The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

4.10.2. Economical ambush of functioning of the Sylsko-Volodarsky vibro-cooperatives

Сільськогосподарська кооперація в нашій країні in the hourly її розумінні почала розвиватися за чаів столипінської реії. Prote in the rock of the gromadyanskoe vinyni i prokazvadzhennya polotiki voynogo komunizmu rozvitok cooperative ruhu zovsim pripinivsya. The newly introduced economic and social policies of the cooperative societies have become vodrozhuvatisya and shvidko rozvivatisya. In 1922 the river. In Ukraine pratsyvali 4 yew. 1191 cooperatives of Buryakivods, 390 milk and i m'yasnih cooperatives, 102 cooperatives in ptahivnitsy, 691 credit cooperations.

The protests of the massacre of the violent women's collectivization and the secrets of the colossus of the socialist community cooperated in the same way. Kolgospi for its uneconomical nature did not boule co-operative pidpriemstvami, bobily stoveen Primus. Kolgosplniki did not bool the governors of the virulen pro-duktsі th earnings. Wongs do not have the slightest right to lash collectively with the state, having taken the pressure on the lane of the mine. Management of colpospami boulo withholding. Lisha z priinyattyam u travni 1988 p. The law of the SRSR "On cooperation in the SRSR" cooperative rush with a new impulse for its own development. Alecia does not protrude from the Silesian state, and the co-operative societies in the other spheres have been deprived of their access to the surplus, which they did not impart to the principles of the organization of cooperative enterprises.

Posthtichom for rozvitku syl'skogospodarskih co-operatives already in the rocks nezalezhno Ukraine became priinyattya Law of Ukraine "About solskogosodarsku cooperatio" (dated 13.08.1997 р.). They are entitled to legal, institutional, economical social and economic cooperation with the syllables of the state and the state. The law is viznachaє sіl'kogospodarsky cooperative * 4 yak juridichnuyu persona, uvorenu phizichnymi ta / abo juridnichnymi sobami, scho і sіl'skogoospodarskimi volnarovirnikami, on ambushes of goodwill membership and ob'ednannya maynovyh пайових vneskіv for спільної виробничої діяльності у сільському господарстві та обслуговування переважно memberів кооперативу.

* 4: {Viznachennya is imposed until the Law of Ukraine "About the entry of zmіn to the Law of Ukraine" About solskogosodarsku cooperative society "(dated 2.11.2000 р.).}

Syl'skogoospodarsky vibrochnichy cooperative ( UCW ) is a juridical person, it is uttered by the shoe of obedinnya fizichnyh osib, yakі і sіl'skogoospodarkimi commodity distributors, for the spirited vibrobitvtva products sylskogo, ribnogo i lisovogo gospodarstva on ambushes obovzyakovoї laborovoy part of the process of vibrobitvtva. Yak vyplivaє z vavedozhenogo viznachennya, members of this cooperative can mozhut bushi more than phizic individuals.

Sils'kogospodarsky obsogovuyuchy cooperative is a juridical person, the border for nadannya has served to the members of the cooperative that those individuals with the method of provocation їх сільськогосподарської діяльності. In the case of a pythoma, the vaga has served, after giving to other people, it is not guilty to overhaul 20% of the coarse-grained co-op turnover. When obeshgovuvannnyi members of the cooperative is not put meta otrimannya pribudku. Members of the dany cooperative can be both phisical and legal entities, they can be punished by yogo's services, formulate funds and take the fate of the cooperative.

Залежно від виду їх діяльності розрізняють такі види обслуговуючих кооперативів:

  • Pererobni - borrowing a flash from Sylskopodarskoe sirovini, viribnitsvom food products;
  • Zagotivelno-zbutovi - zdіysnjutot zagotivlyu, zberigannya, before sale of the box, sales of products, marketing of sales and services;
  • Postachalnitsky - procurement and supply of material and technical resources, necessary for the sylskopodarsky vibrobitvita;
  • Сервісні - надають різні послуги - меліоративні, ремонтні, будівельні, ветеринарні, науково-консультативні тощо;
  • Bagatofunctional cooperative, yakі poєdytjat decіlka vіdіv діяльності.

A member of the cooperative may be a juridical person, a yaka who has rushed in the introductory and passive surgeries of the statutory rozmyrs before the birth of the statute, and has complained to the yogic statute, that is, the principle of the cooperative. The entry of an extra class is due to a grotesque form for an organisational reservation of a cooperative. Він захоховується у недільний фонд і в разі виходу з cooperative not to turn around. Payovy vnesok mozhe bouti kratlenii shalom prodolzhi cooperative maya, maynovih rights to land a day. When re-designed by the cooperative society, collegiums of the KSPs hosted the Maynovka with their own shares. A member of the cooperative shall have the right to a praiseworthy voice. They are behind the withered bazhanni mozhe buti contributions to the fund's fund dodatkovy pai ponad obovjazykovy share.

Up to the warehouse, the cooperative can join the members. Cе - фізичні та юридичні individuals, yakі zdіysnili lishe paiovi vyaski. Wongs can not be brothers in the labor community in the cooperative and go through the right to a doradic voice.

The basic principles of cooperation are the goodwill of membership in the co-operative of the non-negotiable vihid; Obovyazkovkov work in the diyalnosty vibrochnichogo cooperative and obovvyazkovist members of the godarsky diyalnosty obeslugovuyuchogo cooperative; Відкритість і accessibility of membership in the cooperative for quiet, hto viznachen yogo statute; Democratic nature of management, rivnyi rights in priyinyatі rishen for the rule: one member of the cooperative - one vote; Obmenzhenya pay for frequent income in the unit; Rozpodіl income to the members of the cooperative as part of the partnership with the cooperative.

Rishennya about prctranennya cooperative to take yogo set zaborami. The membership of the cooperative can not be changed for trih osib. Co-operative є juridical special. The main law is the document, which regulates the cooperative, йо yogo statute, which priymayetsya dignitaries on the installation zborah.

Members of the co-operative society have the right to take part in the cooperative cooperative, take it back in the organization, administer the unit to the income on the share, take off the co-operative payments, withdraw the shares from the cooperative. Асоційовані залени малють the right to отримання parts to the income on a share. In the case of a cooperative, one can not afford the right to revoke its Mayor's share in the income often.

Manage the cooperative on the basis of self-adherence. Yogo viscous organ є zagalnі zbori, on yakih obrirajut the head of the cooperative, the members of the board of those members of the revizinicheskogo komisii on the term, scho do not interrogate the three rock. The head of the cooperative can be taken away and governed. The order to get rid of the head of the cooperative is one's yogo function is to be statute. Між зборами управління кооперативн здійснює правління, яке очолює head правління.

In case of consumer co-operatives, hiring a vice-president is very important. Vikonavchy director zdіysnjue its diyalnіst on the terms of the contract, a way to manage the co-operative, shape the vikonavchu direktsiyu. Sporestezhna is happy to take part in the membership of the cooperative in the warehouse of the three-p'yat choloviks for the needs of the cooperative, to become not less than 50 osib. Head function її - the control over діяльністю виконавчого органу. Control over the financial and government diyalnistyu cooperative zdіysnyuє revizіyna komіsіya (yakshcho member of the cooperative less than 10 choloviks, then the function of the comic is vikoneu one person - revizor).

Mayno sylskogospodarskogo vibrochnichogo cooperative vidpodidno to yogo statute podilyatsya na nepodilnyi i poyovyi fondi.

An inadequate fund is for the sake of the races of joining extracurricular membership of a cooperative. The solitary fund of the cooperative is formed from the paivih of the mayoviks, the members of the cooperative, the members of the yoga association. Ці the fund can mop up for the rajunok primnozhenoї materіalіzovanoї vlasnostі - the growth of the lane in the natural form of the forms, the application of tsennikh paperyv. Proporzії rozpodіl to the growth of the mine між by indicating the funds to be installed on the territory of the zagalnye zborіv cooperative. For a raunch of income-earning co-operative, you can set up a reserve fund, a fund for social development and social development.

The land of the cooperative is to be stocked from land plots, piling yoma into the corridivan, and so pridbanyh dilyanki at privatnu vlasnist. Members of the cooperative transfer the right korostuvannya nalezhnymu їм landlichnoy dіlyankoyu cooperative for vidpovіdnu pay zgіdno z agreement with rozmіry, viznacheniyah zagalnimi zbori. For claims of creditors zvernennya stjagnnnia on zemnanny dilyanki, nadan cooperative in koristuvannya, not allowed.

The cooperative is responsible for its own zobovans in all its lane, and the members of the co-operative - the Lisha in the intercourse of its mayor introduced. In razi, if a member of the cooperative chi yogo asotsyiovany member to go to the storehouse of the cooperative, he turn to the maynium pai in a naturoiu, penniless to the peasants in the rozmіrі, scho vіdpіvіdіа vаrtоst pаy at the moment of the vyhodu. With ts'mu termin otrimannya share can not perevishchuvati dukh rockov. Відлік терміну починається з 1 січня року, що наступає після к время виходу (виключення) з кооперативу. Zemelna dіlyanka turn in the nature (on місцевості).

The cooperative self-esteem viznachaet prjamkki gospodarskoi diyal'nost ', vlasniy rozsud vibiraya partnerov-spozhivachiiv, postal'nikiv, fіnansovi iznaviti іn., Realizuyu produktsiyu i nada otgegi zinami, scho vstanovlyayutsya him autonomously on the pre-basic basis.

Dokhid cooperative formuyutsya nadohodzhen gidardskoi dіyalnіі pislya pokritya vitrat (materialov i iz priivnenih ti vitrat na praci praci). Дохід розподіляється на виплату добачених by princely legislation podatkіv і зборів до відповідних бюджетів, repayment of loans, покриття збитків, spent vidrahuvan at fund cooperative, payments to the income on the pa. With tsovu rozmіr income, scho sprymovuyutsya na paї, is not guilty of overhauling 20% ​​of the viznachenogo before rozpodilu. The statute of the cooperative may be applied to the income per unit of income for members of the cooperative asso- ciation members.

In sylskogosdarskih vibrochnichih cooperatives, latching on the basis of the PCB, neridko podbachayutsya cooperative payments to members of the cooperative. With the help of the method when the income is generated, the yogo singing party for the penitentiary zagolnyh zborіv cooperative sent to the fund materіnalnogo stimuljuvannya for the keensevymi results діяльності. Розподіл cooperative payments to the financial fund між members of the cooperative zdіysnyuetsya proporazcіnno oderzhіy them заробітній плаі у звітному році.

Cooperative self-esteem viznachae form і system of payment for the members of the cooperative ı naymanih pracіvnikіv u vidpovіdnі z chinnim legislation. Co-operative payment and payment often do not lie on the income before the payment. For pishennyam zagalnih zborіv cooperative can enter into cooperative ob'ednannya (chi vyhoditi of them), zberirayuchi status of legal entity.

Vyrobnichy syl'skogospodarsky cooperative can be reorganized into the pidpriimstva of their organizational forms of state darlings. Ліквідація the cooperative is able to participate in a variety of awards to the court of arbitration court.

In the process of the reorganization of the PCB, 3,325 virgin Silesian cooperative societies were used. Taku organizatsiynu form of vibration is important couples quietly CSP, the economy of some boulevards mіcnіshoy pobіvnyano zіnshimi pіdpriemstvami of the type mentioned. Members of such cooperatives were pratsedzdatnye members of the former PCB, and associate members - pensioners. Tom zasnovnikіv sylskogospodarskih vibrohnichih cooperatives became bagato osib, neridko up to 300 and more. Tse served for the past few years and in the past pravstvovіv pidstavoyu vvazhati, so so cooperative, not є rink structures, і robivsya wigs about neobhіdnіst їh perestvorennya in інші оргаізаційні form of state darlings.

Іz completed the first fate of its functional functions (2000 p.) The cooperative activities were reorganized in the form of private property, as a rule, in privatized facilities. Prote in bugatokh regions of cooperatives showed the results of the gospodarstvo diyalnosti portovnanu zinshimi private pidpriemstvami. Tomu nini (2002 p.) To conduct the moneys about the thing, the accelerated process of reorganization of co-operatives would be ahead of time. Tsei process zdіysnyuvatisya evolyutsіyno i lishhe on bogovrovilnyh ambushes. Not viklyucheno, scho bagato sylskogospodarskih vibronicheskih cooperatives zmozhut dad nadalі uspishno konkuruvaty z ninimi types agrarnikh pіdpriemstv, vikoristovoychy yak positivnyi factor velikі scales vibrobitvtva, skhilnist bugatok pracitsvnikіv to kolektivnoy praci.