Legal encyclopedia. Letter K



Section of criminalistics, which includes a set of scientific provisions and developed on their basis techniques, tools and techniques for collecting, recording, seizing and researching evidence for the purpose of disclosing crimes.

The main tasks of KT are the detection and investigation of traces of crime in order to identify and expose the perpetrators of the crime. An important role in the investigation of crimes is also played by the task of establishing the individual and group affiliation of the object. Also

Forensic science solves such a problem as establishing the mechanism of trail formation.

The central part of KT is criminalistic identification and forensic diagnostics, the doctrine of traces and mechanisms of trace formation. Currently, forensics are distinguished

Following branches of KT:

1) judicial photo, video recording and sound recording;

2) tracology (investigation of tracks);

3) forensic study of weapons, consisting of ballistics - the study of firearms; Research of cold steel; Exploration of explosives, explosive devices and explosions;

4) Forensic investigation of documents, including handwriting, autoradiography and technical and forensic research;

5) forensic identification of a person on the basis of appearance (gabitologiya or gabitoskopiya);

6) forensic investigation of materials, substances and products (KIMVI);

7) odeology (investigation of odor traces);

8) phonoscopy (investigation of sounds);

9) forensic registration.

KT is the scientific and methodical basis of all kinds of forensic examinations, the basis for the acquisition of the technical arsenal of the investigator and the operational officer of the bodies of inquiry, as well as the forensic specialist involved in the investigation.