Legal encyclopedia. Letter D


- The scheme of settlement in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The General Settlement Scheme defines:

1) the objectives of the federal policy in the field of urban development;

2) the main provisions for the development of the system of resettlement, nature use and production;

3) measures to improve the environmental situation in the regions, the rational use of land, the preservation of the territories of historical and cultural and natural heritage sites;

4) territories favorable for the development of settlement systems; Specially protected natural territories; Coastal areas; Territory for agricultural and forestry purposes; Territory with extreme natural and climatic conditions.

Consolidated GP schemes are developed for mutual agreement

Interests of subjects of the Russian Federation and interests of the Russian Federation at realization of town-planning activity. They determine:

1) zoning of territories;

2) measures to develop regional settlement systems;

3) measures to develop engineering, transport and social infrastructures of interregional and regional importance;

4) measures on rational nature management;

5) provision of resources for the purpose of integrated development of parts of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Consolidated schemes GP are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in coordination with the interested bodies.

In territorial complex schemes are defined:

1) the main directions of the implementation of state policy in the field of urban development of districts and rural districts;

2) zones of various functional purposes and restrictions on the use of territories of these zones;

3) measures to protect the territories of districts and rural districts from the impact of natural and man-made emergency situations;

4) directions of development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures of inter-selenium value;

5) the territory of the reserve for the development of settlements;

6) territories for individual housing construction;

7) the territory for the organization of recreation places for the population.

Territorial complex schemes GP are developed and approved by the local government of the relevant districts and rural districts.

The master plan is

Town-planning document that determines the interests of the population and the state in the formation of the environment of life, the direction and boundaries of the development of urban and rural settlements.

Projects of the features of urban and rural settlements, features of another municipal entity are developed on the basis of master plans.

When GP develops zoning schemes for territories that determine the type of use of territories.

Zoning provides a favorable

Living environment, protection of territories from the impact of natural and man-made emergency situations; Prevents excessive concentration of population and production.

Restrictions on the use of territories are established in the following zones:

1) the zone of protection of historical and cultural monuments;

2) zones of specially protected natural areas;

3) sanitary, protective and sanitary protection zones;

4) water protection zones and coastal protection belts;

5) zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources;

6) zones of occurrence of minerals;

7) territories subject to the impact of natural and man-made emergency situations;

8) zones of emergency environmental situations;

9) zones with extreme natural and climatic conditions. The intensity of land use is determined taking into account the restrictions.