The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

4.8. Economical ambush of the function of the association with the interdepartmental admission (TOV), the third part of the admission,

In the process of restructuring of the PCB of the Gospodarskiye comrades, the middle of the doorsteps in the course of the restructuring of the gov- ernment com- munities will transfer the part of the loan to the com- munications for the repayment of the loans, in the civi lized cash register of the banks and structures, which will function in private and privatized activities.

The partnership with obedeneniyu vidpovidalnistyu - tse takke comradeship, scho mae statutory fund, rozdileny on parts, rozmіr yikikh viznachaetsya installer documents. The partners of the comradeship should bear the impairment of the Lisha in the boundaries of the deposits (often). When zasnuvannі danogo tovaristva for chinnim zakonodavstvom Ukraine, stvoryuєtsya statutory fund rozmіrom not less then sumi, ekvіvalentnoї 100 mіnіmalnim zarobіtnim boards (pitched in sіchen 2002 p.), For rakhunok vkladіv yogo uchasnikіv, not less then 30% vkazanogo in ustanovchih documents contribution Leather participant You can make up to the moment of reestra- tion of the products, and the deposit decision is not written in the form of a date for such a reorganization.

The deputies (participants) of the comradeship with obedeneniyu vidpovidalnistyu, scho were made on the basis of the PCB, became the number of the members of the cichs pidpriemstv in kіlkostі, as a rule, up to 15 choloviks. Members of the association, krim fizichnih osib, mozhut buti і legal entities. Trudova uchast uchasnikіv TOV y yogo vibrochnichi ta іnshih vidah diyalnosti not є obovyazkoy.

It is important to signify that the participant of the company can make his contribution to the yoga of a part of his or her (other) participant in the yogo of the third party, and is additionally entrusted with the statute. In tsiomu vipadku vidbuvayutsya one-hour perehid to such a person of all rights that obovozyaziv, scho nalozhali uchasniku, yaky surrendered his part.

The contractor of the company is able to wield the yogo warehouse for his hangover. When yomu yomu viplachuyutsya vartplast part of the lane of comradeship, proportional yogo chastitsi statutory fondi, and takozh is nablyuzhna chastichka pributku, gained by the partnership at a streaming date until the moment of such a participant from the association. The partners of the partnership wield the right of the brother to take part in the management of partnerships, distribute the surplus and otrymannye divisions in proportion to the contribution of the skinhead to the form of the statutory fund. Vodnochas stinks povinni dottrimuvatisya vimog statute of the association, rules vnutrishnogo rozporyadku that vikonuvati rіshennia zborіv uchasnikіv comradeships і rozporyadzhennya direktsії. The participant of the company may cancel out of the partnership for a single-file brigade of all the participants for the company, yakschoo vin systematically does not vikonuє his own obov'yakvіs odd comrades abo his dyami pereskojdya dosyagnenyu yogo tsіley.

In the case of offshore companies on the basis of the CPR, in the statutes of such partnerships, the so-called participants are pre-appointed. Cedephizic individuals, who were placed in the lease for the com - pany of their own land and pawns. Їм надається можлиість брати участь у зборах учасників ТОВ з пра дорадчого голосу. For rіshennyam zborіv uchasnikіv TOV асоційованим uchasnikam mozhe надаватися соціальна допомога в різних форм. Їm takozh nadaetsya pervaga pobivnyano zinishimi gromadyanyami naynatti on the robot in the partnership.

We are responsible for managing the company з з; Vazhliva osoblyvіst upravlіnnia TOV POLAGAE at that, ucho uchasniki comradii priinyatitti vіdpovіdnih rіsheni majut kilkіst golovіv, proporazitsynu rozmіr їh chastok u statut fondi. Prior to the competence of the members of the association, the partnership should be imposed on the primary goals of the partnership, the introduction of the statute to the yoga statute, and tying the goals of the partnership. Funktsіyami head tovaristva Je Keeping zborіv uchasnikіv tovaristva th organіzatsіya Logging zborіv, sklikannya zborіv uchasnikіv tovaristva vіdpovіdno to peredbachenoї statute perіodichnostі, nadannya participant tovaristva for oznayomlennya book protokolіv zborіv for їh vimogoyu, sklikannya pozachergovih zborіv for vimogoyu uchasnikіv, SSMSC volodіyut in sukupnostі bіlsh Yak 20 Відсотками голосів. The head of the comradeship does not have the right to get involved in the disposition of the VICON body.

Diyalnist vikonavchogo organu kontrolno revivizyna komіsіya, yaka zirayaetsya zagalnimi zbori iz nachalnikov comrades.

Майно ТОВ to become the basic funds that turnaround zashobi, інші цінності, vаrtість яких відображена у баланіні даного підприємства. Partnership is the lane of the lane, and that is the land that is passed to the yom by the participants in the vileness, the virulenic products, the earning and income of the mayor, the earth, the nabutih at the process of gospodarstvo diyalnosti. For pokritta mozhlivyh zbitkiv TOV stvoi резервu reserve fund in rozmіrі not less than 25% of the statutory fund. Partnership for the ranks of the citizens for the rahunok vidrahuvan for the pure surplus may stvojovati the fund for material investment, the fund for social development, the fund for social development of the financial fund, for the establishment of the citizenship, the order of form and for the citizenship.

ТОВ набуває права власності на земле в разі купівлі земних ділянок (після закінчення мораторію на продаж земельі ділянок 1.01.2005 р.) Odd pribdannya їх підставі інших цивільно-правових угод. At its dyyalosty vono vikoristvuє, krіm vernos'ї zemlі, orendovanyі zemelnі pаy (ділянки) у фізичних та юридичних осіб.

TOV samostіyno viznachaє eg gospodarskoї dіyalnostі on Vlasnyi rozsud rozporyadzhaєtsya viroblenoyu produktsієyu th obsession income s urahuvannyam svoїh ekonomіchnih іnteresіv vibiraє partnerіv, realіzuє his produktsіyu that nadaє Hotel pіdpriєmstvam, organіzatsіyam i gromadyanam for tsіnami i tariffs scho vstanovlyuyutsya him samostіyno abo on dogovіrnіy osnovі.

Jerel formuvannya fіnansovih resursіv tovaristva Je dohіd, obsession od usіh vidіv gospodarskoї dіyalnostі, peredbachenih statute amortizatsіynі vіdrahuvannya, Costa, oderzhanі od sale lane, tsіnnih paperіv contribution uchasnikіv tovaristva, kreditnі resources and takozh INSHI nadhodzhennya not zaboronenі law. Pributok TOV dovoritel'sya z nadehodzhen 'vіd syіh vidіv godararskoi dіyalnіі pіslya покриття матеріальних і прирівняних to them витрат і витрат на оплаку праці. З прибутку від звичайної діяльності to the budget to be brought before the bank by the legislation of a payment that payment. Clean the surplus, the inscriptions of the register of payment, be filled in with the rust-ridden comradeship. Vaughno samystiyno viznachae formi і rozmіri pay for the participation of those who hire the pračívnikіv. Prote zabotitny charge can not be lowered behind the restorations of the power її мінімальний рівень.

TOV, SSMSC stvorenі in protsesі restrukturizatsії PCB Mali vіdnosno slim statutory fund, scho for rakhunok formuvavsya Mainova paїv zasnovnikіv, oskіlki takі tovaristva Je pravonastupnikami PCB, in addition chislі i їh borgovih zobov'yazan, the statutory fund їh zbіlshuvavsya on vartіst Lane, yak It was transmitted to the molds for the pokrtya of the crawling zobov. Розміри землекористування більшості ТОВ досить великі задяки оренді земельних паїв колишніх членів PCB. Vodnochas TOV lease their І майнові паї. Tzimi obstavanyami і zumovlyuyatsya neobhіdnіst wide vikoristanna tsimi pіdpriєstvami naimanoї prači.

Pripinennya dіyalnіі TO mozhe bouti zdіysnene by the yogo reorganizatsiі abo lіkvіdііїії on the same ambushes, but the іnshih vidіv gospodarskih comrades.

Partnership in the dodatkovoj vidpodalnistyu , yak і comradeship with obmeneniyu vіdpovdalnistyu, moe subleny on the parts of the statutory fund. Prote yogo participants for admission to the Borg are not deprived of their admirers to the statutory fund, and dodatsko - to the cashy lane in the new for all participants multiple rozmіrі to the introduction of cutaneous them (for example, if they themselves are not vystacha for pokrittya borgiv). With the installation of documents, you can intermix the boundary їх відповідальності. Інші регулюючі норми ucodo dіyalnіі partnerships with додатковою відповідальністю ідентичні norms, predbacheniyom for comradeship with obmetenoyu vidpіdіdnіstyu.

Povnim nazivayut takie comrades, participants yakogo zamayutsya spinalnoy pidpriemnitskoyu diyalnistyu i nlyat solіdarnu vіdpovidannist zobov-zazannymi comrades all his own lane. Істотною особливістю цього тими товариства є те, що його справи. To conduct all of the participants, abo one chi kilka from them. Ostanni vidupayut vid іmenі comrades in the interminglement voznovazhen, viznacheni doruchennyam, pіdpisanim sretoyu uchasnikіv comrades. Take proruchennya moge bouti skazovano for vimogoyu naveit one of the participants of the partnership.

In the installation of the contract, the comradeship is to be introduced to the introduction of the skin participant. Wants can transfer their part to other participants for third persons for the benefit of all the members of the association, and so they have the right to march to the warehouse of the association, having moved about the three-month period. Yakshcho, the boule comrades are betrayed by the assignments of the lines, then it is permissible for them to admit to a lack of important causes, and if the number is not the same for a few months. When the participant participates, the yogic vartic quality is added to the balance sheet, which was deposited on the day of the exit, and that part of the surplus gained by the comradeship at the end of the campaign.

Солідарна відповідальність of participants in the field of all com petitions in its entirety is in the yoga lykvidatsії for the purpose, but the real lane of such a partnership is not vystacha for splitting all borg. Kozhny participant is responsible for the boroughs of the partnership without securing the line іх виникнення.

Commandite tovaristvo - tse TAKE tovaristvo Where Money Does s time one abo bіlshe uchasnikami, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut od іmenі tovaristva pіdpriєmnitsku dіyalnіst i carry vіdpovіdalnіst for zobov'yazannyami tovaristva vsіm svoїm Main, Yea one abo bіlshe uchasnikіv (vkladnikіv) vіdpovіdalnіst yakih obmezhuєtsya contribution from Mayne Comradeship.

The economical organisation of the ambush of the function of the mission of a comradely partnership with neighboring comrades. Alle vodnochas yomu pritamanni pevnі osoblivosti. Zokrema, the subcontracting deposit from the private sector is not guilty of overhauling the 50% lane of the partnership, which is designated in the contractual agreement. Вони можуть діяти відіімені командильного тилки в разі наявності окремого доручення, але мають право вимагати повної інформації about yoga фінансовий стан і першочергового повернення contributionsів за умовиліквідації даного товариства.

The specialties of the business partnership are the same as those that govern him in the course of the year, and the participants of the legal tender are not obliged to participate in the legal proceedings in all cases in all the events in accordance with the requirements. Yakshtogo zh vibuvayut usi participants in private correspondence, then the commander's association may be overturned on the basis of the amendments to the agreement before the treaty and state control. When likvidatsії business trip for rahunok nayavnih koshtiv і virchki vіd sale of the lane to pay for pricy naimanih pratsіvnikіv, repay zobov'yanya to banks, the budget, and their lenders. Reshta koshtiv (for nayavnostі їх) в першу чергу розподіляється між contributors, and потім - між учасниками з повною відповідальністю.