Audit - Moustache BF


1. The Law of Ukraine "About auditorsku dіyalnіst" od 22 kvіtnya 1993 p. // Voice of Ukraine. - 1993. - 29 Travnia.

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5. The Law of Ukraine "On Introduction of Change log to stattі 5 Law of Ukraine" About podatok on Dodanim vartіst "5 od 1997 r for thoracic number 698/97-BP // Voice of Ukraine -.. 1997 - 25th thoracic.

6. The Law of Ukraine "On Introduction of Change log to stattі 4 Law of Ukraine" About zbіr on obov'yazkove sotsіalne strahuvannya "od 3 breast-p 1997, № 686/97-BP // Uriadovy Courier -.. 1997 - 27th thoracic.

7. The Law of Ukraine "On Introduction of Change log to stattі 2 Law of Ukraine" On the system opodatkuvannya "od sіchnya 15, 1998 № 19/98-BP // Uriadovy Courier -.. 1998. - 10 Dire.

8. Law of Ukraine "On Introduction of Change log prior to the Law of Ukraine" About rates of excise Zborov i vvіznogo mita on deyakі goods (produktsіyu) "od 1997 r 23 thoracic number 767 // Orієntir -.. 1998. - 22 sіchnya.

9. The Law of Ukraine "About lіzing" thoracic od 16 1997 p. Number 723 // Voice of Ukraine. - 1998. - 13 sіchnya.

10. Law of Ukraine "About buhgaltersky Obl_k that fіnansovu zvіtnіst in Ukraine" od 16 Lipnya 1999 p. Number 996-XIV // Nove dіlo. 2000. - № 15 (34). - 13-20 Zhovtnya.

11. Holds the CMU od 28 Dire 2000 r. № 419 "About the order filed zatverdzhennya fіnansovoї zvіtnostі" // Nove dіlo. - 2000. - № 15 (34). - 13-20 Zhovtnya.

12. Holds the CMU 6 Veresnya od 2000 r. № 1398 "On Introduction of Change log to CMU Holds kvіtnya od 23, 1999 № 663." About normalized vіdshkoduvannya vitrat on vіdryadzhennya furrows in Ukraine that for a cordon "// All about buhgaltersky Obl_k -. 2000. - № 85 (510) -. 15 Veresnya.

13. Mandate Mіnіsterstva fіnansіv Ukraine № 291 od 30.11.99 "About zatverdzhennya Plan rahunkіv buhgalterskogo oblіku that Іnstruktsії about Yogo zastosuvannya" // Nove dіlo. - 2000. - № 15 (34). - 13-20 Zhovtnya.

14. Natsіonalnі audit standards. Code profesіynoї etiki auditorіv Ukraine. - K .: Basis, 1999. - 274 p.

15. International standards of audit: Coll. with comments. - Vol. 5 - M .: Audit-Training 1992.

16. Іnstruktsіya company profile Robot s gotіvkovogo obіgu install bankіv Ukraine, zatverdzhena Holds Pravlіnnya Natsіonalnogo Bank of Ukraine od 19.02.2001 p. Number 69.

17. The provisions about Keeping kasovih operatsіy in natsіonalnіy valyutі in Ukraїnі, zatverdzhene Holds Pravlіnnya Natsіonalnogo Bank of Ukraine 19.02.2001 p. Number 72.

18. Adam R. Fundamentals of Auditing: Trans. from English. / Under. Ed. I'M IN. Sokolova. - M .: Audit: UNITY, 1995. - 398 p.

19. Andreev D. Practical auditing: Right, Manual. - M .: Economics, 1994. - 366 p.

20. Arena EL., Lobbek JK Audit: Per. from English. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 1995. - 560 p.

21. Montgomery Audit: Per. from English. - M .: Audit, UNITY, 1997. - 542 p.

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23. Bіluha MT Form-fіnansovo gospodarskogo Control (revіzіya, auditing, ship-buhgalterska Sanitary and Epidemiological) // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1995. - № 7. - S. 12-14.

24. Bіluha MT Teorіya fіnansovo gospodarskogo-i Control Audit. - K .: Vishcha School, 1994. - 364 p.

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26. FF Butinets Buhgaltersky fіnansovy Obl_k. - Exactly: ZHІTІ, 2000. - 608 p.

27. Rollins S., S. Zubilevich system profesіynoї pіdgotovki buhgalterіv auditorіv i have Velikobritanії // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1994. - № 8. - S. 23-25.

28. Gutsaylyuk 3. Audit fіnansovih rezultatіv // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1994. - № 8. - S. 13-16.

29. Danilevsky LE. Audit: Questions and Answers. - M .: Accounting, 1993. - 112 p.

30. R. Dodge Quick Guide to the standards and norms of audit: Trans. from English. - M: the Finance and statistics: UNITY, 1992. - 240 p.

31. Once upon a VG Revіzіya i Audit: Navch. posіb. - K .: AIDP, 1998. - 96p.

32. Zavgorodnіy VP Organіzatsіya ARM accountant oblіku i s Audit gotovoї produktsії, vіdvantazhennya realіzatsії i // i Buhgaltersky Obl_k audit. - 1994. - № 5. - S. 21-24.

33. Zavgorodniy VP Taxes and tax control in Ukraine. - K .: ASK, 2000. - 639 p.

34. Zagorodish the AT., Voznyuk GL., Smoezhenko TS Fіnansovy vocabulary. - Lviv: Kind of keeps. the University "Lviv polіtehnіka", 1996. - 384 p.

35. Zaruba AD. Bankіvsky management that audit. - K .: Lіbra, 1996. - 224 p.

36. S. Zubіlevich Auditorska dіyalnіst in Ukraїnі: problems of formation i PERSPECTIVE rozvitku // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. 1995. - № 9. - S. 15-18.

37. Zubіlevich CO., Rollins SF Fundamentals of Auditing. - K .: Dіlova UKRAINE, 1996. - 374 p.

38. DR Carmichael, Benis M. standards and auditing standards. - M .: Audit: UNITY, 1995. - 527 p.

39. AN Kuz'minskii etc. Audit. Scient. allowance. - K .: Accounting-Inform, 1996. - 283 p.

40. The course of reforms - Obl_k 2000 Navch.-Pract. posіb. - Dnipropetrovs'k: TOV "Balance Club", 2000. - 256 p.

41. Robertson, Jack K. Audit: Per. from English. - M .: Contact, 1993. - 496 p.

42. V. Rudnitsky Metodologіya i organіzatsіya audit. - Ternopil: Ekonomichna Dumka, 1998. - 192 p.

43. B. Sopko, Balchenko S. Auditorsky zvіt i auditorsky visnovok // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1995. - № 10. - S. 7-12.

44. V. Sopko Buhgaltersky Obl_k: Navch. posіb. - K .: KNEU, 2000. - 578 p.

45. Savchenko Audit vikoristannya aktivіv i fіnansovo-gospodarskih operatsіy // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1994. - № 9. - S. 12-15.

46. ​​Solovyev GA. Institute of Internal Auditors in the US // Accounting. - 1992. - № 1. - S. 27-29.

47. VF Moustache that іn. Audit i-vessels buhgalterska Sanitary and Epidemiological. - Lviv: Kamenyar, 1998. - 134 p.

48. Fedulova L. Upravlіnnya auditorskoyu dіyalnіstyu // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1995. - № 8. - S. 19-20.

49. Tsіnnі Paper the Ukraine. - 2000. - № 76-77 (77). - 29 leaf fall. - S. 8.

50. Shimansky R. Problems of rozvitku Audit // Buhgaltersky Obl_k i audit. - 1994. - № 11. - S. 19-20.