Legal encyclopedia. Letter D


- is a collection of individuals, classes, groups, corporations, estates, institutions,

Whose interaction is regulated by civil law and which do not directly depend on the state itself.

G.O. in its narrow, intrinsic meaning is inextricably linked with the rule of law, they do not exist without each other.

Fundamentals G.O .:

1) economic: a multistructure economy, a variety of forms of ownership, regulated market relations;

2) political: decentralization of power, separation of powers, political pluralism, citizens' access to participation in state and public affairs, the rule of law and equality of all citizens in front of it;

3) spiritual: the absence of a monopoly of one ideology and outlook, freedom of conscience, civilization, high spirituality and


G.O. has its own characteristic distinctive features:

1) the presence in society of legally free owners of means of production;

2) the development and ramifications of democracy;

3) legal protection of citizens;

4) a certain level of civic culture.

G.O. operates on its inherent certain principles, such as:

1) private ownership of the means of production;

2) individual freedom and independence of the individual;

3) popular sovereignty, supremacy and sovereignty of the people;

4) awareness of citizens about the activities of the state and society;

5) the freedom to form public opinion;

6) the fairness of laws and the strictness of their implementation.

Modern GO passed a long period of its formation - from the community to social entities (estates, social groups, classes), then society emerged as

The aggregate of citizens of the country, and on a global scale, the world community of citizens was formed.

The structure of GO includes:

1) political parties and lobbying organizations (committees, commissions, councils) created under legislative and governmental bodies;

2) socio-political organizations and movements (environmental, anti-war, human rights);

3) business associations, charitable foundations;

4) scientific and cultural organizations, sports societies;

5) independent mass media;

6) the church;

7) the family.

In addition, GO embraces economic, political, family-related, ethnic, religious and legal relations, morality, and also political relations not mediated by the state between individuals who are primary subjects of power, parties, interest groups, etc.

In G.O. in contrast to state

Structures are dominated not by vertical (subordination), but by horizontal links-the relationship of competition and solidarity between legal, free and equal partners.

An important place in the structure of GO belongs to a group within which the social action of the individual unfolds.

GO can not be imagined without national, religious and other traditions, customs, myths, symbols, stereotypes of behavior, moral and ethical norms, values, etc. It includes a system of social ties in which economic, political, economic,

Professional, cultural, religious and other interests of people.