Звітність budgetary installations - Tkachenko І.Т.

The order of storing the name of the Vicaristan kostyav by non-brokered establishments

U zv'yazku z nabuttyam chinnosti Budget Code of Ukraine dated 21.06.01, Laws of Ukraine "About the State Budget of Ukraine for 2002 rіk" dated 20.12.01 № 2905-111, "About об'єднання співвласників багатоквартирный будинку" dated 29.11.01 № 2866 -III that keruuchitsy st. 8 Law of Ukraine "On the state of the payment of the service in Ukraine" that clause 7.11.12 paragraph 7.11 Art. 7 The Law of Ukraine "On the Encouragement of Pribudku pidpriemstv" (Dalí - Law) establishes the order of storing the name of the Vicaristan kostyv by non-bootlegging establishments and authorities (Dalí - Zvіt). Tsey Zvіt skladayut Install she organіzatsії scho vklyuchenі to Reєstru nepributkovih SET (organіzatsіy) s prisvoєnnyam Find our nepributkovostі (Dali - nepributkovі established) in the established order vіdpovіdno to nakazіv Derzhavnoї podatkovoї admіnіstratsії Ukraine "About zatverdzhennya position of about Reєstr nepributkovih organіzatsіy that SET" od 11.07. 97 No. 232, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 06.08.97 under No. 291/2095, "On the consolidation of the procedure for the identification of the structure of the non-proprietary installation (organizatsiy) " dated 03.07.00 No. 355, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 27.07.00 No. 451 / 4672.

Звіт warehousing for the form, to provide information, and to submit to the state submission for the purposes of non-bookkeeping establishments in the territory, established by the Law of Ukraine "On the procedure for extinguishing zobov'yana plavnikiov before the budgets of the state money funds" dated 21.12.00 No. 2181-111.

Urakhovoychy, as of 7.11.2-7.11.7 paragraph 7.11 of Art. 7 Law viznacheno Income nepributkovih SET scho zvіlnyayutsya od opodat-Kuvanov so install neobhіdno lead podatkovih Obl_k zaznachenih dohodіv i vitrat okremo od іnshih dohodіv i vitrat, scho shaping can otrimuvati nepributkovі vіdpovіdno to place the paragraph of another p / n 7.11.9 p. 7.11 article . 7 to the Law.

Yakscho nepributkova setups otrimuє INSHI revenues that Nese them vitrati scho pov'yazanі s otrimannyam such dohodіv, then pіdstavі danih about tsі Income i vitrati, SSMSC vіdobrazhayutsya in Zvіtі, held rozrahunok podatku on Prybutok, amortizatsіynih vіdrahuvan not vrahovuєtsya at tsomu scrip ( Paragraph of the other and third subparagraph 7.11.9 of paragraph 7.11 of Article 7 of the Law). The terms of the payment of the accrual to the budget are established by the strict legislation of Ukraine.

Платники податку мають право не пізніше ніж за 10 днів до закінчення терміну подання Звіту надіслати його до податкового органу поштою з повідомленням про вручення. The order of registration of the designations of postal directions has been established by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the consolidation of the procedure for the decoration of postal visas, contributions by documents, declaration documents and declarations" dated July 28, 1997 No. 799.

At Звіті it is given dansi for vsima peredbacheniyami Zvіt by otpaznikami for zvіtnyj kvartal that narostayuchim pіsumkom z povatku zvіtnogo (podatkovogo) fate. Yaksho viewers vіsutnі, tch stat (rank, graph) prokreslyuetsya.

In Zvіtі not guilty of buti zhodnih pidchistok і blots. Vipravlennya pomolok zdіysnyuetsya z doitmanannyam prinnogo legislativstva Ukrainy.

Pokazniki zvіtu suggestive in tisyach UAH s one Desyatkova sign pіslya Komi chornilom abo Kulkova knob for Relief drukarskih machines, printerіv, zasobіv mehanіzatsії that іnshih zasobіv, SSMSC b zabezpechili zberezhennya Tsikh zapisіv protyagom as set by termіnu zberіgannya zvіtnostі that zapobіgli b Adding nesanktsіonovanih i nepomіtnih vipravlen .

For warehouses Звіту використовуться дані бухгалтерського обліку та первинних документаів.

Достовірність даних, зазначених у Звіті, підтверджуєється підписами керівника і for the head accountant, and for відсутності in the installation of the organisation of the accounting service - specialty, yakiy vede oblik, i zvіdchuytsya print.

In zagolovnіy chastinі Zvіtu zaznachayutsya Povny Hosting Project Install, mіstseznahodzhennya, telephone, іdentifіkatsіyny code form vlasnostі, pіdporyadkovanіst, Hosting Project Authority derzhavnoї reєstratsії that reєstratsіyny number, rіshennya about reєstratsіyu in podatkovih organі, prisvoєna Find our nepributkovostі, Hosting Project podatkovih authority to yakogo podaєtsya Zvіt.

Звіт warehousing in two parts.

In part І Звіту зазначаються всі доходи небубуткової установи, що звільняються від оподаткування (ряки з 1 по 7), та прям їх використання (рядки з 8 по 9).

In the case of unreachable non-bootlegging (organisation), the mine, which has been paid for free of charge by the vouchers of the benevolent donors (rows, 2.1.2, 6.1.2), the vartness of such a mine is posted to the subordinate documents.

Yaksho neprobutkovi establish the return of the pre-admission of the younger dzherel, then the proficiency of vitrathi, without any repetition of the repayment of such income, vidobrazhayutsya in a row 11 Zvіtu at the very same podatkovy period, yak і zaznacheni доходи.

For rozrahunku perevischennya cutaneous nepributkova establish at row 14 zaznachaє scrip dohodіv scho vivіlnitsya od opodatkuvannya for poperednіy zvіtny (podatkovih) Year, yak takes s column 4 "Narostayuchim pіdsumkom s cob zvіtnogo rock" vіdpovіd-foot row Zvіtu for poperednіy (podatkovih) Year.

At the 15th row, the sum of the sum is designated as a surplus for the income of the younger dzherel, is changed to the sum of the accrued payment, and the surplus for the cross-check (podatkova) rik, scho viznachaatsya yak rіznitsya mіzh give the graph 4 rows 12 and ____.

In the row 17, designate the sum of the vitrate for the cross-sectional (submacial) ric that is the first quarter of the streaming rock, that is, the yak of the sum of the given rows is given. 9 graph 4 The symbol for the cross-section of the row 9 is the graph 3 for the 1st quarter of the stream rock.

Marked in a row of 22 soums, the payment for the surplus is to be sold for the results of the first quarter of the stream rock, that is paid to the budget in the term, established by the law of Ukraine.