Legal encyclopedia. The letter AND


- a remedy in civil legal proceedings of the violated right.

I. is presented by any interested person (citizen or organization).

By presenting an interested person, the interested person seeks to resolve a dispute over the right that arises from civil, family, labor rights.

The law distinguishes I. in:

1) procedural sense - the basis for the initiation of a civil case. The claimant makes demands to the respondent through the court of first instance.

The right to judicial protection is a constitutional right. Judicial protection is provided in the civil process to individuals and legal entities and stateless persons. Grants unlimited right to appeal to court;

2) material sense - the subjective right, which is subject to protection. The presence or absence of the right is established by the court and

Is reflected in the court decision. If there is a violation of the right, the AI ​​is satisfied. In the absence of substantive law, the plaintiff denies the claim.

I. is presented in writing and contains:

1) the name of the court to which it is submitted;

2) the name of the parties and their addresses;

3) the foundation of the IE and the evidence;

4) the item I. and its price;

5) list of attached documents.

I. paid for state duty and served with copies, the number of which corresponds to the number of respondents.