Legal encyclopedia. Letter M


- The main judicial organ of the United Nations, located in The Hague and formed in 1945.

The UNSC consists of 15 judges elected for 9 years by the UN General Assembly and the Security Council. Members of the court enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities in the exercise of their duties.

The Organization and the competence of the UNSC defines the Status, which forms an integral part of the UN Charter.

The competence of MS is the totality of his powers to consider interstate legal conflicts. The competence of MS applies only to disputes between states.

When resolving international disputes falling within the competence of the UN, the following apply:

1) international conventions and treaties;

2) international custom;

3) general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;

4) judgments and doctrines as an aid to the definition of legal norms.

The main task of the UNSC is to resolve cases on the basis of international law, transferred to it by the parties, and the consent of all the disputing parties. Decisions on these cases are binding only for the parties involved in the case. They are final and can not be appealed.

States that are members of the United Nations have the right to make a declaration recognizing the jurisdiction of the UNSC as binding on legal issues or removing certain categories of disputes from the jurisdiction of the court.

In addition to decisions, the UN can issue advisory opinions on legal issues that are sent at the request of the UN General Assembly, the Security Council. These conclusions are recommendatory.