The economics of agrarian applications - Andriychuk V.G.

11.4. Efficiency of the Vicory of the Combine Park

To prevent the use of harvesters and feeds riveni ich vikoristana vistovayut valiviy zbir sylskogoospodarskih cultures, oskilki zapiznennya iz zbiranjam prizvodit v znachnih vtat virotchenogo vrozhayu. Vidomo, napriklad, scho vtrasti grains reach the level of 25-30% for zapriznenny zberannya grain grains for 10-12 days. Lengthening lines in the zubranny of tsuchkikh Buryakiv can be called up to the day in vratyy vnasledok nastannya frost, yakі unemozhlilyuyut zabiralnyh robot. To that підприємствам економічно вигідно мати таку кількість комбайнів, які забезпечать збирання культур in optimum lines.

Actually, the storage of agrarian pidpriemstvst harvesters are characterized by a showpiece їх кількості in types of rozraunku per 1000 hectares zibirnoi ploschі abo obvernenim spivvidnosnjam - the size of the ziralnoi ploshi pevnoy kulturi up to the original size of the combines in a kind. In the 2000 p. In sylskogosospodarskih merchandising machines, 65 tis. Grain harvester, or 39.3% less than in 1990. On 1 grain combine harvester 209.9 hectares of grain were sowing, but it was much larger, in the vicinity of the miners (on the back, in 1994 - 135 hectares).

Проте оцінку даному показник потрібно здійснювати з урахування Productivity комбайнів, яка постійно зростає в їх нових модифікаціях. Скажімо, сучасні вітчизняні і зарубіжні зернові комбайни are technically productive pоvіvnjano зі old stamps of cars, "Niva", "Kolos", "Don-1500". To that law, the trend has been folded up to the destruction of the zealous area in a rozrawn on a combine harvester. Vrahovuy Tse factor is a showpiece stepping on the assurance of agrarian pidpriemstv harvesters. Він визначається відношенням їх фактичної наявності до нормативної потребик PC. Ostanju rozrachovujut for the formula:

Viznachaatsya vidnoshennyam їх factually nayavnostі to normative consumers Pk

De The geographical area of ​​the body, - a zonal cultivation area, ha; Trivaliity zbirnya bodybuilding - trivalval zbirannya of a body, for the sake of not allowing to spend vrzhayu, dniv; Змінна норма виробітку - змінна норма виробітку, ha.

On the great agrarian pidpriemstvah bilshist culture zbyarayut for streaming technology, zavdyaki yokіy snotokuchutsya string zbiralnih robot, otzhe, zmenshuyutsya vtrati vrozhayu, reach ekonomiia koshtiv for rahunok viluchennia dopomizhnih operatsiy. In practice, the practice and the science should be supplemented with a number of economics and technologies, which will be able to reach the flow of technologically advanced products in the bulk of vichoristan machines and the optimal storage of cargo by transport. So, it will be required in cars (Pa) for vehicles with a bunker for zibirnnyi crops for streaming technology, you can cope with the formula * 1:

* 1: {Фінн Е. А., Варшаваський М. Л., Черватюк І. Є. Complete set of machine and tractor park kolgospi and radgospiv. - K .: Harvest, 1989. - P. 87.}

Viznachiti need in cars

De Кількість комбайнів - the number of combines; Productivity of the combine for one hour of the hour - Productivity of the combine for the time of the winter hour, ha / year .; Yield - crop, t / ha; Hopper bunker - the hopper's wiring, t; Кількість бункерів продукту - the number of bunkers to the product, which is in the body of the car; Of the middle day - in the mean time, take, km; Serednya technic schwidkіst руху автомобілів - the average technical shvidkіst ruhu avtomobilіv, km / year; - Trivalov rozvitavzhennya avtomobilіv z urauuvannanyam chasu dopomizhnі operatsii , Year .; hour - Hour, shoo vitrachaetsya vivantazhennia bunker harvester in the car, a year.

I will demand cars for combine without a bunker I will demand cars for combine without a bunker You can excuse me:

I will demand cars for combine without a bunker

De The middle of the car's vanity - the middle of the car's vanity, car; Кефіцієнт використання вантажопідіомності автомобіля - koefіtsієnt vіkorostannya vtatažopіdіomnіі car.

Vikladena technique viznachennya consumer avtomobiliіv for obesgovuvannya kombainіv perebachaє, sho vos storanovі technologіchnuyu process є stabilnimi, tobto vitimuyutsya shvidkіst ruhu avtomobiliіv, vіsutnіі їh breakdowns and breakdowns combine that zabivannya robotnykh organov, zabezpechuyutsya rіvnіorna shvidkіst ruhu kombayna tochscho. Ці випадкові фактори завжди присутні, але їх negative vplyv mozhe budi pom'yaksheny efektivnymu organizatsiyehu praţi, vysokoyu kvalіfіkatsієy mekhanizatorіv ta іnshih uchasnikіv vibrochnichogo protsentu.

Efficiency of robotics combine to be vigilant for pokazniki інтенсивності, productive eco-efficiency. Until now, the exhibition will be held in such a manner that the harvesting of one combine is machine-time and machine-změn for a season. Їх рораховуть діленням відпрацьованиях певним вид комбайнів машин-днів (машин-змін) on the middle of the seasons of the combine harvester (yak tih, scho pratsyuvali, i ikh tih, scho not pratsyuvali).

Productivity combine to be valued for such showers, as the number of hectares of one hectare for a season, for a machine day and for a car. The first name of the show is displayed on the front of the display panel in the first type of combine on the middle of the season, two other display units are analogous to the one in the list, but in the znamenniku take the machine-day (machine-zoom).

For cereal combines, it is important to show productiveness, yak omnigating the harvested grain with one combine per season, one car-day, one car-zine. At rozraunkah tsih otkaznikiv beside kiselniku operuyut opributkovanim grain from bunker vazi.

About ekonomichnost robot combine to judge for the showers of a hectare zabranoi ploshi і and vitratus palnogo on tsu ploshchu. Zokrema, соівартість hectare зібраної площі визначають діленням суми всіх витрат на експлуатацію комбайнів in a hereditary way (paying for the pricess of the ziral complex with narahuvanni, amortization, palm and mastilla, repair, transporting vitrati) for the zyralnu ploshchu.

At analiziz robot combine park for rozgljanutimi pokaznikami slid pam'yatati, sho pokaznik kilkostі vidpratsyovanih one combine machine-dniv to the pinnacle step characterize trivalit zbirannya vidpіidnogo culture in gospodarstvі. Тому оцінку роботи комбайнів відповідного тип за даним показільно доцільно здійснювати з позиції встановленийх строків збирання даної культури і з урахуванням показників продуктивності. Vrahovoychy tse, for the ozagalenenie otsinki Rivne vicaristan kombaynovogo park mozhna korostatisya integrator otpaznikom (Іn), scho rozrahovuyutsya vizra:


De Fs - the actual lines of the zebrannya of the culture, the day; FZp - actually zibran area harvester for svyatlivy day, ha; Нв - norm vibroitka for an o'clock, hectare; M - the normative trivalovost robot combine with the extension of the day of the day.

Stand on the 2002 p. Bagatno pіdpriєmstv mayut lenitnіy рівень забезпеченості тими чи ішшими виды комбайнів. Especially in the forefront of the rock of independence, the problem was posed by grain grains and silage combines, which Ukraine did not vibrate. Prote є vsі pіддстави вважати, що вітчизняна промисловість пропрослона понністю забезпечити consuming agrarian pіdpriєmstv, які є досить великими. Lishchorichna demand in cereal-grain harvesters to become 11-13 yew. Odinits. We have already mastered the vibrobitry of grain-harvesting combine "Slavutich", "Lan", feed harvester combine "Maral", "Podillia-125". At the factory. Malisheva (metro station Kharkiv), there is a strict distribution of the doses of the Zubr grain combine harvester on the basis of the Polish combine "Bizon", a scheme for the threshing and a 70% completion of that in the universities. Completion of the new bunker chopper combine Zbruch.

It is important that the harvesting combines are valued (2-3 times) cheaper from the notch brands "John Deer" (Sohn Deer), Case (CASE 2166) and their analogues, the prichemu for its technical and exploitative characteristics of the Ukrainian combine and in chom do not move Inland, and for the active parameters navish transplant the rest. Combines "Slavutich" and "Lan" for one year of the main robochogo hour zbirayut (namolochuyot) for 12-13 tons of grain, mow rabochu shvidkist up to 10 km per year, piti vitriti paliva on a ton of ground grain to become 1,3-1,6 l Lying in the yield of grain, vtrasti grain at zibiranni - no more than 1.5%. It should be said that the norm of the combine harvester "Lan" for robotchyna zmіnu (7 year.) For yield up to 38 c / ha of grain is 23.2 hectares, for productivity 38-41 c / ha - 18.8 hectares, 41-45-17, 4, 45-49 - 16.2, 49-53 - 15 і for yields of 70-75 c / ha - 10.7 hectares. Nemolot grain for zmіn reach 75-79 tons. The maximum harvesting of grain by the combine "Slavutich" is 144 tons for zmіnu, prichomu vіchtiznyannі zernozibiralnyi kombayni є universalі i mozhut zborati kukurudzu, snyashnik, kormovі kul'turi. For їх експлуатації зникає the problem of spare parts, and ce zdeshevlyu servisnev obeslugovuvannya, and ozhe, і sovіvartіst zbiralnih robot.

It is important to designate, but for the viznachennya perevag tiie chi іnshoї model of the combine potrybno orієntuvativaysya not deprived yogo tsinu pribannya y okremі technic-ekonomichnye characteristics, and on vartit namolotu toni vrozhayu. Ajer in ts'mu pokazaniku znahodit vidobrazhennya tsіna kombayna, ekspluatatsіynі vitrati, vartizst spare parts і nadіynіst tochno. For pogodomlennyam L. Pogorilogo, vartit namolotu tons of grain harvesters KZS-9-1 "Slavutich" and KZS - 1580 "Lan" to become 7 dollars, then John Deer - 9500 - 17, Claas Dominator - 15.5, Massey Fearqusson MF -40 (Canada) - $ 16. Per ton.

Zvazhayuchi on the high-speed production of vichtznyanyh ta zarubizhnih kombainіv, bugatom agrarnim pidpriemstvaam z vidnosno nesolikuyu zemelnuyu ploshuyu ekonomichno nevygidno pribdavati te chi інший вид комбайнів (for the day one harvester can grab grain to 40 hectares). In zv'yazku zimom osoblivogo znachennya nabuvaє mizhgospodarske vikoristana kombainіv, yakі є uniaosibnoyu chi spilnoyu vlasnistyu. Vazhlivu role in organisatsії zbiralnih robіt vіdіgryayut MTS, especially holding, yakі komplektuyutsya vychiznyannoyu tehnikoyu і їh vibropnichi igibi-it is cheaply portovnyano with the services of private MTS. It is important to ensure that the guarantors of technical services are serviced at all times. For example, "Khersonski kombaini" BAT is vzdireena and vskoskonalyuchetsya service of the guaranteed servicing oblavgovuvannya combine "Slavutich", yaka include the tight stock spare parts, the system vzaimodії z pіdrozdolami zavodіv - vibroknіv aggregativ ta komplektuchih, and takozh zagіn regionalnyh servіshnih brigades (in 2001 r.ex. Already functioned 20). Їh the main function - zabezpechuvati operatively guarantors of obesgovovuvannya combine in the seasons, and takozh zdіysnennya ekspertizi will become technicians of the range of ziralalnyh companies. That, sorry, on the ear of 2002 p. There was not a bully imposed on the service of servicing servicemen in the field of combine harbors. Tse stosuetsya y інших видів техніки. Rozv'yaty will give the problem, hoch and partial, it is possible, skorastavshis svetovim dosvidom realizatsii sylskogospodarskoi tehniki on leasing. Vartість об'єкта лізингу збільшиться на 3-5 відсотків з метю забезпечення техніки spare parts. Funktsii such zabezpechennya take on lizindalovets. For post-warranty service, technical support, dotsilno regulate the bahontrofilnyi centrs of technical service, yakі cheap for a business.