Legal encyclopedia. Letter M


- part of private international law, which regulates copyright, property and personal non-property relations associated with the creation and use of works of literature, science and art. Objects of MAP:

1) literary works, the elements of which are legally indifferent subject, material, plot, ideological content and legally significant figurative system and language;

2) literary processing - musical or literary processing of works of authors who are not able to bring their work to the finished form;

3) musical works - expressed in a combination of sounds that form a melody and are associated with rhythm and harmony, as well as having the form of oratorios, symphonies, songs, etc .;

4) processing of other people's works, orchestration, arrangement - if they contain

Element of creativity.

5) choreographic works or pantomimes - works of art that are created with the help of plastic movements of the human body;

6) works of fine art-the production of painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, and the like;

7) architectural works (projects) -represent a synthesis of engineering art, bionics, painting, sculpture, science, architecture;

8) audiovisual works -products for cinema, television, radio, interactive networks, etc .;

9) software products for computer technology - individual application programs, databases, encyclopedias, multimedia programs;

10) collections of works - works that are not the subject of someone else's author's work (laws, statistics, judicial decisions, etc.), as well as works of individual authors;

11) scientific work - a certain system of concepts in the form of a textbook, monograph, article, drawing, plan, sketch, model, computer program, various kinds

Maps and the like.

The subjects of MA AP are:

1) the authors are persons who created works of literature, science and art by creative work;

2) persons (citizens and organizations) who are not participating in the creative creation of works of literature, science and art, successors to which a certain range of author's powers passes on the use of works of the author on the basis of law, inheritance or contract with the author;

3) a foreign citizen - if his work is first published in the territory of the country or not issued, but is in some objective form on its territory;

4) a special circle of actors - directors, actors, performers, producers, sound producers, etc.

The author has the following rights:

1) the right of authorship;

2) the right to a name;

3) the right to inviolability of the work;

4) the right to publish a work;

5) the right to use the work;

6) the right to remuneration for permission to use and use the work.