Legal encyclopedia. Letter M



The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation is an independent permanent arbitration institution, which

Carries out its activities in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On International Commercial Arbitration".

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation states:

1) the Rules of the ICAC;

2) the procedure for calculating the arbitration fee;

3) rates of fees of arbitrators and other costs of the court;

4) other assistance to its activities. Ways of transferring the case to international

Arbitration proceedings:

1) a special agreement (compromise), which is submitted to arbitration;

2) a special provision (a compromise clause) in various treaties, which provides for the transfer to arbitration of disputes that may arise from the interpretation or application of the treaty;

3) general arbitration agreements - the transfer to arbitration of any disputes that may arise between the parties (compulsory arbitration).

The ICAC may, by agreement of the parties, transfer:

1) disputes from contractual and other civil law relations, disputes that arose in the course of foreign trade and other types of international economic relations in the event that one of the parties is abroad;

2) disputes between enterprises with foreign investments, international associations and organizations that have been established on the territory of the Russian Federation, among themselves, disputes between their participants, as well as disputes with other subjects of law of the Russian Federation.

The permission of the ICAC is transferred to the


1) purchase and sale (supply) of goods;

2) performance of work;

3) provision of services;

4) the exchange of goods and (or) services;

5) transportation of goods and passengers; 6) trade representation and mediation;

7) leasing (leasing);

8) scientific and technical exchange or exchange of other results of creative activity;

9) the construction of industrial and other facilities;

10) licensing, investment, credit and settlement, insurance operations.

The decision of the ICAC is executed by the parties within a certain time period. In the event that the deadline for execution is not specified in the decision, it is subject to immediate execution.