Legal encyclopedia. Letter D


- a ramified set of authorities that have the ability to apply legal coercion measures.

Using in aggregate the measures of encouragement and punishment, GA maintains a balance in the political system of society.

The organization and activities of GA are based on certain principles that underlie the formation, organization and functioning of the mechanism (apparatus) of public administration.

All the principles of organization and activity of the state apparatus are divided into two large groups:

1) general principles - refer to the state mechanism as a whole;

2) private principles - apply only to certain parts of the state machinery, individual bodies or to their groups.

The group of general principles include:

1) principles of organization and activities

State apparatus, which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation: democracy, humanism, separation of powers, federalism, legality;

2) the principles of organization and operation of the state apparatus, which are enshrined in federal constitutional and federal laws (these principles specify the principles of organization and activities of the state apparatus enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation):

A) the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws over other regulatory legal acts and job descriptions (this principle presupposes the priority of constitutional norms in the performance by state employees of their duties and ensuring their rights);

B) the priority of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, their direct effect in the exercise of state power (this principle implies the duty of civil servants to recognize, respect, guarantee and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen);

C) equal access of citizens to the civil service in accordance with the available knowledge,

Abilities and training;

D) mandatory for government officials decisions that are taken by higher state bodies and managers within their authority and on the basis of the legislation of the Russian state;

E) professionalism and competence of civil servants;

F) publicity in the implementation of the civil service;

G) responsibility of civil servants for decisions, failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties;

H) non-partisanship of the civil service;

I) separation of religious associations from state associations;

J) a combination in the public service of one-man management and collegiality;

L) economy of public service (profitability).