Legal Encyclopedia. The letter K


- A body which considers cases on administrative offenses, nesovershennoletnihi Commission for protection of their rights.

K. DN included in the system of prevention of neglect and offenses committed by minors.

K. DN form of local government bodies and empowered:

1) implement measures to protect the rights and interests of minors: to identify factors that contribute to the neglect and abandonment;

2) to monitor the upbringing, maintenance and education of minors;

3) implement measures to coordinate the activities of bodies and agencies to prevent child neglect and offenses committed by minors;

4) prepare the materials to the court on the content of juveniles in special educational establishments of closed type;

5) consider the idea of ​​exclusion of minors who have not received basic education, from an educational institution.

6) To assist in the employment of minors or household device that freed of the institutions of the penitentiary system, or have returned from special educational institutions;

7) apply measures of influence to minors, their parents or legal predstatel in accordance with the law.

The position of the K DN specifies:

1) The main task KD H .;

2) the establishment and composition requirements KD H .;

3) activities.

VK DN can be created institutions performing certain functions on the prevention of neglect and offenses committed by minors.

K. DN has a coordinating role at the executive bodies of the RF subjects. K. DN at the municipal level deal with cases of administrativnyhpravonarusheniyah.

KD controls the activity N. prosecutors in accordance with the law.

Cases before KD H .:

1) on administrative offenses, juveniles who have committed;

2) of Administrative Offences, which expressly provided for the Administrative Code;

3) on administrative offenses, if the official to whom the case has received, transmits it to the.

KD N. Such cases include ticketless travel and violations of traffic.

The law does not provide for specific conditions of the transfer officer subordinate to him the case to the K DN under which a transfer of excess load from one organ to another.