The accounting region of the budgetary institutions - Joga R.T.

4.5.3. Addition of an allowance before the loss of pay

Місячна заробітна a payment працівників budgetary installations може бути більшою за посадовий a salary for рахунок surcharges і extra charges, різних за своєю економічною суттю та розмірами. Kervivnikam budgetary installments in the inter-fund balances, pay-per-sentences koshtorisom income and izdatkіv, the right to install its own pracovnikam surcharge:

  • For vikonannya obovvyazіv timchasovo vіssutnogo pračіvnika (up to 100% of the tariff rate (salary) vіssutnogo pračіvnika);
  • For the sum of the professions (posad). Pay extra to one pracitsnikovі maximal rozmіrіv not to be interchanged vіznachayutsya наявністю отриманої економії at tariff rates and salaries sumsychuvanyh posad pračіvnikіv;
  • For the expansion of the zoning zone, the service of the oblivion of the robot (additional payment to a single prac- tivniki and maximum rozmirami should not be intervened in the face of the economy for tariff rates or salaries, which could be viplachuyvatsya for the needs of the pre-trimane normative chiselnosty pravtsivnikiv).

Additions pracitsnikam at rozmіrі up to 50% of the landing salary:

  • For the temple;
  • Vikonannya especially important robotics;
  • Folding, napruzhenstvo roboti.

Boundary rozmіr signage allowances for one працівника it is not guilty перевищувати 50% of landing salary. Tse obmezhennia not shiroketsya on prazіvnikіv natsionalnyh mortgage (installation). At the times of the incompetent vikonannya zavdan, погіршення anchorі roboty zapushennya trudovoyї disciplіni tsі nadbavki skazovuyut abdomen zmenusjutsja. Additional payments for non-business days include a 25% discount on the tariff for air tickets.

Teachers, vykladacham, maystrists vibronichego navchannya ta іншим pedagogicchnym prastcivnikam zagalososvіnіh shkіl і profiіno-tehnіchnikh nаvchalnih nіnchalіvі zіііnjєyutsya surcharge for the class kerіvnitsvtvo, перевірку зошитів і писвих робіт, за керівництво subjects, cyclicals and methodical commissions, заілідування навчальними кабінетами.

З 1 січня 2001 року згідно з Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 31.01.2001 № 78 Simplified for the payment of pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical pravtsivnikam navpalnyh mortgage and installation of premiums for vislavu rocky and dopomogi for sanitation in different areas of the countryside. In 2001, the payment of premiums for vislavu rockies was calculated in the 50% scope before the reinstatement of goods, for the sake of education:

  • Podad 3 rock - 5%;
  • Понад 10 років - 10%;
  • Понад 20 років - 15%.

Zarobitna charge of the country's servicemen takozh formoitsya z posadovoho salary, surcharges and surcharges (Table 4.9).

Table 4.9


Rank of state service

Розмір extra charges, UAH



2 nd




























Їм it will be established доплати:

  • For the rank, the class rank, spetsialnoe zvannya;
  • For vikonannya obovvyazіv timchasovo vіsutnіh pračіvnikіv cich of the category of personnel (in the case of hogs, vidpustki without zaberezhnosti zaberotnoy pay tescho) - up to 50% of the landing salary for the basic robot v zikoristannyam iz tsієy metoyu up to 50% of the landing salary of the primary prazivnik;
  • For vikonannya obovvyazіv timchasovo vіsutnіh pračіvnikіv - zhinok, yakі perebuivayut u vidpusttsy u zv'yazku v vagіtnіsty y pologami, and takozh osib, yaki perebuvayut beskonovo pokupchuvannyi vіdpustytsi for dyglyadu for ditinoju up to досягнення нею трирічного віку чи у vідпустці without zaberezhenya zabobitnosti payi Trivalistyu, viznacheniyuyu in medischechnom vysnovku, ale not bilsh nizh up to dyosgnennya ditinoi six-pristine church - 30% of the landing salary for the basic robot v zikoristannyam із цією by the method of economics заробітної плати на садові, що їх обіймають відсутні з зазначених причин працівники.

The following services are to be established by the following authorities:

  • For visoki dosyagnennya at pratsi (50% of the salary for the salary of the urahuvanni pay extra for the rank);
  • For znannya і vikoristan in robotі іноземної мови (odnієї європейської - 10%, scіdnoї, threat-fіnсkoї abo africanskoi - 15%, dvuh i bіl'm moiv - 25% of the landing salary);
  • For vislugu rock, yaka viplachuyutsya shomisyachno in vidotsokh up to the landing salary of urahuvannyam to pay extra for the rank. Її rozmіr to be buried in the seniority of the state service:
  • Ponad 3 rock - 10%;
  • Понад 5 років - 15%;
  • Понад 10 років - 20%;
  • Понад 15 років - 25%;
  • Понад 20 років - 30%;
  • Понад 25 років - 40%;
  • For naukovy steps of the candidate of abolition of the doctor of sciences in the field of specialization - 15.2% of the landing salary for rozmіrі відповідно;
  • For a pochesne zvannya "merits" for rozmіrі 15% of the landing salary.

Військовослужбовцям it will be established extra charges:

  • For the Vysluga rock (25% of the salary of a penniless pawnshop);
  • Y zv'yazku z robotoyu, yaka perebacha access to the sovereign taemnitsi (15% of the landing salary);
  • For service at the Ukrainian Forces of Ukraine (40% of the landing salary).

In the budgetary settings, robotics are allowed in the holy days of the non-destructive day, the wilderness of the population (medical pawns, pensions and etc.). Payment is in progress in the day in the subordinate rozmіrі:

  • Pratsynnikam, pratsya yakih mourn for the cheapest rates, - at the time of the year, the annual rate;
  • Pricessnikam, yakі oderzhuyut місячний оклад, - у розмірі one-and-a-half-year rates of salary, salary of robots for holy and ungenerous days was fixed at the rates of the monthly normal hours, and in the fixed monthly wage rates, the salary of the robot was imposed on the monthly rate .

Праця відрядчиків у святкові та неробочі дні payment for the subordinate відрядними розцінками.

Payment in the nominations rozmіry zdіysnyuetsya for godin, actually vidpratsyovany svyatkovi neobychy day. Napriklad, yakshchoo robot vikonuvalsya z 22.00 hodini 31 mladnya up to 4.00 1 sіchnya, paid in pidvizhchennomu rozmіrі pіdlyagayut 4 godini (from 0.00 to 4.00).

Yakscho pratsіvniki Yakimov established mіsyachnі salary entice to the robot in Svyatkovyy chi nerobochy day furrows mіsyachnoї norms їm krіm salary nalezhit surcharge, scho viznachaєtsya dіlennyam kіlkostі Godin robots have Svyatkovyy chi nerobochy day mіsyachny fund robochem hour is the multiplication on rozmіr mіsyachnogo salary. Yakschoo robot was conducted on a monthly basis, rozmіr additionally to be so self-explanatory for the number 2.

For the robot at the holy days, that uncomfortable day for additional payment for the basics of the ordinance, yom moge bouti nadano іnshy day vіdpochinku stretching nayblizhchih dvoh tіzhnіv.

Payment for the right of the customs of the KZPP of Ukraine in the beginning of the year from 22.00 to 6.00 in the written form, the General Agreement, the collective agreement, or not 40% of the tariff rate (salary) for the leather of the year of robot at the beginning of the hour.

Spetsіalіstam, zokrema medichnim, farmatsevtichnim that pedagogіchnim pratsіvnikam, sluzhbovtsyam i robіtnikam zakladіv receptionists Zdorov'ya SET sotsіalnogo that Zahist population vodіyam sanіtarnih avtomobіlіv, SSMSC zaluchayutsya to robots in nіchny hour zdіysnyuєtsya surcharge of 35% rozmіrі godinnoї tarifnoї rate (salary) for cutaneous The time of robot in the nixt hour.

Medichnim pratsіvnikam that sluzhbovtsyam, zaynyatim nadannyam ekstrenoї, shvidkoї that nevіdkladnoї medichnoї Relief and takozh note hto pratsyuє in vіddіlennyah (chambers) for novonarodzhenih dіtey have Pologova (akusherskih) vіddіlennyah, vodіyam sanіtarnih avtomobіlіv shvidkoї (nevіdkladnoї) medichnoї Relief zdіysnyuєtsya surcharge rozmіrі 50% of the annual tariff rate (salary) for the leather of the year of robot in the nichny hour.

Pay extra for the robot in the early hours nrakhauvuyut, vigodachi z posadovoj okladu for staff rospisom, and robotnikam - z establishments of one-year tariff rates (posadovikh okladіv on mіsyats).

Розрахунок нічних виконується за формулою:

Pay extra for a robot in the new hour ,

Pay extra for a robot in the new hour .

Until the robot in the early hours, do not get caught in the waggons; Жінки, які мають дітей віком до трьох років; Individuals, young people in the world; Інші категорії працівників, перебачені чинним законодавством.

Сумісництвом вважається виконання працівником крім своєї the basic іншої regularly paid the robot on the infertility of the employment contract у вільний від робоної роботи час у тій або іншій установі, оргаізації. The order of payment pratsі sumіsnitstva reglamentuєtsya Holds Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv od Ukraine 04.03.93 number 245 "About robot for sumіsnitstvom pratsіvnikіv Reigning of companies, SET i organіzatsіy 's dopovnennyami is the position of the robot about the minds of sumіsnitstvom pratsіvnikіv Reigning of companies, SET i organіzatsіy, zatverdzhenim Mіnіsterstvom pratsі Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated June 25, 1993 No. 43. Tsimi documents were found out, but the triviality of robotics for sumosnitsvom can not be interchanged yearly on the day or on a robotic day on the day of the day. The trivalentness of robot for the sum of the stretches of the month is not guilty of interrogating half of the normal hours of the hour.

Umovno sumіsnitsvo pravtsivnikіv budgetary installation can be sub-loans to "call-in" and "internal". "Calling" sumіsnitsvitvo znachaete, scho pratsyvnik pratsyue in kіlokh institutov, one z yakih є yogi the basic miotsom roboti. In the case of "internal" sumisnitsvva robot vikonuetsya in thi self-installation, in the yakіy pratsіvnik є basic and і sumіsnikom vіlny vіd basic roboty hour.

Pratsya sumisnikіv mourn for the actual Viconan robot. Zabobitna fee, gained for the robot for sumіsnitsvtom, pid hour of calculating the average zaberotku on the main roboti not vrahovuyutsya. Vinayatok become a payback:

  • vchitelіv i vikladachіv, SSMSC pratsyuyut in kіlkoh serednіh zagalnoosvіtnіh, profesіynih that іnshih The Teaching-osvіtnіh and takozh vischih The Teaching mortgages pedagogіchnih pratsіvnikіv doshkіlnih vihovnih, pozashkіlnih that іnshih The Teaching-vihovnih zakladіv;
  • Medicinal and pharmaceutical pratsivnikіv lykuvalno-profilakticheshny ta sanitarno-epidemiologichnyh mortgage zavoroni zdorov'ya, set social welfare, children's budinkyv, shkіl-інтернатів для дітей-сиріт.

Kervivnikam sovremennih pіdpriemstv, set і organizatsіy, їхнім intercessors, керівникам structural підрозділів, державним слубовццям it is allowed pracyuvati for sumіsnitsvom tilki in naukovіі, викладацькійі, творчіці і медичній діяльності.

Vysokokkvalіfіkovanym spetsialistam gosudarstvennogo gosdarstva dozvolyayetsya zdіysnjuvati teodagichnu diyalnist at universities for sumisnitsvom in robochiy hour up to 4 godin na tidyan z zaberezhennyam zabobitnosti pay for the main robot.

Povozhnyam number 43 perebacheno, sho vsi pratsivniki mait the right to the main robot roboti for sumosnitsvvom vikonuvati інші роботи, які не є сумісництвом:

  • Провадити педагогічну діяльність із погодинною оплатою праці в обсязі не більш як 240 годин на рік;
  • Виконувати обов'язки медичних консультантів Installing health protection in the community не більш як 12 годин на місяць з разовою оплатою праці;
  • Keruwati aspirants in the science and research institutions and universities of science and technology, and special courses, do not perebuivayut at the state installation, with payment of ххньої праці in розрахунку 50 годин на рік за керівництво кожним аспірантом;
  • Zakiduvati kisodroju vysokokvalіfіkovanym spetsialistam, zokrema tim, yakі obiyayut kerivnyi sit at universities and NDI with payment in rozraunku 100 godin na navchalny rik;
  • Vikonuvati інші роботи, які не є сумісництвом.

Robotnikam budgetary installation can mnogotljuvatyvaetsii diferentsitsiovanii extra charges up to posadovyh okladіv for високу профійну майстерність in such розмірах:

  • 3rd row - 12%;
  • 4th row - 16%;
  • 5th row - 20%;
  • The 6th of the twisted roses - 24%.

Водіям легкових і вантажних автомобілів, busсів - від 10 до 25% встановленої тарифної bid rates for forwarding hours.

W 2003 roku 1 sіchnya scored chinnostі Holds Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine od 30.08.2002 number 1298 "On the payment pratsі pratsіvnikіv on osnovі Єdinoї tarifnoї sіtki rozryadіv i koefіtsієntіv s Pay pratsі pratsіvnikіv SET, zakladіv that organіzatsіy okremih Galuzo byudzhetnoї sphere". Tsієyu Holds Kabіnet Mіnіstrіv Ukraine learned by rote schemes tariff rozryadіv Posad kerіvnih, Naukova, Naukova-pedagogіchnih, pedagogіchnih pratsіvnikіv, fahіvtsіv, tehnіchnih sluzhbovtsіv i robіtnikіv scho Dusty mozhlivіst uporyadkuvati payment pratsі in okremih Galuzo byudzhetnoї sphere, and takozh stvoriti mehanіzm pіdtrimannya on postіynomu rіvnі optimally mіzhgaluzevih Ta mіzhpozasovih співвідношень в оплаті праці.