Legal encyclopedia. Letter M


- a temporary collective body of sovereign member states created to achieve agreed goals, as well as a meeting of official representatives of two or more countries to discuss issues of mutual interest. Features M.K .:

1) act on the basis of rules established by States participating in conferences;

2) represent a collection of representatives of States;

3) to ensure the activities of MK special bodies - committees and commissions are created.

TypesM. TO.:

1) conferences convened within the framework of international organizations, and conferences convened outside international organizations;

2) universal and regional conferences;

3) conferences with the participation of the highest leaders of states and the conference of foreign ministers, ambassadors, etc .;

4) intergovernmental and non-governmental;

5) in the order of convocation:

A) at the initiative of an international organization;

6) convened by the initiating states;

B) depending on the purposes:

A) peaceful;

B) political;

C) economic;

D) diplomatic;

E) mixed;

7) periodic - conferences, called periodically and lasting for many years.

MK are convened for the purpose of preparing and adopting international treaties, charters of intergovernmental organizations, discussing certain international problems, exchanging views and information, and working out recommendations.

The composition of delegations on the structure is determined by the rules of procedure for conferences. Delegations to MK are headed by heads of state and

Governments, foreign ministers or other officials.