Legal Encyclopedia. the letter and


- An area which is formed in accordance with the law and from which members or other elected officials directly elected by the citizens of the Russian Federation.

There are the following I. A .:

1) a single, i.e. IO, which includes all the territory in which the elections are held;

2) multi-member, ie, IO, in which several deputies are elected and in which for each of them, voters vote in person;

3) single member, i.e. IO, in which one member is elected.

For elections formed IO single member, and (or) multi-member or single determined I. About .; for holding a referendum is determined referendum area.

Single-member and (or) multi-member

IO are formed on the basis of data on the number of voters registered in the relevant territory. The election commission no later than 80 days before the expiry of the period in which elections are to be appointed, determines the scheme of single-member and (or) multi-IO, which marked their borders, the list of administrative-territorial units or municipalities, or settlements belonging to each IO, given the number of each electoral district, the location of each district election commission or the election Commission, which vested the district election commission, the number of voters in each IO appropriate legislative (representative) body the government, the representative body of the local government approve the plan IO no later than 20 days before the expiry date, which shall be appointed by election, said body prior to approval of the scheme by IO has the right to make amendments to the scheme submitted.

Single-member and (or) multi-member IO must be produced in compliance with the

following requirements:

1) observed approximate equality of the single-member IO on the number of voters with a standard deviation of the average voter representation of not more than 10%, and in hard-to-reach or remote areas - not more than 30%. When you create a multi-IO observed approximate equality of the number of voters per one deputy mandate. Deviation of the number of voters in a multi-IO from the average voter representation, multiplied by the number of seats in the constituency, can not exceed 10% of the average voter representation, and in difficult or remote areas to 15% of the average voter representation. These requirements can not be used in elections to the federal authorities, other federal government bodies if federal law establishes compulsory education for at least one IO in the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation;

2) the formation of IO on certain law of the RF subject areas of compact residence of Indigenous Peoples

permissible deviation from the average voter representation in accordance with the law of the subject of the Russian Federation may exceed this limit, but should not be more than 40%;

3) IO should be a single territory, not allowed the formation of IO from the areas not adjacent to each other, except for the enclave areas.

The publication (promulgation) single-member schemes and (or) multi-IO, including its graphic representation is carried out appropriately

legislative (representative) body of state power, the representative body of local self-government,

election commission organizing the elections not later than 5 days after its approval.