Audit - Moustache BF


Reformuvannya buhgalterskogo oblіku that fіnansovoї zvіtnostі, zatverdzhennya new plan rahunkіv i natsіonalnih position (standartіv) oblіku that auditorskih normativіv vimagayut reformuvannya th udoskonalennya organіzatsії i metodologії audit.

In the minds rozvitku rinkovoї іnfrastrukturi vіdbuvaєtsya processes formuvannya rozgaluzhenoї MEREZHI aktsіonernih, spіlnih, orendnih of companies, kontsernіv, insurance kompanіy that іnshih pіdpriєmnitskih structures SSMSC not toil vischih organіv upravlіnnya. Tom vinikaє neobhіdnіst vprovadzhennya novoї FORMS fіnansovo-gospodarskogo Control - Audit.

Audit - tse perevіrka will oblіku i zvіtnostі, їh dostovіrnostі that vіdpovіdnostі chinnomu zakonodavstvu.

"Audit" Posіbnik Programs written for the course. In nomu vikladeno sutnіst audit yogo Vidi method i metodichnі priyomi, company profile i methodology of the audit ponyattya riziku i pomilok, planuvannya th Etap Audit is the audit of the basic zasobіv, zapasіv, koshtіv, zobov'yazan i perevіrki zvіtnostі technique.

The Teaching posіbnika mainly methane - ozbroїti studentіv neobhіdnimi theoreticity knowledge that practicality navichkami s audit navchiti їh methodically correctly zastosovuvati priyomi audit that auditorskі bids praktitsі, kvalіfіkovano skladati auditorskі zvіti (visnovki) vіdpovіdno to zatverdzhenih AAP natsіonalnih normativіv audit.

In posіbniku suggestive zrazki dokumentіv, naybіlsh poshirenі in auditorskіy dіyalnostі (tsifrovі danі - umovnі).