and unorganized pennies, uncontrolled, illegal, and often Likhvarsky. Up to this sector, a population with low supplies is zmushene zverutisya.

Such a structure of the penny systems deprives the duality of the economical structure of the weakly destructive territories. In addition, vona є naslіdkom tendentsії, characteristic for kraїn, scho rozvivayutsya, - obuslugovuvati consumer zamozhnoї eliti, nehtuvati consumers bіdnih proharkіv populjannya.

The main reason for instability natsionalnyh grosnovy oditnits є slabka їh kontrolovanist power. Спроможність урядів країн The third pillar of the regularity of the groschen grove is to be interchanged, in a nutshell, in the opinion of the economist, in a different way, the instability of such a vital for the economy of the internal financial resources, as well as the inflows into the foreign currencies. Виміряти розмір грошової маси дуже важко, ще складніше для центральної банівської установи контрольватиїїї.

Внаслідок нестабільності національної грошової одниці, що є також the result of non-effective control, більшість країн, що розвиваються, стикаються з проблеммою валютного заміщення. The effect of the foreign currency is vinica, if the currency is equal to that of the alternative one, the vimiryugnia vartosti ta nagromadzhnya (napriklad, dolari USA u pіvnichnіy Mexici).

Loan systems in the territory with undeveloped markets zabezpechuyut neobhіdnі fіnansovі sggi: mobіlіzatsіy zaoshchadzhen, rozmіschennya kreditіv, obmezhennya riziku, inshаta іnavlіnnya currencies коштами. In addition, їх використовуть for a penny-credit regularity of the state in accordance with the method of maturing macroeconomic instability, characteristic, for the application, for багаоох країн Латської Америка (висока інфляція, великий бюджетний і торговий дефіцит). The credit system is the main instrument of the construction of the policy of the Stabilization.

Спроможність центральних банків розвинених країн ефективно виконувати адміністративні й регулюючі functіії змовлена ​​тим, що ці країни мають високоінтегровану цілісну економіку, folding up the business of the financial system, education, proficiency and prosperity of the population.

The singularity of the sovereign regulation of the penny-and-credit systems of the krais, čo čovyvayutsya, силь strong polіtichny vpliv і control of the central bank at the end of interest rates, currency exchange rates, lititsuvannyaim importu tochno.

The main duties of the central bank in the regularized groschinoi system are the replacement of goods in bulk from the foreign trading partners to the national currencies of the country's housing stock; Perekonati in najinosti nationalny penny-credit systems.

Central banks bugatokh kraine. The third gate is exchanged for controlling the currency of the cich kraine. Zemovlennoe peredusim such factors, yak zdіysnennya order fiskalnoy polichiki that great budget deficit, which is guilty of fi- nansuvatisya abo for dopomogo drukuvannya groshno, abo for the addition of non-terrestrial and internal posks. Deficiency is unavoidable before the debt is reduced to inflation and expenditure until the currency.

For perestavoї bіlshostі kraїn The third svitu is typical for those central banks that do not mute the needlessness of the nezalezhnost for the vikonannya macroeconomic and regulatory functions that are central to the banks rozvinenih kraїn.

The rozvitok credit systems of the group of countries have created a low level of industrial and technical forms of financial institutions, they have vikonuvali function central bank. Promizhnoyu mozh mozh currency management and central bank œ central bankinstvo set, fіnansova dіyalnіst anchor perebuvaє під суворим контроль уряду. The butt of the transitional forms is banks in the collegiate British columns and protectorates (Fidzhi, Beliz, Maldivi and Bhutan). The scale of such disagreements lies in the capacity of legislative bodies to vleply to the non-material nature of the ker- nous credit-pennies.

Prior to the specific forms of the loan facility, a central bank can be shut up in small areas, and enter the foreign exchange bank - the supranational central bank. By the stock of foreign currencies, the system of regional central banks can be owned by the Zakhidno-Afrijska koruna spina (zone of the franc).

Vigodachi iz zavdan zabezpechennya priskorenogo rozvitku ekonomiki kerertsіynі banks kraїn. The third convocation povinni vіdіgravati nabagato active in the role of the new virbitntsv and financial institutions, nizh banks in rozvineny kraїnah. Вони повинні бути джерелом капіталу й one-hour нагромаджувати knowledge of the commercial property and the doviliy dosvіd. Same through the indiscretion of commercial banks to takyo dіyalnі in bagatooh kraїnah. The third gateway is the new banking system for banks.

Banks rozvitku - tse spetsializovanі deternі ta privatnі seti, sho on sreddnо-і довгостроковій basicі надають кошти для стрення и розширення промислових підприємств. Їх виникнення в багатох країнах The third person in the world is responsible, that is why it is important to lend money to commercial banks, the central bank supervise and regulate the grocery masu. In addition, commercial banks lend money on such mentalities, which are unacceptable for pidpriemstv, scho stolyamyayutsya, abo for fіnansuvannya great projects. Particularly stink nadayut koshti "nadiynim" poschalnikam (vidomim pіdpriemstvam, bagatoy yakih nalezhat іноземцям або які чoлюлюють впливові сім'ї).

Shchob spryti zrostaniņu vibrobnitsva in economists, such as a marriage of the financial capital, banks rozvitku, shukayuchi way zaluchchennia kostyv, vdayutsya to the two main dzheyrel: two-bagatosponentnyh loans of national agencies to the supply of international assistance to the Agency of the international development of the USA and the international organisation type All-Union Bank; Pose in the imperious rally.

Крім залучення капіталу banks розвитку повинні акмулювати пвний досвід що оцінки промислових проеків. Do bugatooh vipadkah їх діяльність to go far for inter-rally zvichaynogo creditor platospromozhnih klієntіv. Dіyalnіst bankіv rozvitku often podbachaє direct fate at підприємницькій діяльності, managing thе stimulated thіѕ підприємств, пo вони їх фінансують, у том чисіі державі прощнийх corporііі. This is the rank of banks in the development of the depreciation of the role of the process of industri- alization of the weakly destructive territories.

Banks rozvitku - new in the eyes of the Third Trinity, protegex vsplyv posiljutsya. At the middle of the 40th rock it was not billed 10-12 such installations, before the 80's rockin ix kilkist reached kolokh hundreds, and the financial resources became milyardi dolariv.

On the other hand, in the Індії in 1954 р. BULO established the corporation in the name of the promises of loans and investments, it won an indefinite interest in a 75 million ruble term for 30 rock. Індійські спеціалізовані banks rozvitku mozhna rozdіliti na dvі kategorії - zagalіnіdіysіkі t regіonalny. The main function is the financing of new requests, and the modernity and the expansion of the questions, the guarantee, the validity of the accrual and the obligion.

Збільшення фінансових ресурсів банків розвитку значною мірою забезпечується за рахунок капіталів privatnih, інституціональних та індивідуальних іноземних і місцевих інвесторів. In the 1980s. Inozemnym Investors lumbered 20% of the share capital of banks.

Banks rozvitku vedrygayut important role in vyshirennnyi vibrobitvtva in the Third Trinity, for them it is typical nadmirrna zapoplenist great loans. Dejkі privatnі fіnansovі kompanії (yakі takozh mozhna zarahuvati up to bankov rozvitku) is viewed from the top of the credit less than 20-50 yew. Dol. Ponies vvazhayut, so do not credit vidtshodovuyot vitrat on otsinyuvannya project. Такі фінансові компанії здебільшого відмовляються надавати допомогу дрібним підприємцям, Хоча така допомога має important for valuation of economical rozvitku. Tom dribni pidpriemtsi zmusheni shukati kosti on grabizhnitskih neorgganizovanyh groshnikh rints. In this way, nezvazhayuchi on the bankruptcy of banks, rozvitku, zalshayetsya dosuto gostroju demanded in favor of other financial resources in both financial resources and in the informal sector of the region, but, as a rule, do not afford access to loans with interest rates. Namagayuchis to satisfy consumers with other products, credit systems, third-party systems, and unichannel informal payments credit service.

In kraїnah, scho rozvivayutsya, dribnі vibroniki ta pіdpriemstva rabotaat bugatma vidomіchnoї dіyalnosti. In the sphere of small business, 40 to 70% of robots are hired, yak will secure a third of the national product. Здебільшого це unincorporated, неліцен-зовані й нереєстровані підприємства дібних фермерів і виробників, ремісників, торгових агенів, індивідуальних торговців, що діють у неформальних міських и сиількие sectors of economics. Їх попит на фінансові ресурси mє special nature and not fit into the norms of zvichaynogo bankіvskogo lending. In such vipadkas zvichaini commercial banks do not flounder for admission and do not bother to satisfy the needs of other positions. Оскільки йдеться про невеликі суми (less than $ 500), and admіnіstrіtivny th stіotі vitrati maje takі sіmі, yak і for great loans, і окільки лише деякі informal mozhchut nadati neobhіdne zabezpechennya, scho є guarantor for pose in the formal sector, commercial banks do not Зацікавлені in such operations. Більшість комерційних банків у країнах, що розвиваються, навіть не мають відділень у сільській місцевості, small towns on the outskirts of the great cities, де багато видів неформальної діяльності.

Through the process of other workstations zvertayuyutsya for a penny nasampered to druziv, and vzhe Potim, yak reserve variant - up to professional prostitutes, pawnbrothers and trade agencies. The main characteristics of lihvarskogo credit :

• ці джерела фінансів extraordinarily expensive. On the other hand, it's possible to increase the stake by 20% per day for a short-line loan to a merchant;

• other farmers, you can demand seasonal loans, you can propose lihvaryu abo to the pawnshop Іdine zabezpechennya - the land abominable thinness, but in the nonplatospromozhnostі mozhe pozbaviti їх єдиних засобів виробництва.

In kraїnakh, scho rozvivayutsya, nabuvayut rozvitku bilsh efektivnyi vidi informal fіnansuvannya, yakі in active vypadkas zamenyuyt lihvariv and pawnshardi. Vonyi include land and credit card loans and loans on the principles of rotation. Такі ощадно-кредині об'єднання існують у Мексиці, Болівії, Єгипті, Нігерії, Гані, у Філіппінах і Шрі-Ланці, Індії, Китайі і Південній Кореї. Mehanism of such credit is falsified, scho group of 40-50 chol. Vibiraya skarbnik, a skinny member obnednanya transferred singer suma zaoschadzhen. Stvoreny fund on the basis of rotacies rozpodilyayatsya Mizh members ob'єdnnya viglyadі bezprotsentnih posichok. In kraїnakh, scho rozvivayutsya, bagato people із low рівнем прибутку vіddayuyut perevagu samecim forms zaoschadzhennya that poschchannya.

At vypadka of schemes of group credit it is formed asociation, scho posochaє koshi at komercitsnomu to bank abov state bank rozvitku. Potim grupa rozpodilya tsi koshti sered індивідуальних учасників, що відповідають за погашення заки перед групою. The bulk of the group is guaranteed to pay the loan to the lender for payment of the yogas. Assigned to the group, dribnі poschalniki mait mozhit mozhnivist zniziti vartіst velikosti pozhki, tobto mozut access to a formal commercial loan. The members of the group are satisfied with the credit, there is a principle of spinal conviction for the turning of the pose. Characteristically, the rates of poses are lower, nizh for pozhalnikov in the formal sector.

With the butt of the programs of the gross credit - Program in Bangladesh , yak dі і з 1974 р. For the whole program of the state budget, the budget is to be vikorostvuyutsya for nadannya credit landless residents of the Silesian districts. Clienti banku organizuyutsya from the group of p'yatyoh nezamozhnih gromadyan. The leather group is guilty of nadati dany about sumi schotizhnevikh zaoschadzhen. Spotchatka loan to donate to the two members of the group, yaki povinni regularly make a payment. The program maє ponad 300 відділень, які обслуговуть 5400 селищ і 250 тис. Chol. In Bangladesh, 75% of all zhinkih. Loans are small (less than $ 100), and riven a damned well-meaning, nizh system commercial banks. Zvichayno 97% of these loans repay the extension of fate, 99% - the extension of two rock. Ale treba zazchachit, scho at the edges of the Third, the svyatu peravazhna bіlshіst sіlskih і міських бідняків practically can not get credit.

Controlling food

1. The nature of the transformation of the penny-and-credit systems in the over-economical economy.

2. Chinniki інфляційних процесів у країнах з перехідною економікою.

3. Specifically, the reform of the pennies and credit systems at the edges of the eco- nomic economy of Central Asia.

4. The main warehouse of credit reform in China.

5. Specificity of the penny-and-credit systems of the new and industrial territories of Latin America and the Pivdenno-Scіdnoї Аzії.

6. Efekt zamіschennya at groshnih systems kraїn, scho rozvivayutsya.

7. Functionality of the bank at the edges, which are rooted out.

Test for self-control

1. Founessuvannya dovgostrokovyh інвестицій у промисловості країн, що розвиваються, здійснють it is more important:

A) Banks for development;

B) Central banks;

C) zakordonnіі відділення іноземних банків.

2. Informal financial sector in the regions, which are rooted out:

A) stimulate the economic development of the cich kraine;

Б) гальмує економічний розвиток цих країн;

C) do not supercharge zavdannyam priskorennya ekonomichnogo rozvitku tsikh kraїn.

3. LIBERALIZATION of the currency market:

A) є neobhіdnoyu umovoyu zabezpechennya konvertovanostі natsionalnogo currency at kraїnakh z perehіdnoyu ekonomikoyu;

B) є neobhidnoyu ta dostatnyoyu I'm trying to assure the conversion of national currency at the edges of the eco-economy;

C) to supersede the process of avoiding convertibility of national currency at the edges of the eco-economy.

4. Treasury bills are widely vikoristovuytsya in the Gothic budget in the economy:

A) rostovinki;

B) the lack of an economically sound economy.

5. The sector of the world's most valuable papernovs on the financial market at the edges of the eco- nomic economy of Central Asia Scandinavia:

А) відіграє провідну role at розв'язанні problems of non-inflationary dzherela фінансування державного дефіциту;

B) є namensh we will open the sector of the market;

C) do not vplyivе on tsinu groshe in ekonomikah tsikh kraїn.

6. Shokova terapiya in Poland podobachala podilanja інфляційних процесів in economical shlyhom:

A) stimulation of the development of the zinc fibers;

B) lіberalіzаcії ціноутворення;

C) introduced by the control of the price and the payment of the rent;

Г) відмови від регулювання цін.

7. The manifestation of the currency lock is characterized by a penny system of such edges:

A) from the economically sound economy;

B) I grow up;

C) novice of industry.